NEW: We have added a couple of new Cookies:
Owlbear Cookie
Available from both the Jester of Festivult (for 1 Gold Coin) and Jolias Leftfield (Eveningstar Midwinter Festival Barter) (for 280 Motes of Winter).
“This cookie will bestow the strength and hardiness of 100 angry owlbears. Eating this cookie will grant a +4 Rage Bonus to both Strength and Constitution.”
Shadow Cookie
Available from both the Jester of Festivult (for 1 Gold Coin) and Jolias Leftfield (Eveningstar Midwinter Festival Barter) (for 280 Motes of Winter).
“This cookie is so bad that consuming it feels akin to death, temporarily stripping away your physical form and leaving you a shadow of your former self. Eating this cookie will grant Shadow Form, making you insubstantial, giving you 25% incorporeality, letting you float as if affected by featherfall, providing bonuses to hide, move silently and tumble, as well as letting you deal strength damage on melee and ranged critical hits.”
Shar, Mistress of the Night Cookie
Available from Jolias Leftfield (Eveningstar Midwinter Festival Barter) (for 120 Motes of Winter).
“This cookie allows you to bring darkness down upon nearby enemies. Eating this cookie will blind nearby enemies for a short time.”
+4 Rage bonus to STR and Con.
+25% Incorporeality
Really..just a copy paste from everything else in game. Same as the new Epic Past life feats.
Also, why do melees keep getting bonus to STR and CON and casters/dex melees get NOTHING EVERY SINGLE TIME? Give us cookies that raise INT, WIS, CHA AND DEX. What's so hard about that?
STR melees have/have had already this:
Warforged Titan Cookie Titan's Grip, CL:15 - +6 Psionic bonus to STR
Hezrou Cookie Infernal Power, CL:10 - +4 STR/DEX/CON
Then they have Primal Scream for YET ANOTHER +5 STR/CON for a total of +6 +4 +5 +4 = 19 STR and 13 CON. And Dex just have that little +4. And I will not count every other single enhancement that gives STR but not DEX.
You made Dex-to-dmg viable in game. Now give us the means to increase it with little boosts like these ones.
Now about Casters:
They have to chug FIVE different cookies just to get a +4 CHA/INT/WIS. It's boring, it's stupid, it's too limited. Why can't we have something like Primal Scream for Casters?
About time you stop giving every single limited buff to STR based melees and give something to EVERYONE ELSE in game.