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  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    You need a team dedicated to nerfing monks.

  2. #62
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaIamander View Post
    Wow you hired Axer?!?
    I wish, he'd be the perfect guy to be put in charge of nerfing monks.

  3. #63
    Community Member LadyKoneko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purplefooz View Post
    hi everyone, following producerrowan’s letter, it seems like an opportune time to re-introduce myself to the community. You probably already know a bit of me from the dungeons i’ve created: Partycrashers, the delirium dungeons, blockade buster, undermine, i dream of jeets, schemes of the enemy, and belly of the beast (proper credit should also go to keeper and enosity for the visuals they made.)

    i was lead of the content creation group while making some of those dungeons, but earlier this year i also became the lead of the design group as a whole.
    As lead, i work with producers rowan, glin and vyvyanne to figure out the strategies of who works on what and when. That’s a bit tricky, since we know that some players want nothing but content, while other players advocate new classes, or enhancements, etc. It helps that we have so many developers that are so proficient in their specialties – rather than having all the developers tripping over each other by working on the same thing, we’re organized into different teams to work on different features at once.

    So here are what the different teams are working on:

    • enhancements & epic destinies

      • the developers who specialize on character advancement systems are concentrating on addressing the enhancement issues that the community's submitted through the bug-tracker. There are currently developers spending all of their time addressing these bugs. Looking at the numbers of enhancement bugs we're fixing compared to what's coming in through the bug reports, we're hopeful that enhancements will soon reach a point where the vast majority of players feel it’s stable and complete.

      • we know that for a lot of players, “complete” means more enhancement trees. We have goals to make more trees for specific classes - we just released the eldritch knight for example. While we’re trying to fix as many enhancement bugs as we can for each release, we’d like to make sure we take the time to create each enhancement tree correctly, so you’ll see the trees trickle out at a slower rate.

      • and, we’ve already started a similar process to crush epic destiny issues. There are multiple developers working on fixing the reported ed bugs, and we’re planning out how to finish out remaining trees for everyone to feel that the system is complete. Piloto has already made posts to poll the communities for ideas on the next ed.

    • treasure improvements

      • simultaneously, wehave a different team dedicated to treasure features. They’re currently focused on resolving the “ghostbane” issues. Some of you may already have seen droctothorpe’s posts on that topic. He and the rest of the treasure team are making changes to address as much player feedback as they can for patch and update 21, and then they’ll move on to develop new treasure to go along with the new update 21 content.

      • some of the guys are overlapping with the character advancements team to look at the number of commendations of valor we’re giving out. We know that there are complaints that we’re giving out too few, and we’re working to address that. Some of what’s making it complex is that we want to give out the right number not only for the immediate short-term, but that it’ll stay the right number 6 months from now or 2 years from now.

    • new dungeons

      • yes, we also have a whole separate team busily making brand new content too, as well as fixing bugs in old content. We know this is the bread & butter of ddo, so this is our largest team.
        Btw, i haven’t stopped working on new dungeons. I’m about to go back and put some more work into the haunted halls of eveningstar. Working with ed greenwood has been a blast, and he’s certainly set an ambitious target. The haunted halls already has more gameplay than what i put in any of my previous dungeons and there’s still much more to go!

    aside from the efforts going into those priorities, there is also planning and setup work going into the future features that producerrowan mentioned. Don’t worry, it’s not our intent to simply ignore systems such as housing or crafting either – we’ll get to those once we’re through with our current pushes with core features like enhancements and epic destinies .

    A final thing before i head back into dungeon work – we’re really trying to keep the flow of communication going. Over the next few weeks, developers from each of the disciplines will be talking about what’s happening in their particular specialties. This is to give the players the information you’re asking for, but it’s also to help the developers get the feedback they need to properly take ddo where everyone wants it to go!

    - purplefooz
    way to go. Thanks for info
    * * * Koneka * * *
    --- Lunarko ------------------ Koneka ------------------ Lunako ---

  4. #64
    Community Member LadyKoneko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    I wish, he'd be the perfect guy to be put in charge of nerfing monks.
    But think of all the new we'd all get to cast!
    * * * Koneka * * *
    --- Lunarko ------------------ Koneka ------------------ Lunako ---

  5. #65
    The Hatchery Scraap's Avatar
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    So you're coming from a background of designing the last point of interaction for a character, and got stuck with the job of herding cats. Condolences, but hey, at least you're experienced with looking at what the end results need to be.

    Would you say you were satisfied with the degrees of contribution to various interactive actions from:

    Racial abilities
    Character levels

    If not, what would you like to emphasize more or tone down in the coming year?

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    Hi everyone, following ProducerRowan’s letter, it seems like an opportune time to re-introduce myself to the community. You probably already know a bit of me from the dungeons I’ve created: Partycrashers, the Delirium dungeons, Blockade Buster, Undermine, I Dream of Jeets, Schemes of the Enemy, and Belly of the Beast (proper credit should also go to Keeper and Enosity for the visuals they made.)

    I was lead of the content creation group while making some of those dungeons, but earlier this year I also became the lead of the design group as a whole.
    As lead, I work with Producers Rowan, Glin and Vyvyanne to figure out the strategies of who works on what and when. That’s a bit tricky, since we know that some players want nothing but content, while other players advocate new classes, or enhancements, etc. It helps that we have so many developers that are so proficient in their specialties – rather than having all the developers tripping over each other by working on the same thing, we’re organized into different teams to work on different features at once.

    So here are what the different teams are working on:

    • Enhancements & Epic Destinies

      • The developers who specialize on character advancement systems are concentrating on addressing the Enhancement issues that the community's submitted through the bug-tracker. There are currently developers spending all of their time addressing these bugs. Looking at the numbers of enhancement bugs we're fixing compared to what's coming in through the bug reports, we're hopeful that enhancements will soon reach a point where the vast majority of players feel it’s stable and complete.

      • We know that for a lot of players, “complete” means more enhancement trees. We have goals to make more trees for specific classes - we just released the Eldritch Knight for example. While we’re trying to fix as many enhancement bugs as we can for each release, we’d like to make sure we take the time to create each enhancement tree correctly, so you’ll see the trees trickle out at a slower rate.

      • And, we’ve already started a similar process to crush Epic Destiny issues. There are multiple developers working on fixing the reported ED bugs, and we’re planning out how to finish out remaining trees for everyone to feel that the system is complete. Piloto has already made posts to poll the communities for ideas on the next ED.

    • Treasure improvements

      • Simultaneously, we have a different team dedicated to treasure features. They’re currently focused on resolving the “ghostbane” issues. Some of you may already have seen DrOctothorpe’s posts on that topic. He and the rest of the treasure team are making changes to address as much player feedback as they can for patch and Update 21, and then they’ll move on to develop new treasure to go along with the new Update 21 content.

      • Some of the guys are overlapping with the character advancements team to look at the number of Commendations of Valor we’re giving out. We know that there are complaints that we’re giving out too few, and we’re working to address that. Some of what’s making it complex is that we want to give out the right number not only for the immediate short-term, but that it’ll stay the right number 6 months from now or 2 years from now.

    • New dungeons

      • Yes, we also have a whole separate team busily making brand new content too, as well as fixing bugs in old content. We know this is the bread & butter of DDO, so this is our largest team.
        BTW, I haven’t stopped working on new dungeons. I’m about to go back and put some more work into the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar. Working with Ed Greenwood has been a blast, and he’s certainly set an ambitious target. The Haunted Halls already has more gameplay than what I put in any of my previous dungeons and there’s still much more to go!

    Aside from the efforts going into those priorities, there is also planning and setup work going into the future features that ProducerRowan mentioned. Don’t worry, it’s not our intent to simply ignore systems such as Housing or Crafting either – we’ll get to those once we’re through with our current pushes with core features like Enhancements and Epic Destinies .

    A final thing before I head back into dungeon work – we’re really trying to keep the flow of communication going. Over the next few weeks, developers from each of the disciplines will be talking about what’s happening in their particular specialties. This is to give the players the information you’re asking for, but it’s also to help the developers get the feedback they need to properly take DDO where everyone wants it to go!

    - PurpleFooz

    Will there be team to fix Paladins? I mean, a class that is not really useful beyond 4 splash levels seems a bit "buggy" to me. And how about Sword and Board tanking? As it is, it is a VERY undesired play style due to the MANY shortcomings of its current implementation. Can we get that fixed or removed even? I would prefer to see it fixed honestly, but if you guys don't want to make it useful, I would rather see it removed than have it dangling in front of me taunting me ruthlessly.

    You made mention of fixing buggy enhancements...does this include reworking the useless ones as well? Such as many of the core abilities/capstones? Look at the pally capstones for example. One doesnt work at all and the other is absolutely useless(SD). Or how about the US epic moment? compared to every other tree, that lone is just a laughable mess.
    Last edited by Alcedes; 12-11-2013 at 12:56 PM.

  7. #67
    Lead Developer PurpleFooz's Avatar
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    Thanks guys for all the well wishes and feedback. I'm hoping I'm responding to everyone's questions in this big post below.
    There are a few questions I know I'm not directly responding to, but that's because other developers are going to address those questions.
    So here we go:

    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    You need a team dedicated to nerfing monks.
    We avoid nerfing things unless there’s a game-breaking issue or the vast majority of players agree something needs to be changed. But we have no plans to make monks more powerful either.
    I did see posts about monk bugs though. We do want to fix all bugs. But please, please bug-report it. That feeds into our internal bug tracking. That’s a lot more efficient and isn’t likely to be overlooked like forum posts of bugs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifespawn View Post
    is there certain people we should send pm's too reguarding issues above and beyond bug reporting as that has failed in the past and a continuously updated Known Issues list would go an extremely long way to quelling our fears that things just go unnoticed.
    The known issues list is handled by our community team. But if you want something fixed, bug-reports are the way to go.

    Quote Originally Posted by levesque2004 View Post
    I'll point out, Dev Tracker is not picking up all the devs. MajMal is not picked up, for example. Might want to address that... it'd help folks find the communications from the devs. Might even reduce the number of "devs don't communicate" complaints (yeah, i'm a hopeless romantic).
    I’ve contacted Tolero about this for further action.

    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    That all sounds great. The only thing I really consistently wish you'd do better is more transparency at the design seems like, way too often, the dev team mulls behind closed doors, spending a lot of time coming up with an idea that they present to the playerbase, and get blasted for, then send it back to square one for redesign. Let us in the whole process, let us see the ideas as they're evolving, let us make suggestions or point out problems. You're always free to disregard our input, after all. Most industries would (and do) pay lots of money for the kind of customer feedback that MMO playerbases give willingly and vociferously...
    That’s what we’re trying to do here

    Quote Originally Posted by era42 View Post
    …Belly of the Beast, while innovative, suffers heavily from the unavoidable orange/red alert on the waves with a big party. Prevent the enemy waves from triggering dungeon alert, and the quest becomes much less annoying. And, even fun quests need exp as reward, which was only fixed at u20. Schemes suffered from poor exp for way too long.
    We’re looking into dungeon alert. We’re still getting a handle on all the technical goals and the feasibility of different options, so it’s not something we’re currently prepared to have an informed discussion on yet. Please bear with us.
    We’re also planning a 2nd pass of XP adjustments for a future update.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRobai View Post
    How many teams are working on increasing BtC space?
    We have engineers looking at additional storage space. There are a lot of different types of storage we could be working on, and it is often driven by data on what players are asking for as well as purchasing.

    Some players have also brought up concerns about our intent to epify 3BC. We’re keeping a close eye on those threads, and Knockback is explicitly going to be clarifying our plans and taking in more player feedback. It looks like just as many players are currently asking for epic 3BC as there are against, but we also believe we can address many of the concerns of those who are against it.

    Also, I see various questions about what we’re including in our plans for enhancements. Are we just introducing new trees, are we rebalancing/fixing other trees? The answer is that we want to do as much as the community wants us to do. Piloto’s threads are a good place to express what you want to get out of it.

  8. #68
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    Thanks guys for all the well wishes and feedback. I'm hoping I'm responding to everyone's questions in this big post below.
    There are a few questions I know I'm not directly responding to, but that's because other developers are going to address those questions.
    So here we go:

    We avoid nerfing things unless there’s a game-breaking issue or the vast majority of players agree something needs to be changed. But we have no plans to make monks more powerful either.
    I did see posts about monk bugs though. We do want to fix all bugs. But please, please bug-report it. That feeds into our internal bug tracking. That’s a lot more efficient and isn’t likely to be overlooked like forum posts of bugs.

    The known issues list is handled by our community team. But if you want something fixed, bug-reports are the way to go.

    I’ve contacted Tolero about this for further action.

    That’s what we’re trying to do here

    We’re looking into dungeon alert. We’re still getting a handle on all the technical goals and the feasibility of different options, so it’s not something we’re currently prepared to have an informed discussion on yet. Please bear with us.
    We’re also planning a 2nd pass of XP adjustments for a future update.

    We have engineers looking at additional storage space. There are a lot of different types of storage we could be working on, and it is often driven by data on what players are asking for as well as purchasing.

    Some players have also brought up concerns about our intent to epify 3BC. We’re keeping a close eye on those threads, and Knockback is explicitly going to be clarifying our plans and taking in more player feedback. It looks like just as many players are currently asking for epic 3BC as there are against, but we also believe we can address many of the concerns of those who are against it.

    Also, I see various questions about what we’re including in our plans for enhancements. Are we just introducing new trees, are we rebalancing/fixing other trees? The answer is that we want to do as much as the community wants us to do. Piloto’s threads are a good place to express what you want to get out of it.
    Where are Eladrin and MadFloyd?

  9. #69
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    Default Ok im not asking for monks to be nerfed, I want rangers to compete !!

    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    Thanks guys for all the well wishes and feedback. I'm hoping I'm responding to everyone's questions in this big post below.
    There are a few questions I know I'm not directly responding to, but that's because other developers are going to address those questions.
    So here we go:

    We avoid nerfing things unless there’s a game-breaking issue or the vast majority of players agree something needs to be changed. But we have no plans to make monks more powerful either.
    I did see posts about monk bugs though. We do want to fix all bugs. But please, please bug-report it. That feeds into our internal bug tracking. That’s a lot more efficient and isn’t likely to be overlooked like forum posts of bugs.

    The known issues list is handled by our community team. But if you want something fixed, bug-reports are the way to go.

    I’ve contacted Tolero about this for further action.

    That’s what we’re trying to do here

    We’re looking into dungeon alert. We’re still getting a handle on all the technical goals and the feasibility of different options, so it’s not something we’re currently prepared to have an informed discussion on yet. Please bear with us.
    We’re also planning a 2nd pass of XP adjustments for a future update.

    We have engineers looking at additional storage space. There are a lot of different types of storage we could be working on, and it is often driven by data on what players are asking for as well as purchasing.

    Some players have also brought up concerns about our intent to epify 3BC. We’re keeping a close eye on those threads, and Knockback is explicitly going to be clarifying our plans and taking in more player feedback. It looks like just as many players are currently asking for epic 3BC as there are against, but we also believe we can address many of the concerns of those who are against it.

    Also, I see various questions about what we’re including in our plans for enhancements. Are we just introducing new trees, are we rebalancing/fixing other trees? The answer is that we want to do as much as the community wants us to do. Piloto’s threads are a good place to express what you want to get out of it.

    Yeah i dont want them nerfed , I just don't want them being the undisputed heavyweights of bow usage !!! There already the best at unarmed btw .

    You already have the fix available , Increase doubleshot chances in the enhancments , And the doubleshot debuff needs to be removed from manyshot and left only on 10k !!

    Wheres the rangers second form of manyshot ? Wheres the rangers extra multiplier on crits .

    If thats meant to be , then make rangers the best at unarmed dmg !!

    At this point a non 10k user should be able to reach , 80% doubleshot with a little work and rangers over a 100% chance at a double and maybe even a 5 % chance at a tripleshot , Though i do agree it should deactivate during manyshot and resume right after !!

    And please buff shiradi , For ranged weapon users all it adds is cc , I never notice dmg from it !!

  10. #70
    Community Member kned225's Avatar
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    Please dont scrap epic 3bc! Must have!
    I'm better at DDO than you are

  11. #71
    Community Member Robai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    We have engineers looking at additional storage space. There are a lot of different types of storage we could be working on, and it is often driven by data on what players are asking for as well as purchasing.
    Just keep in mind that +20 slots won't solve the problem (need like +200 slots at least, also make the storage sortable by: 1) ML, 2) name, 3) type (belt/ring/etc), 4) raid/named/random item, 5) binding (btc/bta/unbound)).
    Loot Design, S/S/S system, TR Cache Button, The exact trap DCs in EE HH, A guide for DDO-ML, Unknown Heroes: 3rd place, Welcome to Orien: /joinchannel Titan
    Quote Originally Posted by Certon View Post
    This is the most perfect suggestion in the history of suggestions, and it is full of upsides for both players and servers.

  12. #72
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    any chance to make 10k stars available for (mostly) everyone, or making it work just for shurikens ?

    Or any new ability to make the non-monk ranged able to catch up the monkcher ?

    and S&B and pallys being useful again ? (just useful, not the new OP thingie)

  13. #73
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    Some players have also brought up concerns about our intent to epify 3BC. We’re keeping a close eye on those threads, and Knockback is explicitly going to be clarifying our plans and taking in more player feedback. It looks like just as many players are currently asking for epic 3BC as there are against, but we also believe we can address many of the concerns of those who are against it.

    Also, I see various questions about what we’re including in our plans for enhancements. Are we just introducing new trees, are we rebalancing/fixing other trees? The answer is that we want to do as much as the community wants us to do. Piloto’s threads are a good place to express what you want to get out of it.
    I'm sure you guys have good reasons to epify 3BC, one being low utilization (perhaps). You get more bangs for the bucks to epify something that is not used or owned by most people. Unlike EGH. But I've noticed something with say stormhorns after people pointed it out - the reason why it doesn't feel that special is because unlike everything from Shavarath to Shroud we've been dealing with a increase in 'epic' encounters. Like pit fiends and even dragons. Whereas in Stormhorns we find more giants, orks, wolves and such. It's big and pretty, but not Epic. And the purple mist - terrible. Please change it. I run this xpack as little as I can because of it. It makes me sick to my stomach.

  14. #74
    Community Member Thar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by patang01 View Post
    . And the purple mist - terrible. Please change it. I run this xpack as little as I can because of it. It makes me sick to my stomach.
    I know people with vision issues that say never again because of the purple mist.

    it's almost as bad as the blue snow. did smurfs invade eveningstar?
    Member of "Guild of the Black Dragons" & "Swords of the Light" on Sarlona. Proud "Last" member of Caffeine - we aint stragicially savy.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    It helps that we have so many developers that are so proficient in their specialties – rather than having all the developers tripping over each other by working on the same thing, we’re organized into different teams to work on different features at once.
    Wow, and what might be the best news of all, no team dedicated to starting new systems to dump half baked on the resentful playerbase. That's a huge improvement!

    If you manage to pull it off, I'll be very happy you got the job.

    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    A final thing before I head back into dungeon work – we’re really trying to keep the flow of communication going. Over the next few weeks, developers from each of the disciplines will be talking about what’s happening in their particular specialties. This is to give the players the information you’re asking for, but it’s also to help the developers get the feedback they need to properly take DDO where everyone wants it to go!

    - PurpleFooz
    This too, if true, is great news. It isn't easy to get past the legacy of lies and broken promises, but we desperately want you to succeed. Keep the communication frequent, candid, and bi-directional and we'll be much more understanding, even if things don't go as planned. Respond to our posts so we know you are actually reading them.

    And it's important to share your plans and the reasons behind them before you start implementing them. Some of the worst decisions in the game were presented "Fait Accompli", and your customers are understandably touchy on the subject. It's certainly not a democracy here, but extending us that courtesy might spare you a peasant revolt or two. Remember, if you can't justify your choices, they probably aren't good choices.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Games which not only allow, but embrace players playing differently in their own game space, succeed far more often, as well as succeed in far higher measurable degree, than those which force players into playing a specific way.

  16. #76
    Community Member Stonemerge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thar View Post
    please please please no epic 3 barrel cove unless you are trashing everything there and making it all new. the quests stink and are skipped now whenver possible as xp is bad, quests are annoying.

    EPIC tempus spine!!! that is what you should work on. The only other series i hear people want epic is water works.

    I'd day epic titan but most people hate those quests too as too long. Epic threnal but people want to choke coyle as it is.
    I like 3BC ,

    but I LOVE Tempest Spine; raids are always a great idea ... TS is versatile, nice action, Puzzles, swimming, fire, Beholder, Golems, Undead, Traps ... its so diversified ... not as mindless as CitW ... plz plz plz ... eTS

    "Kobolds always remember Waterworks" ... i don't want eWW ... i want the Sequel ... "Revenge of the Gnashtooth" ... Avatar of Kurtulmak ... Epic Fiendish Kobold Shamans ... and the Kobold-Trademark: Traps ... let them take revenge for the tenthousands of slaughtered Kobs.

  17. #77
    Community Member Flavilandile's Avatar
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    Lets be constructive in criticism ( I hope ).

    First many thanks for the interactions with us.

    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    The known issues list is handled by our community team. But if you want something fixed, bug-reports are the way to go.
    There's a long term goal here : the Known Issue List is barely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to bugs.
    Right now it is mostly useless for us players.
    It seriously needs to be rethought from scratch so that it tracks down all the known bugs, with a way to know their status ( New in need of more information, Qualified [ as in we know about it we have enough info, we just need to find time in our schedule to fix it ], In Test [ Fix is coded, but not live yet ], Fixed [ Mr Obvious here ] )

    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    We’re looking into dungeon alert. We’re still getting a handle on all the technical goals and the feasibility of different options, so it’s not something we’re currently prepared to have an informed discussion on yet. Please bear with us.
    We’re also planning a 2nd pass of XP adjustments for a future update.
    Dungeon Alert had a use when it was introduced, like Bravery Streak... Right now both have lived long past their usefulness.
    Zergers will keep zerging, and the only way to stop them is to put locked doors every step... but then they will play something else or go in other quests.

    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    We have engineers looking at additional storage space. There are a lot of different types of storage we could be working on, and it is often driven by data on what players are asking for as well as purchasing.
    Everybody will be unanimous : unbound ( or at worst BTA ) Scroll Case, Potion coffer, Spell Component Pouch, and splitting the Ingredient bag in several bags ( one of each set of things ) along with increasing bank/shared bank space.

    Some players have also brought up concerns about our intent to epify 3BC. We’re keeping a close eye on those threads, and Knockback is explicitly going to be clarifying our plans and taking in more player feedback. It looks like just as many players are currently asking for epic 3BC as there are against, but we also believe we can address many of the concerns of those who are against it.

    Look at another thread you'll find easily what to epicify ASAP. ( and the job is more than half done anyway, so it could be done really fast )

    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    Also, I see various questions about what we’re including in our plans for enhancements. Are we just introducing new trees, are we rebalancing/fixing other trees? The answer is that we want to do as much as the community wants us to do. Piloto’s threads are a good place to express what you want to get out of it.
    Rollback to Pre-Enhancement Crash ? and consider an Enhancement Update that doesn't break characters and just concern the UI ? ( j/k the damage for that is already done sadly.)
    Just consider not forcing any system change down our throat, and asking us what we want in that domain before starting to develop things... It would avoid things like Enhancement Crash, Occupy Stormreach and a few other things.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRobai View Post
    Just keep in mind that +20 slots won't solve the problem (need like +200 slots at least, also make the storage sortable by: 1) ML, 2) name, 3) type (belt/ring/etc), 4) raid/named/random item, 5) binding (btc/bta/unbound)).
    This, there's been several suggestion for storage in many threads, ask Cordovan and Tolero to dig them out form the forum and produce a digest ( with overheads ) so that you can see what we want. You have lots of options and some of them we would be willing to buy them... ( as long as the price is not stupid )

    Quote Originally Posted by patang01 View Post
    I'm sure you guys have good reasons to epify 3BC, one being low utilization (perhaps). You get more bangs for the bucks to epify something that is not used or owned by most people. Unlike EGH. But I've noticed something with say stormhorns after people pointed it out - the reason why it doesn't feel that special is because unlike everything from Shavarath to Shroud we've been dealing with a increase in 'epic' encounters. Like pit fiends and even dragons. Whereas in Stormhorns we find more giants, orks, wolves and such. It's big and pretty, but not Epic. And the purple mist - terrible. Please change it. I run this xpack as little as I can because of it. It makes me sick to my stomach.
    I'm also sure that's what they though : Lets Epicify 3BC, since it's one of the low selling location. Sadly it is a low sale location for a reason : no decent loot, tedious to reach quests, poor XP, there's more XP for less a hassle and faster at that level range.

    Now if you look at that other thread started by a dev lately, you'll see an almost concensus on what to Epicify. That should give you hints.
    Also, I have to concur that Stormhorn and Wheloon were a disappointment. In the First case, despite a nice scenery, the encounters in there didn't have an adventurous feel... It felt like I was hunting things in the backyard of my castle...
    Not really heroic, and far from being Epic.
    Wheloon, after the first seizure 'Pikachu' Inducing flash I just forgot about the area and the quests in there. Remove that purple haze, and I might consider returning to explore the area.

    Quote Originally Posted by LucidLTS View Post
    And it's important to share your plans and the reasons behind them before you start implementing them. Some of the worst decisions in the game were presented "Fait Accompli", and your customers are understandably touchy on the subject. It's certainly not a democracy here, but extending us that courtesy might spare you a peasant revolt or two. Remember, if you can't justify your choices, they probably aren't good choices.
    This is extremely important...
    Between Enhancement Crash, Commendations of Valors / Epic TR and a few other things we have been faces with Fait Accompli character breaking system chances that drove players off and alienated the community. Consider that you could have avoided the Occupy Stormreach Bad Press if you had told us long before we found out on Lammania what was in store... And we could have told you in a less vehement and vocal way that it was going to be a Bad Idea ( Commendations BTC and found as reward only still is... but that's another point, like doing complex things ( Heart Seeds, Burden of Guilt ) when there's an easy way to do it. )
    On G-Land : Flavilandile, Blacklock, Yaelle, Millishande, Larilandile, Gildalinde, Tenalafel, and many other...

  18. #78
    Community Member Teh_Troll's Avatar
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    Apr 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    We avoid nerfing things unless there’s a game-breaking issue or the vast majority of players agree something needs to be changed. But we have no plans to make monks more powerful either.
    Does this mean you plan to buff the other classes to the point where splashing monk is no longer a no brainer?

    If you do the powercreep will be stupidly awesome.

    In this case the vast majority of the intelligent players who aren't power-mad agree monks need to be nerfed hard.
    Last edited by Teh_Troll; 12-12-2013 at 02:12 PM.

  19. #79
    Hopeless Romantic dunklezhan's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    In this case the vast majority of the intelligent players who aren't power-mad agree monk splashes need to be nerfed hard.


    Lets be clear about this: Monks aren't the problem. Awesome front loading is the problem.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    The best of the best DDO players generally overperform when given a real challenge
    Quote Originally Posted by Amundir View Post
    My words are great. Even out of context.

  20. #80
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    Nov 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by PurpleFooz View Post
    Some players have also brought up concerns about our intent to epify 3BC. We’re keeping a close eye on those threads, and Knockback is explicitly going to be clarifying our plans and taking in more player feedback. It looks like just as many players are currently asking for epic 3BC as there are against, but we also believe we can address many of the concerns of those who are against it.
    thats exactly how it should be done. thanks for that!

    i belong to the ppl that like the idea of epic 3bc altho i never played much of it but i think it could be fun, also cuz i hope that the slayer area will be epic as well and therefore (i hope) drop epic rare items (something completely new in ddo if im not mistaken?!).

    Completionists: Heroic 42/42, Epic 36/36, "Iconic" 15/15

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