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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Angry Warning: Mean bug in lesser reincarnation!!

    I will share this to you guys, so that what happened to my character does not happen to you.

    When using free lesser reincarnation token, you have the following risk:

    (1) you lose ALL your epic destiny XP, thus also your destinies and fate points.
    (2) you lose all your favors
    (3) you can no longer do Slayer missions on wilderness you had visited before you reincarnated.
    (4) you lose all quests flags.
    (5) in update 20, you may also permanently get stuck in your quest chain. Returning quests to their quest giver-NPCs fail to mark the quest as completed. In my case, this permanently blocks my access to Giant Hold Tor, and so also the subsequent raid.

    (1) can be fixed, once you get to level 20, and if there is a kind enough in-game DM to fix you.

    2,3,4,5 cannot be fixed. Especially 5 is very bad.

    Most players do not experience this problem, but it happens to me now 2x already. So you are warned.

    I hope Turbine is going to do something about this, because this is really really a ruining bug. The only consolation I get so far form in-game DMs is: "I'm sure the rest of the game is still fun" Wow.. not even a penny for comfort.

  2. #2
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
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    Bump -- this would suck to happen to anyone. I would not wish this even on my worst enemy.

    I hope Turbine is working vigorously to find & reduce these bugs ASAP! Sign this!!!:

    DDO toll free support phone#: 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

  3. #3
    Community Member ycheese123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wooshrow View Post
    The only consolation I get so far form in-game DMs is: "I'm sure the rest of the game is still fun"
    Wait, that's an actual quote? Some GM said that to you? What the hell...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ycheese123 View Post
    Wait, that's an actual quote? Some GM said that to you? What the hell...
    I didn't log that particular conversation, but I remember well that particular answer. How can you forget? So, yes. That's was his consolation for me

  5. #5
    Community Member chrichton's Avatar
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    (cries) why oh why did I not come across this thread before lesser reincarnating last night? Why!? (sobs)

    By the way - can a free-to-play player, who has spent (plenty of) money in the cash shop, even get GM assistance in game? If so - how?
    Been playing off and on since Beta
    currently: taking a break from DDO (on Thelanis)

  6. #6
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrichton View Post
    (cries) why oh why did I not come across this thread before lesser reincarnating last night? Why!? (sobs)

    By the way - can a free-to-play player, who has spent (plenty of) money in the cash shop, even get GM assistance in game? If so - how?

    I think you only get GM help as a premium player for one year from your last purchase?

  7. #7
    Community Member HongKongKid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindos View Post

    I think you only get GM help as a premium player for one year from your last purchase?
    If so, Then how does one fix the over level item encumbrance? You need a GM for that.
    Quote Originally Posted by totalmir View Post
    I like this thread,it breaks the monotony of my day.
    Quote Originally Posted by PuppiesAndRainbows View Post
    Kobold make a wonderful satisfying crunch sound when killed; you can't kill just one.

    Vampires scream ranks up there with kobold crunch for satisfying slays.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by HongKongKid View Post
    If so, Then how does one fix the over level item encumbrance? You need a GM for that.
    After doing several tickets with no reply I finally had to do a LR lucky I dint get the LR bug

    Beware the Sleepeater

  9. #9
    The Hatchery zwiebelring's Avatar
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    Is that a risk for all free hearts (LR+0; LR+20) or are store hearts affected, too?
    Characters on Orien:
    Wanzer/ Klingtanz/ Incanta Superior/ Mercantus

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by zwiebelring View Post
    Is that a risk for all free hearts (LR+0; LR+20) or are store hearts affected, too?
    I think its all hearts

    Beware the Sleepeater

  11. #11
    Uber Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by wooshrow View Post
    I will share this to you guys, so that what happened to my character does not happen to you.

    When using free lesser reincarnation token, you have the following risk:

    (1) you lose ALL your epic destiny XP, thus also your destinies and fate points.
    (2) you lose all your favors
    (3) you can no longer do Slayer missions on wilderness you had visited before you reincarnated.
    (4) you lose all quests flags.
    (5) in update 20, you may also permanently get stuck in your quest chain. Returning quests to their quest giver-NPCs fail to mark the quest as completed. In my case, this permanently blocks my access to Giant Hold Tor, and so also the subsequent raid.

    (1) can be fixed, once you get to level 20, and if there is a kind enough in-game DM to fix you.

    2,3,4,5 cannot be fixed. Especially 5 is very bad.

    Most players do not experience this problem, but it happens to me now 2x already. So you are warned.

    I hope Turbine is going to do something about this, because this is really really a ruining bug. The only consolation I get so far form in-game DMs is: "I'm sure the rest of the game is still fun" Wow.. not even a penny for comfort.
    I had the same thing happen to my cleric - she was also able to re-get end rewards for infinite crappy loot (+1 loot for epic quests) or renown...

    I had to pester the in-game DM a couple of times - the first guy was fixed 1 but at the time I didn't realize that 2-5 also applied to me, second just closed the ticket. Third time they didn't answer my ticket after 3 hours - and I went to bed. Luckily the fourth time gave a partial fix... the DM gave me a heroic true heart of wood, a +20 xp stone and then leveled me back up to the epic level I was (so I actually ended up with a tad more destiny xp than I had originally...)
    The down side is that I was no longer flagged for any quests, my favor was still gone.
    On the plus side, they didn't care what I tr-ed into with the heart of wood so my cleric (which was build to swim Abbot - and therefore nerfed a long time ago), has seen new life in a rather awesome Druid - and she gained an extra life so was 36pt rather than 34...

    In the end, I'd rather not have to re-flag for all the raids, and I need to do a bunch of farming to get back her bank and backpack space. The extra destiny xp was a slight consolation but having a level 20+ toon with no favor encouraged me to quickly get her to 28 and then do the free epic tr so that at least she can get some benefit while leveling back up
    Shalera Dagen - Triple Epic and Triple heroic Completionist. Life too many to count...

  12. #12
    Community Member Sarzor's Avatar
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    Yeah, I just got this from Epic TRing.

    Lost all ED xp, etc...

    Not exactly pleased by this.

  13. #13
    Community Member Rasputin187's Avatar
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    Default Lr+20

    This happened to me when i used my +20 heart.
    Quote Originally Posted by grodon9999 View Post
    Be careful though, a dwarf wearing a bunny hat while covered in Barkskin looks like on Ewok.

  14. #14
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
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    Default Cordovan/Tolero/ProducerRowan/ProducerGlin is this fixed as of yet?

    Cordovan/Tolero/ProducerRowan/ProducerGlin is this fixed as of yet?

    I am not going to use a LR+20 & get caught with this, the risks are simply to high for me. Not trolling, not trying to be a _______.

    Just saying. I have a Iconic Challenge farmer/bank toon that needs respeccing(I've been away since the
    expansion came out due to college, been working through my other more active toons & just using the free LR+0 so far 3 down 3 to go with no bad karma yet(knocks on wood).)

    But this toon will be in a holding pattern, I am not going to have my favor simply taken away from me after hard work & earning it.

    So asking nicely/simply/politely has *any* progress been made on this? Please include reasonings/explanations/intent as to why or why not with your reply.

    Thanks! Keep up the great work! Cheers! Happy New Year! :P! ! ! Sign this!!!:

    DDO toll free support phone#: 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

  15. #15
    Community Member whereispowderedsilve's Avatar
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    Default Question if your favor is reset do you lose your inventory & bank storage space?

    Question if your favor is reset do you lose your inventory & bank storage space?

    From those associated rewards? Anyone that has 1st hand experience with this care to comment?

    Still waiting on official comment from Turbine in regards to this issue.

    I will personally not use LR+20 while there is even a ghost of a chance of this happening to any of my toons.

    I have lots of friends & guildies who have NOT had any issues, they are more risk takers/gamblers then I am though.

    Asking nicely/politely/sincerely some information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! Cheers! :P! ! !

    Ah ok, I read Shalera's response again, it seems that yes you do lose your inventory & bank space. What a kick in the pants! Wow! Sign this!!!:

    DDO toll free support phone#: 855-WBGAMES (855-924-2637)

  16. #16
    Community Member mkmcgw17's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wooshrow View Post
    I will share this to you guys, so that what happened to my character does not happen to you.

    When using free lesser reincarnation token, you have the following risk:

    (1) you lose ALL your epic destiny XP, thus also your destinies and fate points.
    (2) you lose all your favors
    (3) you can no longer do Slayer missions on wilderness you had visited before you reincarnated.
    (4) you lose all quests flags.
    (5) in update 20, you may also permanently get stuck in your quest chain. Returning quests to their quest giver-NPCs fail to mark the quest as completed. In my case, this permanently blocks my access to Giant Hold Tor, and so also the subsequent raid.

    (1) can be fixed, once you get to level 20, and if there is a kind enough in-game DM to fix you.

    2,3,4,5 cannot be fixed. Especially 5 is very bad.

    Most players do not experience this problem, but it happens to me now 2x already. So you are warned.

    I hope Turbine is going to do something about this, because this is really really a ruining bug. The only consolation I get so far form in-game DMs is: "I'm sure the rest of the game is still fun" Wow.. not even a penny for comfort.
    Thanks for the heads up was gonna use one of those free LR stones now Im scared.

  17. #17
    Community Member magn0liafan's Avatar
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    Angry Other LR Woes.

    Used my free +20 to LR out of some Paladin Levels on my Bladeforged. I lost my ability to cast Repair Spells.

    (Yes, I still have 15 Paladin Levels, and my Wis is sitting at 14, granting me the ability to cast up to level 4 Paladin spells).
    "F*** Jay and Silent Bob, f*** them up their stupid a**es."
    "Who the f*** said that s***?"
    "A guy who calls himself 'Magnolia Fan'."

  18. #18
    Community Member bennyson's Avatar
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    This same piece of **** happened to me when I was lesser reincarnation my wizard.

    This happened months ago, but I'd tell you, I was so ****ed off that I wanted to nuke Turbine for NOT FIXING THESE BUGS SOONER!

    I was able to get help from a GM, but he failed to fulfill my needs because my wizard was close to level 26 before I LRed, he only gave me enough XP to go to level 23 even tho my wizard was a 25!

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