On several occasions we had people finish out from quests too quickly after loot has been handled. Someone wins a roll they either don't realize or it took too long and they leave or have already left or someone misclicks and the item is left to someone already outside. Now an item others wanted/could use rots in the chest.

It would be nice to see a failsafe on this.

Sugestion: Make items left behind after people finish out default to the raid leader. Once that player exits they "forfeit" rights on the item, then the raid leader so give it to someone who is back inside.

Positive: Never lose loot anymore due to player miscommunications or mistakes.


A lot of extra trash goes to the raid leader.
How to implement?

Questions I dont have answers to:

What happens to the stuff if the raid leader drops or DC's?
Will there be cake?
Can I bring a friend?