Just a couple questions about TRing into iconic races. If I have a lvl 28 human toon who wants to reincarnate into a Purple Dragon Knight, I need a heroic heart, formerly known as a true druidic heart of wood, correct?
I own Shadowfell, so I should own the Purple Dragon Knight as it comes with every flavor of the expansion.
Would it also be worth ETRing at this point too, as other wise it seems like I would waste my epic levels. And if so, I etr first, then heroic tr, choosing the iconic race during the reincarnation process which will start me at lvl 15.
I also have a lr+1 heart of wood that I picked up in a chest a couple days ago. From what I understand, this would allow me to lr the first level of fighter (for Purple Dragon Knight) out to use a different class.
Are there any timer issues with me using all these hearts at the same time?
Just want to make sure I have all this correct.