Quote Originally Posted by Xianio View Post
Thanks, that does answer some things I was looking into. However, is Freedom of Movement really worth 7 druid levels? I've never had a toon with Freedom of Movement so I don't know how powerful it really is. If I can expect above average saves in all categories should I bother?
Freedom of movement + sleet storm + ice storm + cleaves = slowed, blinded, then dead mobs.

I'm playing a 9 druid / 9 fighter / 2 monk at the moment, partly for the heroic PL, which I have at 21 at the moment, and am intending to take to 28 and ETR for the doublestrike EPLs, then HTR back through the final two fighter lives, 3 pally PLs and then I will take him back to cap as a 9 druid / 9 monk / 2 fighter. I really don't think there's a better split. 2 Ranger is nice, but it can't take the second core tempest enhance, and taking less than 9 in druid or monk is just not an option as far as I'm concerned.