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  1. #1
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    Default Pure S&B Fighter - Could this survive Epic Elite?

    Hey all,

    I've been playing around now for about 2 months and have a level 12 Fighter. I'm very determined to keep it going all the way to level 20 sticking to the S&B theme. I've been doing some planning for the eventuality of EE content (which will take forever, but I'm okay with that).

    Here are the defensive stats assuming powerful end gear:

    115 PRR (45% DR)
    135-140 AC
    20% concealment
    10% incorporeal (or reverse those two, I always forget which gets the 20%)
    5% elusive
    6% dodge
    With a little bit of estimation: 70% net damage reduction from physical.
    Then add another 12-14 DR (all types)

    HP in the mid to high 900 range.
    Elemental reduction between 40-55 depending on gear layout.

    Improved Trip + Stunning Blow for CC with numerous + to tactics from Dreadnaught and Kensai

    Offensively, you've got the full Kensai + fighter base damage bonuses.
    I'm using Bswords (for First Blood) so I've also got all Two handed Weapon Fighting feats giving me 3 glancing blows doing 50% damage each.
    I'm I also have all shield bashing feats + StD enhancement for 35% bashing (+ 20% more once I get Aegis)
    Finally, the build centers around doublestrike, which once fully geared, rolls in at 54-79%
    Also many many uses of Fighter Haste and Human Damage boost

    Thoughts, critiques?
    Last edited by Xianio; 12-06-2013 at 12:31 AM.

  2. #2
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    for EE - which you mentioned - the 14 DR is a joke.. Wouldn't care about it personally.

    900 hp is okay.
    Elemental reduction.. Eh, might help? For most things, evasion is much better.

    What sort of DC will your tactics have?

  3. #3
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    14 is just on top of the 45% PRR is giving me. If the damage sits around 150 that 14 is equivalent to 18% more DR.

    Yeah, evasion would be better, but it can't be done with a pure fighter (which is what I'm committed to )

    I'm not sure of the exact numbers on the tactics but it's a 28 point build with no past lives and 16 starting strength (although I have a +5 tome) and all points will go into it. With Kensai, LD and Combat Mastery (6?) I'm looking at +17 before strength bonuses. Unfortunately I don't know how high my strength will be (didn't both looking). I assume, maxed out from gear with another +8 from kensai. Maybe 56 or so?

    If that's right (big if) that means 50-54?

  4. #4
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    The problem with your build is that you will not really be contributing in any reasonable manner to the DPS of the group, meaning the mobs will be spending more time beating on you (I assume you keep aggro with Intim), meaning you probably need a dedicated healer to keep you up, meaning your group DPS falls even further.

    As a 28 point build first life pure Fighter I would suggest that perhaps your goal should be to aim for EH or maybe TR a few times to build up your stats, build up your gear, change your mind on the class(es) you want to take.

    You probably shouldnt be running the most difficult dungeons in the game. It seems a bit unfair on the other players.

  5. #5
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    I presume this is the build you posted which is going for Kensei capstone; so it's 15% from capstone, 15% from EE First Blood, 15% from Legendary Shield Mastery, 25% from Block & Cut - what's your plan for final 9%? Draconic Ferocity + morale bonus?
    5% From Epic Two Handed Weapon Fighting
    4% from Kensai Strike with no thought

    The Draconic Ferocity was originally the plan but I dropped it for loot gen helm so I could max out either Protection or Deadly (I forget which off the top of my head).

    However, don't just throw out a bunch of numbers; plan exactly what gear you plan to slot. Oftentimes you'll find several items on your wishlist competing for the same slots.
    Didn't have the time (still don't) however we're looking at few things:
    First Blood
    Madstone Aegis (shield)
    Black Dragon armor
    Ring of Shadows
    Epic Guardian Cloak
    Goats Boots
    The necklace that gives +15% melee altricity

    That leaves the trinket, wrists, 1 ring, gloves, goggles, helm and belt. I can't remember these right now but I had some loot gen'd for gear that named content couldn't fill.

    Once I get some time I'll write it all out but I'm currently building a marketing content calender for 2014 and this is what constitutes "breaks I shouldn't be taking" time. xD

    PS: For the guy above me, I'll evaluate the damage numbers a little later but so far they're surprisingly good. Mostly because 80% doublestrike is pure insanity lol

  6. #6
    Community Member maddmatt70's Avatar
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    No Self healing = lousy. A tank has to have self healing on epic elite it just makes for a much more powerful character. I cocoon and regenerate lay on hands myself all day long. The big problem with tanks is that they lack dps. They are just so painful and dreadful to level on epic elite due to their lack of dps.
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  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xianio View Post
    20% concealment
    10% incorporeal (or reverse those two, I always forget which gets the 20%)
    You've got it right: Blurry item is 20% concealment; Ghostly item is 10% incorporeality.

    However, don't just throw out a bunch of numbers; plan exactly what gear you plan to slot. Oftentimes you'll find several items on your wishlist competing for the same slots.
    Finally, the build centers around doublestrike, which once fully geared, rolls in at 54-79%
    I presume this is the build you posted which is going for Kensei capstone; so it's 15% from capstone, 15% from EE First Blood, 15% from Legendary Shield Mastery, 25% from Block & Cut - what's your plan for final 9%? Draconic Ferocity + morale bonus?
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #8
    Community Member bsquishwizzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xianio View Post
    Hey all,

    I've been playing around now for about 2 months and have a level 12 Fighter. I'm very determined to keep it going all the way to level 20 sticking to the S&B theme. I've been doing some planning for the eventuality of EE content (which will take forever, but I'm okay with that).

    Here are the defensive stats assuming powerful end gear:

    115 PRR (45% DR)
    135-140 AC
    20% concealment
    10% incorporeal (or reverse those two, I always forget which gets the 20%)
    5% elusive
    6% dodge
    With a little bit of estimation: 70% net damage reduction from physical.
    Then add another 12-14 DR (all types)

    HP in the mid to high 900 range.
    Elemental reduction between 40-55 depending on gear layout.

    Improved Trip + Stunning Blow for CC with numerous + to tactics from Dreadnaught and Kensai

    Offensively, you've got the full Kensai + fighter base damage bonuses.
    I'm using Bswords (for First Blood) so I've also got all Two handed Weapon Fighting feats giving me 3 glancing blows doing 50% damage each.
    I'm I also have all shield bashing feats + StD enhancement for 35% bashing (+ 20% more once I get Aegis)
    Finally, the build centers around doublestrike, which once fully geared, rolls in at 54-79%
    Also many many uses of Fighter Haste and Human Damage boost

    Thoughts, critiques?
    I know I’m gonna get flak for this, but your build is OK for EE…if it were a paladin. Otherwise, you’re going to get mauled, unable to self-heal, and not be able to put out enough DPS to smack down the mobs before they kill you.

    I have a pally with less DR, AC, and PRR than what you mentioned, and he does OK in EE; not spectacular, but OK. This is mainly because he can self-heal, backup heal, and rez as well as put out minor DPS, and I can flip into Glorious Stand if I need to. The self-healing covers a lot.

    If you are in a group with a dedicated healer (I tend to PUG most content) I think you’ll be fine. If you solo? Not sure how well your build will perform.

    The CC may or may not work on the mobs in EE. I would assume they don’t.

    I think the double-strike is probably the best feature you’ve got going there, though. And the comment atbout 14 DR being nothing? I think 14 DR is actually pretty good for what you got going there.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery Zoda's Avatar
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    Pure S&B human fighter is one of my all time favorite builds, I used to solo all kinds of E/Es on mine before epic Gianthold aired (epic high road, some sands stuff, and most of my PDK favor I gathered solo as well), but times have changed a lot since then, a well built, played and equipped s&b character can still solo most of the e/e content, and contribute a lot in groups, but it is not nearly as appealing as it once was to some people (and I also doubt that s&b is the best way to go if you are building a tank these days, which saddens me a lot... Shadow Veil + high dodge with an alrighty prr is just better, and frees up both hands for dps). I posted my latest approach on a s&b build a few days ago in these sub forums, you can check it out if you change your mind about multiclassing...or just out of curiosity . All in all, I doubt that pure fighter can still be good for e/e content, your saves are just not good enough, your dps is no longer great compared to other options, and you don't get evasion, hell, even Cetus struggled after the expansion came out before he finally managed to get his level split/alignment right on the 79th lesser reincarnation (lol).

    A few advices though, regardless off your class split:
    - use Duregar Waraxe instead of First Blood, it has more dps (plus headman's chop in LD), and also makes it easier to setup the rest of your gear, speaking of DPS - LD is probably your only choice if you wanna do reasonably well
    - make at least one greensteel displacement clicky (it is fairly cheap, and once you have one you'll want more, simple as that), it is by far the best way to mitigate incoming damage
    - if you are a fleshie, gather the favor for Silver Flame healing potions, if you don't have the UMD for heal scrolls - and if you can't slot the healing amp on your gear (switching to hamp offhander drops your stance, so it's not an option), they are absolutely mandatory in my opinion, even if you do twist coccoon, the save debuff is fairly irrelevant on e/e - on a pure fighter the only saves you might make are fort saves anyway
    - test your shield bash on a dummy or something, it used to be buggy as hell, might not fully stack up to 55%, or you might need to interrupt your attack pattern with a tactical move to make it work properly - in which case you lose a lot of attacks on which you can proc it, since it can't proc on cleaves, etc - might not worth it to go for high shield bash value - alchemical crafted shield is a great overall choice, if the extra bash chance from Aegis doesn't work (keep an eye out for stuff like two bashes in a row, if you still can't bash twice in a row, it is pretty bad already - it used to be like that)
    Last edited by Zoda; 12-06-2013 at 07:06 PM.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Nightmanis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post
    A few advices though, regardless off your class split:
    - use Duregar Waraxe instead of First Blood, it has more dps (plus headman's chop in LD), and also makes it easier to setup the rest of your gear, speaking of DPS - LD is probably your only choice if you wanna do reasonably well
    - make at least one greensteel displacement clicky (it is fairly cheap, and once you have one you'll want more, simple as that), it is by far the best way to mitigate incoming damage
    - if you are a fleshie, gather the favor for Silver Flame healing potions, if you don't have the UMD for heal scrolls - and if you can't slot the healing amp on your gear (switching to hamp offhander drops your stance, so it's not an option), they are absolutely mandatory in my opinion, even if you do twist coccoon, the save debuff is fairly irrelevant on e/e - on a pure fighter the only saves you might make are fort saves anyway
    - test your shield bash on a dummy or something, it used to be buggy as hell, might not fully stack up to 55%, or you might need to interrupt your attack pattern with a tactical move to make it work properly - in which case you lose a lot of attacks on which you can proc it, since it can't proc on cleaves, etc - might not worth it to go for high shield bash value - alchemical crafted shield is a great overall choice, if the extra bash chance from Aegis doesn't work (keep an eye out for stuff like two bashes in a row, if you still can't bash twice in a row, it is pretty bad already - it used to be like that)
    ^^ Pretty much this. Minus the "I'm always going to use a Bastard, because Die Zoda."

    Also, you're going to need to plan all your gear. Currently the only way to get +6 to tactics from an item is the Adamantine cloak of the Bear. That's way better than the Guardian's cloak anyway, and the Mabar Cloak is better than that. The Epic Elite Jeweled cloak is also a good option, and best used as a swap in in heavy caster enviroments.

    A good full setup that I would suggest (if we go with what you suggested vs what I think will be better) it'll look something like this:

    Helm: Epic Elite Helm of the Black Dragon, +3 Ins Str
    Armour: Flawless Black Dragonplate armour
    Cloak: Mabar Cloak/EE Jeweled Cloak/Adamantine cloak of the Bear
    Shield: Madstone Aegis/Alchemical Triple Fire Tower Shield (Seeker 10, +2 Alche str, No one really cares about tier 3)
    Weapon: First Blood (Or the Duergar Axe, your choice)
    Bracers: Greater Convalescent bracers (if using the axe, Skirmisher's Bracer's)
    Ring 1: Dun'Robar ring, flavour of your choice
    Ring 2: Defense: Guardian's ring, Offense: Skirmisher's, Survival: Ring of Shadows
    Necklace: EE Jorgundal's Collar (that necklace you were talking about) Good alternative is to take the feat that does the same thing, and use a deadly item here.
    Belt: I like the Guardian's belt, though a Str +10 HP +50 belt like Cetus has would be the most optimal.
    Boots: Goatskins. Alternative is actually to have GS Min2 HP here.

    The Trinket is now the really fun part. In some EE quests (mostly seems to be in Wheloon and the Stormhorns) you can actually pull lootgen trinkets. I have a Seeker 10 one, and a Wise 10 of Resistance 10 I use on my rogue. But there are so many other good options that anything would be ok. I'd use a Planar trinket for any stat you don't have (ins con +3 comes to mind)

  11. #11
    Community Member TheLegendOfAra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post
    - use Duregar Waraxe instead of First Blood, it has more dps (plus headman's chop in LD), and also makes it easier to setup the rest of your gear, speaking of DPS - LD is probably your only choice if you wanna do reasonably well)
    Zoda only says this because he's like 1 of 5 people on argo who have actually got one of these.
    Araphina Skycrow - 15Paladin/3Ranger/2Fighter (Life10/25) 5xRanger, 3xPaladin, 2xMonk
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    "And we learn, as we age; We've learned nothing! And my body still aches."

  12. #12
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    Grabbing and maintaining aggro on a S&B tank isn't all that difficult if you can land intimidate reliably. Get some swings in, let someone else build some aggro, then hit intim. He has more DPS going than my paladin does, and I was holding aggro fine any time I wanted it.

    That said, you're going to get destroyed in EE content without a babysitter. My paladin was running with 1,200 HP, ~150 AC, ~150 PRR, 4% Dodge, Displacement, much better saves, self-cast Quickened CSW for 180-250, Lay On Hands for ~450, and the ability to use Heal scrolls for around 200 I think, and was still struggling much of the time without some outside healing. Cocoon isn't going to cut it on its own on a build designed to be the focus of attention. If you're a caster or archer staying out of harm's way as much as possible, sure, but not as a melee aggro-magnet.
    Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post
    - use Duregar Waraxe instead of First Blood, it has more dps (plus headman's chop in LD), and also makes it easier to setup the rest of your gear, speaking of DPS - LD is probably your only choice if you wanna do reasonably well
    LD is my only real choice. I will probably twist into Fury for Sense Weakness but that's really it. However the Duregar Waraxe really is a drop in DPS. While putting out more "raw" power the only way my build keeps up is through doublestrike.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post
    - make at least one greensteel displacement clicky (it is fairly cheap, and once you have one you'll want more, simple as that), it is by far the best way to mitigate incoming damage
    Already the plan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post
    - if you are a fleshie, gather the favor for Silver Flame healing potions, if you don't have the UMD for heal scrolls + (switching to hamp offhander drops your stance, so it's not an option),
    I'm cross classing UMD, I don't know if I'll end up with enough. + No it doesn't. You can switch shields without breaking StD stance. My plan was to use Wall of Wood as a swap in for healing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post
    - test your shield bash on a dummy or something, it used to be buggy as hell, might not fully stack up to 55%
    This works now. Already tried and tested to make sure that the old shield bashing mechanic was fixed.

    You will lose aggro immediately to *any* other toon that attacks the same mob. This equates to you chasing mobs most of the time. Which means even less dps.
    With a 50% increase to my hate gen from stance and 1142 being my "1 round of combat damage" I don't think it will be to much of an issue. While possible, I don't think that most can easily compete with 1713 effective damage for hate gen. - Prior to Epic Destiny material.

    Maths, cuz I promised thems:


    11 Deadly 11 Deadly
    26 Strength (62) 57 Strength (86 w2hand)
    8 enhance 10 enhance
    5 10
    4 Fighter 2 Fighter
    4 Avg. Medi bonus (Kensai) 4 Avg. Medi bonus (Kensai)
    4 Kensai 6 Kensai
    15 av. weapon damage 17.5 av. weapon damage
    0 elemental 7 red slot
    65 before crits 114.5 before crits
    With Crits: 118.05 With Crits: 277.65
    With Doublestrike: 225.5 x 1.665 = 196.55 With Doublestrike: 390.6 x 1.18 = 327.62
    Glancing blows50%: 31 Glancing blows60%: 60
    Shield: 35.79 No shield
    Total: 263.34 Total: 387.62
    Or, an Xianio having 70% of Cetus' damage. That said, I probably did some math wrong so please check it out. The table format on this is HORRIBLE and I was doing this over 8 hours while at work. :P I probably missed something/screwed something up.

    Xianio crit formula 17-18x2 19-20x3 / Bloodletter adds + 52 or 67.5 Formula: (Base+Seeker*Crit*%chance of critting) + Bloodletter. Then add them together plus the base for average damage with crit
    Cetus crit formula 13-18x3 19-20x4 / elemental doesn't count Formla: same as above minus bloodletter

    Edit'd to correct for some math failures (mostly in the crit area): End result is still something that can hold argo but 30% damage lost is still pretty notable. On the positive side, with regards to physical damage sources: Xianio is significantly tougher than Cetus. Elemental damage is the real concern and Cetus has this much better.

    Well, I just did the math with Nightmare + Prowess Trinket the result was another 15 damage, not including successful mind thrusts as I don't know how often they would. This also increases my non-crit damage by a bunch and gives moves the total PRR from 115 to 130 - the cost from the trinket was probably 6 ac though. Hard calls all around.
    - Makes the build do 72% of Cetus' damage.

    Blerg, another Edit: Added in the Red Slot that I missed on the Nightmare originally and mind thrust being successful. The end result was a HUGE damage increase to 326.75 or 84% of Cetus' damage. The trouble of course being that Mind Thrust (from my understanding) NEVER works in EE content. When it doesn't work it's only - 75%

    Seems that First Blood is just subpar. Oh well! I already own Nightmare so that's a plus for me
    Last edited by Xianio; 12-07-2013 at 02:48 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xianio View Post
    LD is my only real choice. I will probably twist into Fury for Sense Weakness but that's really it. However the Duregar Waraxe really is a drop in DPS. While putting out more "raw" power the only way my build keeps up is through doublestrike.

    Already the plan.

    I'm cross classing UMD, I don't know if I'll end up with enough. + No it doesn't. You can switch shields without breaking StD stance. My plan was to use Wall of Wood as a swap in for healing.

    This works now. Already tried and tested to make sure that the old shield bashing mechanic was fixed.

    With a 50% increase to my hate gen from stance and 1142 being my "1 round of combat damage" I don't think it will be to much of an issue. While possible, I don't think that most can easily compete with 1713 effective damage for hate gen. - Prior to Epic Destiny material.

    Maths, cuz I promised thems:


    11 Deadly 11 Deadly
    26 Strength (62) 57 Strength (86 w2hand)
    8 enhance 10 enhance
    5 10
    4 Fighter 2 Fighter
    4 Avg. Medi bonus (Kensai) 4 Avg. Medi bonus (Kensai)
    4 Kensai 6 Kensai
    15 av. weapon damage 17.5 av. weapon damage
    0 elemental 7 red slot
    65 before crits 114.5 before crits
    With Crits: 118.05 With Crits: 277.65
    With Doublestrike: 225.5 x 1.665 = 196.55 With Doublestrike: 390.6 x 1.18 = 327.62
    Glancing blows50%: 31 Glancing blows60%: 60
    Shield: 35.79 No shield
    Total: 263.34 Total: 387.62
    Or, an Xianio having 70% of Cetus' damage. That said, I probably did some math wrong so please check it out. The table format on this is HORRIBLE and I was doing this over 8 hours while at work. :P I probably missed something/screwed something up.

    Xianio crit formula 17-18x2 19-20x3 / Bloodletter adds + 52 or 67.5 Formula: (Base+Seeker*Crit*%chance of critting) + Bloodletter. Then add them together plus the base for average damage with crit
    Cetus crit formula 13-18x3 19-20x4 / elemental doesn't count Formla: same as above minus bloodletter

    Edit'd to correct for some math failures (mostly in the crit area): End result is still something that can hold argo but 30% damage lost is still pretty notable. On the positive side, with regards to physical damage sources: Xianio is significantly tougher than Cetus. Elemental damage is the real concern and Cetus has this much better.

    Well, I just did the math with Nightmare + Prowess Trinket the result was another 15 damage, not including successful mind thrusts as I don't know how often they would. This also increases my non-crit damage by a bunch and gives moves the total PRR from 115 to 130 - the cost from the trinket was probably 6 ac though. Hard calls all around.
    - Makes the build do 72% of Cetus' damage.

    Blerg, another Edit: Added in the Red Slot that I missed on the Nightmare originally and mind thrust being successful. The end result was a HUGE damage increase to 326.75 or 84% of Cetus' damage. The trouble of course being that Mind Thrust (from my understanding) NEVER works in EE content. When it doesn't work it's only - 75%

    Seems that First Blood is just subpar. Oh well! I already own Nightmare so that's a plus for me

    I'd encourage you to run the #'s on duergar, I think you'll find they are as good or better.

    As has been mentioned the lack of self heals + laughable saves and no evasion will make EE hard, and really only possible with a dedicated healer (hopefully you have guildies/friends that play healers). But then, a good healer (or 2) is great in any quest, especially against tougher bosses. We ran EE Sable last night and the boss does like 500 AoE force burst + 200ish melee, so 1 sweep can lay out the whole party (or melee portion of it) if your health isn't topped up.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inoukchuk View Post
    I'd encourage you to run the #'s on duergar, I think you'll find they are as good or better.
    Final D.axe numbers roll in at 299.29 (lets call it 300 even). So definitely better than First Blood AND marginally (9 points of damage) better than Nightmare in EE when Mind Thrust doesn't work. However, for 9 points of additional damage you're giving up 15 PRR, 2 AB and a significant decrease in normal hit damage. ie: You're much more reliant on critical hits.

    Some caveats:
    I didn't use LD but I DID give headmans chop because otherwise the numbers would have been affected a very great deal.
    By going D.axe it would open up a Trinket slot (most likely for more AC) and potentially a ring slot as +10 stunning would be covered by the axe.
    I also assumed that you'd be getting 9% doublestrike from another source, if not these numbers are significantly incorrect (ring/writs whatever)

    I definitely see pro's for using the D.axe and can see why you like it. It would definitely be worth considering for EE.

    Quote Originally Posted by Inoukchuk View Post
    As has been mentioned the lack of self heals + laughable saves and no evasion will make EE hard, and really only possible with a dedicated healer (hopefully you have guildies/friends that play healers). But then, a good healer (or 2) is great in any quest, especially against tougher bosses. We ran EE Sable last night and the boss does like 500 AoE force burst + 200ish melee, so 1 sweep can lay out the whole party (or melee portion of it) if your health isn't topped up.
    For sure for sure - I'm also assuming that cocoon couldn't be enough to make up for this.

  16. #16
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xianio View Post
    LD is my only real choice. I will probably twist into Fury for Sense Weakness but that's really it. However the Duregar Waraxe really is a drop in DPS. While putting out more "raw" power the only way my build keeps up is through doublestrike.

    Already the plan.

    I'm cross classing UMD, I don't know if I'll end up with enough. + No it doesn't. You can switch shields without breaking StD stance. My plan was to use Wall of Wood as a swap in for healing.

    This works now. Already tried and tested to make sure that the old shield bashing mechanic was fixed.

    With a 50% increase to my hate gen from stance and 1142 being my "1 round of combat damage" I don't think it will be to much of an issue. While possible, I don't think that most can easily compete with 1713 effective damage for hate gen. - Prior to Epic Destiny material.

    Maths, cuz I promised thems:


    11 Deadly 11 Deadly
    26 Strength (62) 57 Strength (86 w2hand)
    8 enhance 10 enhance
    5 10
    4 Fighter 2 Fighter
    4 Avg. Medi bonus (Kensai) 4 Avg. Medi bonus (Kensai)
    4 Kensai 6 Kensai
    15 av. weapon damage 17.5 av. weapon damage
    0 elemental 7 red slot
    65 before crits 114.5 before crits
    With Crits: 118.05 With Crits: 277.65
    With Doublestrike: 225.5 x 1.665 = 196.55 With Doublestrike: 390.6 x 1.18 = 327.62
    Glancing blows50%: 31 Glancing blows60%: 60
    Shield: 35.79 No shield
    Total: 263.34 Total: 387.62
    Or, an Xianio having 70% of Cetus' damage. That said, I probably did some math wrong so please check it out. The table format on this is HORRIBLE and I was doing this over 8 hours while at work. :P I probably missed something/screwed something up.

    Xianio crit formula 17-18x2 19-20x3 / Bloodletter adds + 52 or 67.5 Formula: (Base+Seeker*Crit*%chance of critting) + Bloodletter. Then add them together plus the base for average damage with crit
    Cetus crit formula 13-18x3 19-20x4 / elemental doesn't count Formla: same as above minus bloodletter

    Edit'd to correct for some math failures (mostly in the crit area): End result is still something that can hold argo but 30% damage lost is still pretty notable. On the positive side, with regards to physical damage sources: Xianio is significantly tougher than Cetus. Elemental damage is the real concern and Cetus has this much better.

    Well, I just did the math with Nightmare + Prowess Trinket the result was another 15 damage, not including successful mind thrusts as I don't know how often they would. This also increases my non-crit damage by a bunch and gives moves the total PRR from 115 to 130 - the cost from the trinket was probably 6 ac though. Hard calls all around.
    - Makes the build do 72% of Cetus' damage.

    Blerg, another Edit: Added in the Red Slot that I missed on the Nightmare originally and mind thrust being successful. The end result was a HUGE damage increase to 326.75 or 84% of Cetus' damage. The trouble of course being that Mind Thrust (from my understanding) NEVER works in EE content. When it doesn't work it's only - 75%

    Seems that First Blood is just subpar. Oh well! I already own Nightmare so that's a plus for me
    This is so misleading its not even funny

    I don't have much desire to dissect this entire post, but let it suffice to say that you're missing the following perks my character has over the one you outlined, I don't know what you're doing with your dude or what destinies you are taking etc... but here's my profile:

    Earth Stance monk + devastating critical + overwhelming critical = Esos: 13-18 x3 | 19-20 x6

    Iron Fist attack every 3 seconds: +3 W = additional 6d6 base weapon damage + 12-20 profile with 12-18 x4 | 19-20 x7

    Ninja Poison DOT: Every 3 Seconds ticks anywhere between like 100 and 145 or so (about an extra 40 dps roughly)

    Manyshot Capability

    My Strength is (on the bladeforged version that I've yet to post) an 80 = +35 strength modifier.

    Warforged PA + 6 to damage

    Your Doublestrikes advantage disappears on cleaves

    Weapon Attachment: + 1d6 extra damage about 33% of the time (between tenser scroll casts)

    50% glancing blow damage (no GTHF on bladeforged version)

    Sense weakness makes up for loss of GTHF due to high fortification (otherwise, had brace for impact twisted in)

    High Saves + 620+ per reconstruct + evasion + shadow fade + 16%/27% blitz dodge + displacement = Alive - so more dps over being dead.

    Also, as I play - I cycle my fist of iron with the other two earth monk attacks - each of which add 8 and 12 damage respectively. (BTW, if you really want to get accurate you should incorporate the affect that my doublestrike has on these monk attacks too).

    I guess I can include the +3 monk past life damage, the extra 3% doublestrike I have from my martial past life currently, and the 77 stunning blow dc / 82 trip DC with bladesmark docent on versus your nonexistant tactics that would further improve my damage when trash is concerned.

    Oh, I also forgot to mention the sneak attack damage you didn't count either that I acquire from the monk tree + EE back stabbers gloves + 3 Rogue past live (which also procs on manyshots, so remember that one too).

    Anything else?

    Uhh...well the esos is a +10 weapon, first blood is a 2 there.

    I guess if you use nightmares they're +8's too but with the conflux set theyre +12's, although then u lose the litany I have one so its like +11...but then you need to see if the loss of the profane str keeps you even or not...etc.

    Oh - here's another one you forgot:

    Dance of Flowers twist - an extra 3d6 base damage just for being centered...

    I'm sure I missed more stuff, but there ya have it.

  17. #17
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    Of course there's a ton missing, much the same way I didn't count cleaves for both builds or the 3[W] damage on Cut and Block.

    Nor did I count any ED material (something I've said in every post). I also stated that I was only using your first page build - ONLY.
    I didn't add in the Earth stance because you weren't in earth stance. I didn't add in dev. crit because you didn't say which ED you were using.
    I did include your glancing blows (at 60% no less as that's your first page build... again already said this a few times)
    Enhancement is already counted.

    You also seem to be going into defenses. Something we're not comparing. We could if you wanted but the answer to that is extremely obvious (so much so that I've said it outright in every post).

    I didn't realize dance of flowers worked like that. Definitely worth adding.

    So, yeah, you did miss a lot. Most of it being what I wrote down to give context.

    I guess I can include the +3 monk past life damage, the extra 3% doublestrike I have from my martial past life currently, and the 77 stunning blow dc / 82 trip DC with bladesmark docent on versus your nonexistant tactics that would further improve my damage when trash is concerned.
    Where's this coming from?

    If we want to go into counting past lives (I mean, it's just a build anyone can use it if they want) - then you can put tactics for stunning blow up to approx. 70. Being Human is just because this is F2P, you could always drop the cash to make it Blademarked, which COULD give you 75 trip (or 79 but I suspect you wouldn't really care by that point).

    Also, Manyshot CAN be added to this build - but it's first life without a +5 to tome of dex. Could easily fit this in without any trouble once you have it.

    So yes, more things definitely needed to be added to flush out the DPS properly. I don't think I'll update the post, few will scroll up to re-read it.

    I don't know how many sneak attack die get added from the Ninja levels (as the others could be held constant, given that EE gloves are still an open slot and past lives are universal).

    The real difficulty though is the Ninja Poison. I would suppose that it's DPS potential is highly reliant upon the HP pool of the target you're hitting. You've suggested 40 a second but how long does that take to ramp up? Would that only apply to bosses or does it work with trash as well?
    Last edited by Xianio; 12-08-2013 at 06:56 PM.

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