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Thread: Monkcher?

  1. #21
    The Hatchery Kaisoni's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Thanks again! @_@

    Gosh, I'm currently finishing my first monk life on this toon since the new enhancement pass (and the second monk that I've gotten to 20+) and I managed to miss all of those ways to get passive Ki generation? I really wish the new tree system they used told you what the other levels of abilities do when you hover over them and not just what the next level does, especially if they're going to hide things in the last level of them like that. Serves me right for not going through everything on the wiki I suppose.

    It's been a while since I've learned this much about this game, I really like finding out about new things (even if they're probably not actually that new) =P

    I actually want two more monk lives under my toon's belt, and I was going to just level up as a pure ranger (as I really enjoyed playing that previously) and then use my +20 LR to swap to monk before I TR'd. However I think I'll give the 12/6 monk/ranger a go instead, and if I really don't like it then I can always change it with the LR I guess.

    Thanks for answering my questions so well =D I'm looking forward to trying some of this out!

  2. #22
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Reading the wiki is useful, obviously, but what I like to do when going through enhancements and epic destinies where I don't recall how everything progresses is occasionally reset my points, and stick points into abilities to see how they progress, then pull them back out. Remember, you're not committed until you hit [ACCEPT]. If you right-mouse-click on an enhancement that you've put points into, but haven't accepted changes, you will pull the points back out (as long as you don't have something relying on those points).
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  3. #23
    The Hatchery Kaisoni's Avatar
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    Jan 2010


    Indeed, I do do that for things that I'm interested in in the first place, but it just doesn't occur to me to check ones that don't seem very interesting to me at all. I should probably be more curious than I am =P

  4. #24
    Community Member Nightmanis's Avatar
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    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by goodspeed View Post
    well improved evasion by itself is a major benefit. You get nailed by a couple of quick bust spells and your gonna be running for a corner real fast to save the last of that 900hp that just vanished into the red. Not to bad for making it through traps either.

    Which brings us to amazing ability number 2. Abundant step. Things hurt in EE. They hurt alot. And monsters have this thing about gang rushing you with a box in. That now you see me, now you don't button is pretty nice. Also with traps its a pretty feature as well. Hell it was one of the sole determining factors why people actually went air savant.

    Then of course shadow viel, and auto stances with the pick up of grandmaster for a feat.

    All the while 6 ranger pretty much gives you everything you need to be a ranger except for greater 2 weapon. Even more so now that they took the prerequs out. Now if they gave rangers improbed evasion and some cool stuff like... maybe cure critical and casting positive spell power amp and stuff, then ya, I could see going ranger over monk. But otherwise from stunning fist being THE best melee cc, the bonus's every which way. Monk just wins out with that deep a splash.
    Can have stunning fists, and just as much wis. Cure mod does about 200 a tick easy, plus you can have umd (if a pure fighter can have 44umd, any build can) and cocoon for other heals. You spent a feat on IPS, they spend a feat on Master of forms. Both builds can have pally, and both builds will innately end up with the same amount of charisma to help boost that. Can't really justify which build does more dps because that's kind of a miss mash of scenarios. Both can have OC, an in particular what would make her build a worse archer than the more traditional design? All that you end up not having is abundant step and improved evasion as far as I can tell.

    Hell depending on the situation, her build is better because she can switch to melee and get more out of it than the traditional moncher.

    There really isn't any one thing that makes the traditional one more powerful. If anything, hers allows you to be any race you want, vs having to look like a burn victim.

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