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We are in accord, the best split for this is 11/6/3, but I still beg FvS over pally.
3 pally benefits are pretty much useless, IMO. Everything 3 pally gives can pretty much be covered by items or buffs. As perviously noted, 2 pally is really where it's at, for Divine Grace.
I think it'd be worth comparing an elven 3 pally splash to a helf 3 fvs splash a bit more in-depth. All the following ap totals will be inclusive, assuming you take just enough enhancements to unlock the item.
Assuming both builds are going to be almost exclusively ranged, and both are spending:
-32 in AA (Minimum needed for slayers)
-11 in Ninja Spy (Minimum needed for Shadow Fade)
-17 in Racial (Elf only needs to spend 14 to unlock AA, Helf needs to spend 16 for full +5 dilly bonus)
=60 mandatory ap (Elf minimum could be 57, standardizing for), 20 free ap.
3 pally: 3/1/1 base saves, +30 hp (d10), +1 saves base aura. +1 to-hit w/ bows (SF)
-KotC gives +2/4 saves vs EO/Undead (Core 1/2), +10% heal amp (12 ap). KotC also gives DM (11 ap for tier 3), but as noted, would require a twist or taking the Turn Undead feat.
-Defender tree gives +3 LoH (3 ap), +6 saves boost with no-fail on a 1 (6 ap), +3 to saves aura (13 ap in Defender tree). Defender also gives +1 hp/ap spent.
3 Fvs: 3/3/3 base saves, +27 hp (d8). +2/+1 to-hit/damage w/bows (SF)
-Warpriest gives DR 5/ (Core 2), DM (3 ap), +15 hp (3 ap), +3 enhancement bonus to bows (12 ap), +10 PRR (8 ap), +4 Hit/Damage boost (8 ap, can be improved to give +4 saves for a total 11 ap. Can be further improved to give 15% energy absorbtion for total 14 ap).
-AoV gives +3 saves vs magic (3 ap).
As you can see, it's a lot more ap intensive for the paladin split in order to pick up everything you might want. I would probably be tempted to go with 13 ap in KotC to pick up the 10% amp, put 4 ap in Defender for the extra LoH, 1 point to Shintao for another 10% amp, a point in DWS for the first core, then the rest into AA.
For a Fvs split, I'd be tempted to spend 13 ap in Warpriest and get full DM, +15 hp and +3 to bows, then 1 in DWS and then 6 in Shintao for the second core. I'm not 100% sure what "saves vs magic" really means; I'm assuming it means all spells and probably some traps. Depending on what all it applies to, I'd be willing to drop some points out of shintao.
So enhancements are tight, but doable on both builds.
Now, the main point in considering 3 pally: saves.
A fvs splash w/ pally dilly is going to be at 8/8/8. A pally splash will be at 3/1/1, or 4/2/2 with aura, + cha mod. So yes, while a pally will have higher saves, you'd need at least a 24 cha to beat the fvs splash (More if the +3 from AoV is reliable). Shouldn't be too hard; 9 base+3 tome+2 completionist+10 item=24. Couple ways it could be changed, but you need to beat 24. Still doable. However, it begs the question: How much improved is it really going to be vs a Fvs splash? And at what cost?
I guess I just wanted to give a little more insight as to why I'm so fond of the fvs splash.