Is it to much to expect that I don't feel the game should DC me sometimes 6 times in a row or that I cannot log on for 20 minutes while the system struggles to accept me? Should not I be able to just load this darn game - hit my user name and password and get the H in??? is that so unreasonable? is it, really that unreasonable??? why does my bank, cnn, drudge, usatoday, other games, my work... why can I get in there but here it's a total fail? am I or my system that lame??? am I the only one fed-up? only me??? Lord, give me strength.... after the reload last night that took a long time - the fact it continues has broken me - at least for today - sorry for any grammer etc errors... ... ugh...
12-11-13 update - after the latest update (from turbine) and a total reload ( for the 3rd time) the system seems way better. only a few logging errors and ive not dc-ed in the last few days.... I told my family before my last reload this would be the last time I try to make the game work or I was done - My son was worried it would not work... My wife was worried it would...-- so for now problemo solved....