Sustaining song is now bugged as well, only working single target
Sustaining song is now bugged as well, only working single target
Another Update where my bard stays parked at level 16... Sweet.. I get to finish my Rogue at least.
have you ever played a pure bard? maybe he got the cc on high lvl but he is squishy in getting mobs hp down if he is no splash - if he is a splah he sucks at cc. so mostly bards are only good for group buffing and a bit of spot healing.
nerfing the spell vigor song to single target make it much more hader to buff up people in raids and help in healing the group. how it was befor was very good
I'm personally doing my bard life taking enhancements from AA, tempest and kensei.. :/
The pass, as for me, totally ruined the class..
Ive played bards since day one. My knowledge of the class significantly outweighs yours, as indicated by you trying to harp that 130 DC somehow means anything. ~50 of that DC is overkill currently. It does not change the result of fascinate. The validity of fascinate has nothing to do with being able to get to 130 DC.
You also have no answer for the fact that I stated which makes that CC not as good as other CC - you completely glossed over the fact that the mobs cannot be damaged at all which breaks the CC. It wouldnt matter if the DC was hyperbolic in the extreme, as people will simply break the fascinates with AOE.
Again you have no answer for this. Name some if you can answer it. Name other viable CC in EE that requires the group to not damage the mobs or they will no longer be CC.
Maybe you should take your own advice. My knowledge of the class is far ahead of yours, as ive played it since the beginning. You quoted me yet have no answer for anything I posted, and are glossing over it all simply to toss out ad hominem insults. I will gladly debate you on this if you answer what Ive posted.
It contains more than that. Please, name viable CC in EE that other party members cant use AOE or it will cancel the CC. Dont worry, Ill wait.
i love bards... but not on DDO, they are all but not usefull at all. and now that they nerfed again are even more badly. A pure bard CC and heal should be able to buff the party fast in the raids or in EE quest. at the moment is a challenge to do that. before u need 1 song to make some spell point coming back overtime, now u need to buff with that song every single target and its a waste of time because u can ask ur selfe this in a raid: "i buff every caster and healer in the party with spellsong vigor wasting prolly 3 minutes, or help with CC heals and use scroll?" simple answer... Devs should think why a class is so unplayed, and try to get it better, and its not only because is an hard class to build and play... Even many enhanc. of the WC are not really usefull. So why nerf a class like this when is already not easy to play on SS CC version and not so played at all in general?
PS: level cap up to 30 im sure that now we can prolly toss in the gargabe the DC of the bard on that level... and the bard too maybe...
Weldy Tealeaf - Halastor Tealeaf - Diesuke Tealeaf
Orien - phoenix clan member
Because of the way Song of Capering was changed, I TR'd my Bard to be a Arti/Rogue crossbow user. As a Bard he was just not any fun to play. Now I am even happier he is no longer a bard.
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
ZOMG! We have a game with no class balance at all, mostly because of the insanely broken abilities of Pay2win monks, and Turbine decides to NERF BARDS!!!!!
Oh man . . . please tell me there's a hidden paladin nerf in here as well.
What an awesomely trollerific monday.
fascinate is great cc for soloing, but while playing in (decent) group it have generally no use, using it even slowers the quest progression. its most common use is for emergency handling. in most party-wiping situation i know i'll survive and could raise the party safely.. but that's all.
perhaps way-shortened enthrallment casting time may bring bards a little changes...
Oh the poetic justice keeps rolling in . . . look what monks got fixed, piling on even more Pay2win goodness . . .
Other Changes
Stunning Fist and Quivering Palm now again properly charge Everything is Nothing.
In the same patch that NERFS BARDS!
This is awesome.
RE: DC - yes bard SONG DC's are nice, I agree. It's frustrating that any other spell-based CC is (easily) trumped by wiz/sorc with minimal effort.
RE: Enthrall - "has a chance to break on damage and adds a lingering debuff" -- the debuff is minimal at best and the second a sorc throws a fireball, or barbarian uses cleave, 50%++ of the mobs are free. Maybe if the song kept things enthralled until "X" amount of damage (based on perform skill) has been reached, you'd have a meritable argument here.
RE: Group management - what kind of 'group management' is required for "mass hold monster" or "otto's dancing ball"?? [see enemies dancing, run over and whack them]
RE: "One truth" - Cooperation of an entire party is ESPECIALLY important for bard based CC -- if the entire party isn't on the same page, it isn't even worth TRYING to CC with a bard.
On my Bard, it's the rare group I can even get to stick for buffing songs - while running. They don't 'need' them. *shrug* Bards are famous for piking anyway, so, when I feel like getting some xp and not really working, I login into my Bard. Throw a heal, pew pew a little, dance a runaway mob here or there and enjoy the show.
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We definitely agree that Bards are in need of some love. That was, in fact, a focus of this patch, in which we:
- Reduced the singing time of a lot of Bard songs, some by more than half (Including Song of Capering, which was an important one for a lot of Bards. The total singing time on SoC went from five seconds to two, and the effect should be kicking off faster). Most Enhancement-based Bard songs were affected by the reduction in playing times.
- Rebuilt Victory Song entirely, turning it into a toggle that provides full Base Attack Bonus at all times. Previously, it was supposed to grant it only for a few seconds when Inspire Courage was used.
- Fixed Musical Studies, which provides much-needed Bard songs in Heroic levels.
- Fixed Song of Heroism to apply in an AOE, as well as give the (much longer) duration it was supposed to.
- Fixed Inspire Recklessness, which was not giving enough Doublestrike in its third rank.
- Cleaned up a variety of bugs and feedback issues with various other Bardic abilities.
We recognize that some of you are unhappy with the fix to Spellsong Vigor; the intent was not to make Bards weaker, but to fix a bug in an existing ability that was not working as intended. Prior to the U19 Enhancement pass, it was single target, and the description has always indicated this, even between U19 and today's patch.
We also recognize that Bards are still in need of additional love, and we thank you for your continued feedback; we are currently weighing some interesting Bard-related things to see if they fit into plans for next year.
Last edited by Steelstar; 12-09-2013 at 04:27 PM.
This. I use fascinate and enthrall a fair amount soloing, but in a group? I can count the times on both hands and have enough fingers left over to flip off whoever it is at Turbine that hates bards.
And it's not from lack of trying. I've tried many times to educate folks, but with all the pew pew and insta kills flying around, fascinate is just not viable in a group at all. (Except as noted above in emergencies, and in those cases where the party splits up individually to conquer objectives in different areas... ie, soloing )
• Bard Spellsinger:
? Musical Studies and Advanced Musical Studies will now properly increase your Bard Songs per rest
? Spell Song Vigor now only affects a single target (as per its description)
? Most Bard songs granted by Spellsinger enhancements now have shorter singing times.
• Bard Warchanter:
? Poetic Edda now only requires 1 Bard level (matching its place on the Enhancement tree).
? Song of Heroism now works on all nearby allies, as intended.
? Song of Heroism now scales its duration at the rate listed in its tooltip.
? Ironskin Chant no longer triggers when using Inspire Courage
? All ranks of Inspire Recklessness now give their listed amounts of Doublestrike
? Words of Encouragement's hitpoint effect is no longer listed as "Rallying Cry"
? Victory Song is now a toggled ability that grants full Base Attack Bonus when activated
? The buff from Howl of the North now persists through death, rest, and zoning.
? Most Bard songs granted by Warchanter enhancements now have shorter singing times.
How you like this ( fix ) Bards are real killers now
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