I was looking for a self-sufficient build, with traps skills, self heal, meele combat, and the use of ranged attacks when the mobs are not close or I am with low hp.

The idea is use a H-elf, 8 Fighter for Kensei and feats, 6 Ranger for Bow and free feats (THF, 2 F enemy, etc..). The 6 lvl of rogue for Traps, UMD and sneak atackk.

Stats 16 STR/ 14 DEX/ 14 CONS/ 14 INTEL/10 WIS/10 CHARM

Dilettante: Barb

DWS: core 1/ maybe some shots

AA: conjure arrows/ elemental/ inferno.

Kensei: W specialization: Kolpesh

Assassin: Sneak attack training

Can i have some advice?
