First, please stop typing with one hand. I'm not attacking your build or even claiming that I did it justice
I'm not sure what drove you to clarify that you weren't attacking the build. I merely aimed to correct the misrepresentations of my DPS found in your comparison. That's all. . In fact, -directly- under the table the very first thing I say is a request for others to check this as it is -most likely- wrong. Meticulous analysis are your words, not mine
Which is why I prefaced that phrase with the word "supposedly". If you're going to do a DPS comparison, then meticulous analysis wouldn't hurt you. .
Survivability is the question of the day and one that has been repeatedly addressed Cetus. I was asked to provide meaningful DPS numbers, I aimed to to do so with the info I had concretely available: and on the side while at work (not meticulously I might add)
You're doing it on the side as much as I am, so asking me to stop typing "one handed" may be a bit hypocritical here.. If the goal was to provide the best "over all build" you'd bet your ass I'd start with Pally/Monk then work from there. This S&B is using your build as a comparison for the sole reason that it's readily available and amount the highest damage. (Plus everyone knows it works in EE). So please, dial it back.
You seem to be interpretting my post as aggressive, rather than me "dialing it back" I suggest you view these comments in a friendlier context.
Addressing your other concerns in order:
I've left out all actives as I wasn't willing to take the few hours it would require to fully realize the impact they had on average DPS. It's a distinct possibility that my build functions best without cleaves, while yours cleaves just fine. Is it uneven? Absolutely. Is that mentioned as a caveat - absolutely.
On page one you left out your build progression for LD so I didn't take liberties guessing what they would be (This also applies to your sneak attacks from Ninja)
Well, I actually included the three tiers of sneak attack training under my monk tree AP expenditure . I only took tangible information you wrote down. If that helps clear up where the constants are.
In the text above your screenshot it says Fire Stance.
It does not say fire stance. It says fire finisher. I assumed that Fire stance was the one you were using. I do not play, let alone own the monk class to be able to pick the buff out.
Answered above
You missed the proceeding conversation, which outlines that this isn't a "build" comparison but rather just a dps one. Nobodies disputing your "kingship" mate, there's no need to be up in arms
Once again, you seem to interpret my comments as hostile. My comments are directly aimed at the points - I'm not softening it with lol's and smileys, but this isn't meant to be demeaning. Thicker skin please. . You also missed
I did? I merely commented on your posted comparison. I disagree here. the fact that the question was "could this survive" - ie: an acknowledgement that there was a significant flaw in the build with the intent of seeking answers as to if it would be so strong as to be preventative. You also missed the enhancement on the weapon was taken into account
Nope, got that. All I did was rectify things about my build in your comparison to make it more accurate. . You also missed the fact that I was asking for a critique and improvement, not claiming expertise.
I improved the accuracy of the comparison. There's a few more things but I think you get the point.
Go to know. That was a question I had asked earlier yet nobody had been able to provide the answer. Thanks. PS: When you say "won't work" do you mean 'no fail' won't work or that 70 isn't enough to EVER work?
I run a 77-78 stunning blow DC and gaints, Orcs (notably the priests) rarely stun. Shadavers also rarely stun. No such thing as "never" work, since they can always roll a 1. I ask because there's a significant difference between the two in my book.
I liked this comment, mostly because so was I.
(albeit I missed stuff but I suppose we're both guilty
You still ahven't convinced me that I misssed anything at all, =D of that).
Finally, yes I included shield bashes. Ever since update 19 (maybe 18 I'm not sure) the shield bash mechanic has been fixed to act correctly. The automatic bashes are properly added in between attacks 3 or the 4 attacks (I forget exactly which ones). Given that shield bashes are full strength, affected by deadly, power attack, seeker and can critically hit it adds a small but noteworthy amount to average DPS.
Yea, but I found it humorous.
A few additional points:
To keep the numbers clean I also didn't add in StD's level 18 core ability, which lets my basic attacks hit 2 targets at once. This effectively doubles my DPS in specific situations
In theory...but practical situations will subtract from that. With LD this has a 100% up-time until exhausted.
I also didn't include LD's power attack bonus and action bonus to weapons. While something I suspect we'd share, I don't know if this affects shields. If it does that will add yet more damage, which would certainly be helpful.
Finally I wouldn't commit myself to Nightmare either at this point. As you can see a few posts lower, the idea of using a Deurgar Weapon Master Axe is also being tossed around.
Why do I point this out? Because this should show you how limited that analysis was and how it wasn't intended to be a true representation of your builds DPS potential. Rather, it was a modest guess. This is something you would have known if you'd read any of the sentences following the word "Total:
Then why bother at all..."