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  1. #1
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Default VIPs Get Free Epic Hearts of Wood This December!

    It's going to be an epic holiday season for our VIPs this December! Starting on December 12th, if your account is VIP, any of your characters that are at least level 20 will get a free Epic Heart of Wood! This offer is good through January 12th, and any VIP characters are eligible to receive the free Epic Heart so long as they are at least level 20.

    UPDATE: 12/12/13 - The distribution of Epic Hearts of Wood has begun! Read the FAQ, and get your Hearts now!

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    How is the free Epic Heart delivered?

    If you're a VIP, your level 20+ characters will receive the Epic Heart upon login in their inventory automatically. Note that if you reach level 20 after December 12th, the Epic Heart will be delivered upon your next login. So you may need to log out and back in before the Epic Heart will appear in your inventory if you want to claim it right away during the same play session. If you do not log the character in between Dec 12th - Jan 12th, it won't receive the free Epic Heart.

    I have some characters that aren't 20 yet, and I don't think I can get them to level 20 by Dec 12th, what should I do?

    Even if your character reaches level 20 after the 12th of December, they'll still be able to get the free Epic Heart any time between Dec 12th and Jan 12th. Remember, the free Heart will appear in inventory upon your next login, so once you reach level 20 you need to log out and then log back in for the Epic Heart to appear in character inventory.

    I'm a VIP, how many of my level 20+ characters can get a free Epic Heart?

    All of them! As long as your character is at least level 20, they can receive the free Epic Heart. That also means any of your other characters that reach level 20 by January 12th will receive one too (remember to log out/back in once you level to 20)!

    I'm not a VIP, is it too late to become one to get some free Epic Hearts?

    It's not too late - as long as you become VIP between December 12th and January 12th you're eligible. Click here to learn how to upgrade to VIP!

    Are the Epic Hearts bound in any way?

    These free Epic Hearts of Wood are bound to character.

    I was level 20, but I did a Heroic True Reincarnation before the event started and now I'm level 1 again. Can my character still get a free Epic Heart as long as I get back up to level 20?

    Whether it's your first life or your 40th, your character can get a free Epic Heart once they reach level 20 between Dec 12th and Jan 12th. Your character can only get 1 free Epic Heart ever, but it doesn't matter which life that happens during.

    I'm really good at leveling fast! If my character reaches level 20 and then heroic true reincarnates, can they get another free Epic Heart if I reach level 20 again?

    Each character can only get the free Epic Heart once ever. Once they get the free Epic Heart, they won't receive additional ones on subsequent lives.

    This is a question from the future! Imagine that it's January 13th and I’m a VIP, but I forgot to log in one of my old level 20 characters between Dec 12th and Jan 12th. Will they still get the free Epic Heart if I log them in after Jan 12th?

    Your level 20+ character must log in at some point between Dec 12th and Jan 12th. Logging the character in after January 12th will not grant the free Epic Heart. So if you have any level 20 characters be sure to log them in between Dec 12th and Jan 12th to get the free Epic Heart of Wood!

    Also if your character reaches level 20, but you don’t log in again until after Jan 12th, you’ll not receive the free Epic Heart. Make sure you log the character in again between Dec 12th and Jan 12th to receive the free Epic Heart!

    Thanks for being a VIP!
    Last edited by Tolero; 12-12-2013 at 03:34 PM.

  2. 11-25-2013, 04:47 PM

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  7. 11-25-2013, 04:58 PM

  8. #2
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    who wants to bet someone will be upset they didn't get a heart because they didn't log into a character before Jan 12th? I know you people all too well

    You are the one choosing not to play alts.

    Casual player now investing way less than I used to into the game, playing 1-3 months at a time and still want nothing to do with Reaper. #improvepuggrouping#alldifficultiesmatter

  9. #3
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    I dunno, sounds like a sweet deal to me!

  10. #4
    Community Member Michele's Avatar
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    Default Thanks!

    thank you for giving us more reasons to stay vip! \o/
    even if I own all adventure packs, I enjoy paying for being vip for these nice bonuses: more presents like these you give to us vip, more we are motivated to renew our vip status

  11. #5
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    Default this kinda bs

    from a person that used to be vip but I have bought enough packs,, race,s classes, and tp codes that being vip is a waste of time and money that all my toons are ledgend builds. Yet people that are the same as me get screwed like this cause we have to farm out 4200 CoV.This is just BS so what VIP get more characterslot can open leet on first life toons get extra quest xp and 500 tp a month. They still have to buy expansioins. People like me that have spent a lot of money to aquire enough tp that make VIP usless. Premuim players help keep the game going to but we get no love from turbine.
    Member of Storm Lords
    toons Arcilles, Darthsaviors, Darthmonker, WorstDarth

  12. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by twindaddy53 View Post
    from a person that used to be vip but I have bought enough packs,, race,s classes, and tp codes that being vip is a waste of time and money that all my toons are ledgend builds. Yet people that are the same as me get screwed like this cause we have to farm out 4200 CoV.This is just BS so what VIP get more characterslot can open leet on first life toons get extra quest xp and 500 tp a month. They still have to buy expansioins. People like me that have spent a lot of money to aquire enough tp that make VIP usless. Premuim players help keep the game going to but we get no love from turbine.
    I'd love to see how much Premium players spend on average. Over the years Ive spent more than $10/month buying the things I want to buy. That said, I am probably close to the point where I am spending less money by being Premium. Ive bought all the packs/races/whatever that I want. And most of the expansions seem to cost $$$ regardless of whether you are VIP or Premium.

    I miss out on 10% XP (15% now) and opening on Elite, but other than that, I dont really miss anything.

    Maybe when I first started playing I could have gone VIP but at that point in time I wasnt sure if I was going to stay.

  13. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasparion View Post
    I'd love to see how much Premium players spend on average. Over the years Ive spent more than $10/month buying the things I want to buy. That said, I am probably close to the point where I am spending less money by being Premium. Ive bought all the packs/races/whatever that I want. And most of the expansions seem to cost $$$ regardless of whether you are VIP or Premium.

    I miss out on 10% XP (15% now) and opening on Elite, but other than that, I dont really miss anything.

    Maybe when I first started playing I could have gone VIP but at that point in time I wasnt sure if I was going to stay.
    Since April 2010, I've spent a total of $180 and I have every quest pack in the game, 9 character slots, and numerous other account- and character-based upgrades. The only things I DON'T own are half-breeds and bladeforged. That turns out to be around $4.25 a month I've spent on the game. So I've definitely saved money buying the content instead of renting it.

    That being said, VIP's are the source of income that Turbine has the ability to count on. Premiums, like myself, frequently don't spend money consistently; VIP's provide steady revenue for the game. So, despite never being a VIP myself, I've always thought VIP's should get special treatment. They are the committed players that spend money routinely every month for one reason or another. Do I think Premiums should get some love? Yeah. But we shouldn't be badmouthing VIP's; they put out more money than we do, and they provide consistent income for Turbine. If anything, they need more love to encourage people to be VIP.

    You know what was the first thing I thought of when I read this? "I wonder if I should do a 1-month VIP subscription so I can get my Epic Hearts." I didn't get butthurt over the fact that VIP's were getting something special. Neither should anyone else.

    Turbine, well-done on the timing and marketing of the VIP. Make it more robust, and you might see move VIP's crop up. Now if only you could do something about dedicating an update to nothing but bug fixing. Then you'd have a really happy client base.

  14. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasparion View Post
    I'd love to see how much Premium players spend on average. Over the years Ive spent more than $10/month buying the things I want to buy. That said, I am probably close to the point where I am spending less money by being Premium. Ive bought all the packs/races/whatever that I want. And most of the expansions seem to cost $$$ regardless of whether you are VIP or Premium.

    I miss out on 10% XP (15% now) and opening on Elite, but other than that, I dont really miss anything.

    Maybe when I first started playing I could have gone VIP but at that point in time I wasnt sure if I was going to stay.
    As a premium player I've spent an easy grand on this game myself. If I could do it over, I'd have just went VIP instead of buying everything. When you buy everything and spend all that money, you kind of obligate yourself to be involved long term with the game (else it would make more sense to have a no obligation cancel anytime VIP membership). I did plan on playing this game for the long haul, and still do, but I just didn't see all this extra stuff for VIPs coming or I'd have held onto my money tighter and just paid monthly. Lesson learned.
    Last edited by Stonz; 11-25-2013 at 06:03 PM.

  15. #9
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carkolda View Post
    and they provide consistent income for Turbine.
    How is someone that spend $15 and may or may not spend $15 again or someone that spends $100 and may, or may not spend anything more during that year, and may, or may not, spend anything after vip expires, providing more consistent income than someone that spends $5/15/50/100/200 on turbine points, and may, or may not spend $5/15/50/100/200 on turbine points again?
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  16. #10
    Community Member Revolted's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twindaddy53 View Post
    from a person that used to be vip but I have bought enough packs,, race,s classes, and tp codes that being vip is a waste of time and money that all my toons are ledgend builds. Yet people that are the same as me get screwed like this cause we have to farm out 4200 CoV.This is just BS so what VIP get more characterslot can open leet on first life toons get extra quest xp and 500 tp a month. They still have to buy expansioins. People like me that have spent a lot of money to aquire enough tp that make VIP usless. Premuim players help keep the game going to but we get no love from turbine.
    So how would you make a difference between premiums. You can become a premium just by buying some points, like 2 bucks. Will that ensure Turbine that you will keep on spending money with them?
    Can't you really understand that if they gave out the same benefits to premiums as to VIP's they would lose the VIP players? And by that, that they would also insure that no one would play VIP and by that they would have no solid base income? Is that really hard to see how a company works?
    This way, they can assure a bunch of players will spent 9 bucks for 1 month VIP, and some more players will invest some more money for a longer period VIP pass, and that the VIP's, that have been ripped off, by having to buy expansions and whatnot, as you so rightfully stated, get some love...

    I think it's not that hard to understand why VIP's get (or at least should get) more love than the other player base.

  17. #11
    Community Member Nouda_EU's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasparion View Post
    I'd love to see how much Premium players spend on average. Over the years Ive spent more than $10/month buying the things I want to buy. That said, I am probably close to the point where I am spending less money by being Premium. Ive bought all the packs/races/whatever that I want. And most of the expansions seem to cost $$$ regardless of whether you are VIP or Premium.

    I miss out on 10% XP (15% now) and opening on Elite, but other than that, I don't really miss anything.

    Maybe when I first started playing I could have gone VIP but at that point in time I wasn't sure if I was going to stay.
    well 8 years about £10 a month thats £120 thats £960. plus when DDO unlimited launched at the £30 a bundle an 2 packs a year for 4 years thats another £480... So £1440.

    wont mention paying subs in the EU and the us for an overlapping time... oh and 2 expansions pack with the tier 3 things and the original copy of the game ... well so whats that they were about $100 a go so thats £75 for 2 expansions and £30 of the original game

    So £1600 near $2000

    Even though that sounds like a lot if you put in perspective how much entertainment I've had out of that I'm not to fuss whats more its only one dev wage for a month doesn't actually by much but I'm fed up of people saying I keep this game alive... come back to me when you have spent more that $2000
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  18. #12
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    Meh. Wish we had a choice on the type of heart we get. I don't have any plans to Epic TR, since I like the heroic TR grind.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ancient View Post
    Yes, we all know you were right back in 2009 before you took an arrow to the knee.
    Quote Originally Posted by Coyopa View Post
    I wish there were a way to never see any of your posts.

  19. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vellrad View Post
    How is someone that spend $15 and may or may not spend $15 again or someone that spends $100 and may, or may not spend anything more during that year, and may, or may not, spend anything after vip expires, providing more consistent income than someone that spends $5/15/50/100/200 on turbine points, and may, or may not spend $5/15/50/100/200 on turbine points again?
    People who sign up for subscriptions are more likely, purchasing behavior-wise, to purchase said subscriptions again. It's like watching cable TV, which is also not contract driven. You pay a month, and you watch your shows. You pay for a year, you get hooked into shows. You aren't obligated to stay watching those shows, but you want to. It's a perception of benefit for nominal cost.

    This purchase pattern lends to the marketing concept that people who pay subscriptions will continue to pay subscriptions because there is perceived benefit to doing so. It's habitual purchasing. Premiums, on the other hand, are one-purchase parties. We are miserly with our points. VIP's frequently are not. It's that spending pattern and habits that indicate VIP's are consistent income.

    Also, I recounted, and I've spent $280 in 3-1/2 years. So $6.67 a month. Still a better deal. Sorry for the error.
    Last edited by Carkolda; 11-25-2013 at 06:07 PM. Reason: Grammar is my friend.

  20. #14
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Dice Dice baby!
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  21. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schaden_freude View Post
    Meh. Wish we had a choice on the type of heart we get. I don't have any plans to Epic TR, since I like the heroic TR grind.
    Run Epics. You can trade tokens of the twelve for a true heroic heart. And you get about 500 TP a life, assuming you get to 2k favor (which shouldn't be that hard).

  22. #16
    Community Member xPhoxhoundx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twindaddy53 View Post
    from a person that used to be vip but I have bought enough packs,, race,s classes, and tp codes that being vip is a waste of time and money that all my toons are ledgend builds. Yet people that are the same as me get screwed like this cause we have to farm out 4200 CoV.This is just BS so what VIP get more characterslot can open leet on first life toons get extra quest xp and 500 tp a month. They still have to buy expansioins. People like me that have spent a lot of money to aquire enough tp that make VIP usless. Premuim players help keep the game going to but we get no love from turbine.
    I'm sorry...

    Wait, no I'm not. Get over it.

  23. #17
    Community Member xPhoxhoundx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nouda_EU View Post
    well 8 years about £10 a month thats £120 thats £960. plus when DDO unlimited launched at the £30 a bundle an 2 packs a year for 4 years thats another £480... So £1440.

    wont mention paying subs in the EU and the us for an overlapping time... oh and 2 expansions pack with the tier 3 things and the original copy of the game ... well so whats that they were about $100 a go so thats £75 for 2 expansions and £30 of the original game

    So £1600 near $2000

    Even though that sounds like a lot if you put in perspective how much entertainment I've had out of that I'm not to fuss whats more its only one dev wage for a month doesn't actually by much but I'm fed up of people saying I keep this game alive... come back to me when you have spent more that $2000
    Well, I have... But I agree with you.

  24. #18
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twindaddy53 View Post
    from a person that used to be vip but I have bought enough packs,, race,s classes, and tp codes that being vip is a waste of time and money that all my toons are ledgend builds. Yet people that are the same as me get screwed like this cause we have to farm out 4200 CoV.This is just BS so what VIP get more characterslot can open leet on first life toons get extra quest xp and 500 tp a month. They still have to buy expansioins. People like me that have spent a lot of money to aquire enough tp that make VIP usless. Premuim players help keep the game going to but we get no love from turbine.
    more character slots
    open elite
    extra xp
    500 tp a month
    free epic hearts for all epic characters

    I think what you are saying is that VIP is a good deal with some of the recently added perks and benefits. I agree.

    Thank you Turbine.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  25. #19
    Community Member Vellrad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carkolda View Post

    Also, I recounted, and I've spent $280 in 3-1/2 years. So $6.67 a month. Still a better deal. Sorry for the error.
    I just went through my emails from turbine.
    Since I started playing, I spen $333, and if that counts, two people spent $20 for TP codes for item they wanted from me.

    Since I had few 6 months breaks, I've lost more money on premium than if I'd be VIP.

    I'm relly glad turbine thinks my money is less cool than someone else's money, as this means they don't want it (seriously, if they'd want my money, they'd fix their billing system).

    If anything, they should hand out everyone who prepurchased shadowfail hearts, and make a free epic/heroic/iconic/lesser reincarnation once per month per account as a new vip perk,
    Quote Originally Posted by Originally Posted by Random Person #2 View Post
    People who exploit bugs in code are cheaters cheaters cheaters. And they are big fat ****yheads too.

  26. #20
    Community Member Systern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    It's going to be an epic holiday season for our VIPs this December! Starting on December 12th, if your account is VIP, any of your characters that are at least level 20 will get a free Epic Heart of Wood! This offer is good through January 12th, and any VIP characters are eligible to receive the free Epic Heart so long as they are at least level 20.

    Frequently Asked Questions:


    I'm really good at leveling fast! If my character reaches level 20 and then heroic true reincarnates, can they get another free Epic Heart if I reach level 20 again?

    Each character can only get the free Epic Heart once ever. Once they get the free Epic Heart, they won't receive additional ones on subsequent lives.

    Thanks for being a VIP!

    Was kinda curious if we were seeing a trend start: Monthly VIP Perks. (Extra +5% XP this month, Epic Heart next month, ???? Month after that...)

    Unlike the DDO Bonus days that seem to have ~4 bonuses that are in rotation (XP, Renown, Loot, Challenge mats, ??), this one won't be repeated nor repeatable?

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