I have only one quest in Eveningstar to turn in. Can you tell which one it is?
The Saga NPCs need to have their own icons. Currently they are all telling me they have a reward waiting for me.
Please keep things consistent. Quests available should be yellow, quests finished should be blue and quests in progress should be grey. There should never be any yellow check marks unless I have a quest to turn in.
Heres another culprit...
As you can see his chalice is blue because I've completed his quest. Why is he still a yellow check on the map?
The green arrows...
What are these for? What is it telling me? I have no idea. Some quests have them, some don't. If they're to make things easier they fail. They only make me confused and annoyed.
Redundant NPCs...
Didn't I see these jokers in Wheloon? Are they clones? I guess I fail to see the reasoning behind duplicate NPCs. If this is supposed to make things easier it has failed. It's creating clutter and confusing for new players. I was teaching my friend this game and he thought these were new quests for him because he picked them up from their clones. Please delete these trespassers from Eveningstar.
This girl doesn't belong in Eveningstar. Her quest and her clone are both in Wheloon.
these 2 jokers shouldnt be here. Their quests are not even in this zone and they already have duplicates in the correct area. Celia can stay because her quest is just around the corner.
Gianthold, sigh.. Looks like I have quests to turn in or NPCs to talk to or something? nope! none of these checkmarks should be here.
The amount of clutter and confusing UI elements keep adding up. It seems all of these features are designed to make things easier to understand for new players but it is having the opposite effect. Keep things simple and consistent.