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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Monkcher gear questions


    I am looking for gear advice for a monkcher on a very basic level.

    I have a Pinion, obviously. Apart from stats/heal amp/resists/ghostly/blurry/strinding I supect I should look for
    - Seeker and exc Seeker
    - Deadly
    - Speed
    - the bonus from the Prowess trinket
    - preferably displcement/haste clickies
    but I have a feeling I overlooking some important stuff. Please advice as I am positively new to player a moncher.

    Advice on specific items is also very welcome but my priority is understanding which effects are key.

  2. #2
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    I've been meaning to make a monkcher gear thread for awhile.

    12 monk / 6 ranger is default, 2 fvs or clr is my favorite splash so far.

    My layout, Gilvaenor version:
    Body: Black Dragonscale Robe / Armor Bonus +11, Haste Guard, Armor-Piercing 20%, Relentless Fury, Sup Acid Res, Draconic Ferocity set, Blue Slot
    Head: Helm of Blue Dragon (EE) / Ins Wisdom +3, Draconic Mind set, Green Slot, Yellow Slot
    Goggles: Shadowsight (EE) / Ethereal, Wisdom +11, Accuracy +10, Green Slot
    Neck: Gilvaenor's Necklace / Constitution +6, Attack Bonus +2 , Arcane Archer set
    Cloak: Cha of Inner Focus / Charisma +10, Concentration +20
    Bracer: Steady Handed Arm (EE) / Exceptional Seeker +5, Attack Bonus +4, Yellow Slot, Colorless Slot
    Gloves: Backstabber Gloves (EE) / Sneak Attack +5, Excep Sneak Attack +3, Improved Deception, Bluff +20, Yellow Slot
    Belt: Ogre of False Life / Strength +10, HP +50
    Boots: Fort of Dodge / Fortification 125%, Dodge 10%
    Ring 1: Deadly of Resist / Deadly +10, Resistance +10
    Ring 2: Gilvaenor's Ring / Dexterity +6, Exceptional Dexterity +1, Incredible Potential, Arcane Archer set
    Trinket: Planar Focus Prowess / Ins Con +3, Planar Focus Prowess set (+4 artifact attack/damage, +15 artifact PRR)
    Hand: Pinion / +8 Longbow, Wailing, Seeker +10, Ranged Alacrity 20%, Planar Conflux, Red Slot
    Quiver: Quiver of Poison (EE) / Venomed Ammunition - 1d10

    Non-Gilvaenor version:
    Body: Black Dragonscale Robe / Armor Bonus +11, Haste Guard, Armor-Piercing 20%, Relentless Fury, Sup Acid Res, Draconic Ferocity set, Blue Slot
    Head: Helm of Blue Dragon (EE) / Ins Wisdom +3, Draconic Mind set, Green Slot, Yellow Slot
    Goggles: Shadowsight (EE) / Ethereal, Wisdom +11, Accuracy +10, Green Slot
    Neck: Cha of Inner Focus / Charisma +10, Concentration +20
    Cloak: Adamantine Cloak of Wolf / Exceptional Seeker +5, Dodge 8%, Attack Bonus +4, Diversion 20%
    Bracer: Skirmisher's Bracers / Dexterity +9, Doublestrike 8%, Doubleshot 8%
    Gloves: Backstabber Gloves (EE) / Sneak Attack +5, Excep Sneak Attack +3, Improved Deception, Bluff +20, Yellow Slot
    Belt: Ogre of False Life / Strength +10, HP +50
    Boots: Spiked Boots (EE) / Balance +20, Slip Immunity, Yellow Slot, Green Slot
    Ring 1: Deadly of Resist / Deadly +10, Resistance +10
    Ring 2: Epic Ring of Stalker (T3) / Excep Sneak Attack +3, Seeker +6, Manslayer, Ghostly, Colorless Slot, Yellow Slot
    Trinket: Planar Focus Prowess / Ins Con +3, Planar Focus Prowess set (+4 artifact attack/damage, +15 artifact PRR)
    Hand: Pinion / +8 Longbow, Wailing, Seeker +10, Ranged Alacrity 20%, Planar Conflux, Red Slot
    Quiver: Quiver of Poison (EE) / Venomed Ammunition - 1d10

    Slotted augments should be decently obvious. I prefer AA monkcher gear be as DPS-focused as possible. Doubleshot is subpar but there's no other DPS-adders available. Con +3 Prowess because of Divine Might.

    I wand Blur (10th) if I think I need blur. I don't even have a Displace clicky, though it could be situationally useful.

    Epic feats:
    21 Overwhelming Critical
    24 Combat Archery
    27 Blinding Speed
    26 Holy Strike
    28 Doubleshot

    DPS effects available
    Ranged Alacrity 22% enhancement: Blinding Speed or Haste Clickies/Pots
    Seeker +10: Pinion
    Excep Seeker +5: Steady Handed or Adamantine Cloak of Wolf, or Bracers of Twisting Shade if arty splash w/trap skills
    Deadly +10: lootgen neck, cloak, ring, goggles, or helmet
    Artifact +4: Planar Prowess set
    Venomed d10: EE Quiver of Poison
    Sneak Attack +5, Excep Sneak Attack +3, Imp Deception: Backstabber's Gloves or Ring of Avithoul
    Ranged Alacrity 10% competence: Gilvaenor AA set
    Relentless Fury: Flawless Black Dragonscale robe
    Armor-Piercing: Flawless Black Dragonscale robe
    Manslayer: Epic Ring of the Stalker
    Doubleshot 8%: Skirmisher's Bracers

    Each point of Wis is ~1.5% of an arrow during Ten Thousand Stars. Amortized, something like +1.25 damage per point of Wis assuming 10KS 40% of the time.
    Each point of Str is +0.5.
    Each point of Cha is +0.25 w/Divine Might.
    Last edited by cdr; 11-24-2013 at 05:59 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Could I ask you to post your enhancements as well?

  4. #4
    Community Member gDra's Avatar
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    My layout on a Mnk12/Rng6/Art2:

    Armor: Black Dragon Robe (Luck+2)
    Head: Black Dragon Helm [InsStr+3] (Vitality, True Globe)
    Goggles: Shadowsight [Wis+11, AccuracyX] (InsWis+2)
    Trinket: Planar Focus Prowess [InsCon+3]
    Necklace: Deadly [10], Resistance [9]
    Ring1: Guardian's Ring [PRR+24, Str+8] (Yellow)
    Ring2: Fortification [125], False Life [45]
    Gloves: Health [9], Dodge [10]
    Bracers: Convalescent [30] of Parry [+4]
    Belt: Greensteel SmokeII [SP+150, HP+35]
    Boots: Treads of Falling Shadow [Dex+8, InsDex+3, Ethereal]
    Quiver: Poison
    Cloak: Mantle of the Dragonfriend [Cha+8] (InsCha+2, Green)

    I would love to find a Charisma Cloak of Inner Focus like cdr has.
    One of the open slots is for Deathblock.

    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    Each point of Wis is ~1.5% of an arrow during Ten Thousand Stars.
    Where is that formula from? And how does it apply? (chance for a second arrow? what about the chance for a third?)
    Last edited by gDra; 11-25-2013 at 05:18 PM.
    NedrilFavored Soul . GidraMonkcher . LambalorBard . Cannith

  5. #5
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gDra View Post
    Where is that formula from? And how does it apply? (chance for a second arrow? what about the chance for a third?)

    Also, the black helm is doing basically nothing for you compared to a blue helm - if +1 wis puts you up another wis mod, that's more damage instead of +10 hp from 3 con.

  6. #6
    Community Member sephiroth1084's Avatar
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    While the Black Dragon Helm's +3 Insightful Str is nice, and the two slots are worthwhile, I wonder why so many people are bothering with it, given that the set bonus doesn't stack with the Planar Prowess set (both damage bonuses are typed: Artifact). Blue for Insightful Wis +3 seems a better fit.
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  7. #7
    Community Member gDra's Avatar
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    Thanks for updating the wiki, it wasn't there last time and I had no trace of the thread.

    I know the black set bonus isnt doing much for me.
    The black helm was chosen because I had it (and not the blue one) and I can still push for an even Wis score.

    I also missed to say how useful Displacement clickies are. You WILL draw attention and kiting is not always an option.
    Last edited by gDra; 11-27-2013 at 07:52 PM.
    NedrilFavored Soul . GidraMonkcher . LambalorBard . Cannith

  8. #8
    The Hatchery Zoda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sephiroth1084 View Post
    While the Black Dragon Helm's +3 Insightful Str is nice, and the two slots are worthwhile, I wonder why so many people are bothering with it, given that the set bonus doesn't stack with the Planar Prowess set (both damage bonuses are typed: Artifact). Blue for Insightful Wis +3 seems a better fit.
    The black dragon set bonus gives you +2 RANGED damage, the planar set gives you +4 damage. Not the same thing. They stack.
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  9. #9
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    I've been meaning to make a monkcher gear thread for awhile.

    12 monk / 6 ranger is default, 2 fvs or clr is my favorite splash so far.
    Is there a build somewhere?
    I cant find it.

  10. #10
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan_Milic View Post
    Is there a build somewhere?
    I cant find it.
    Here's mo's druid splash, slightly dated since it was posted in u19:

    Here's a basic cleric/fvs splash I posted for someone:

    Monkcher has been super popular on Sarlona for awhile, so a lot of people have a broad idea of how to build them.

  11. #11
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    Here's mo's druid splash, slightly dated since it was posted in u19:

    Here's a basic cleric/fvs splash I posted for someone:

    Monkcher has been super popular on Sarlona for awhile, so a lot of people have a broad idea of how to build them.
    Is there one build with fighter lvls?
    12 fight/6 monk/2 fvs
    Last edited by Ivan_Milic; 12-01-2013 at 03:30 PM.

  12. #12
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan_Milic View Post
    Is there one build with fighter lvls?
    Sure, 2 fighter is quite popular. It's likely the highest overall DPS thanks to haste boost, but it lacks Empower Heal or Scroll Mastery for healing (or the UMD and trap option of arti, or the saves of pally, or the CC of druid... all tradeoffs).

    One of the two fighter feats likely goes to weapon focus for the +damage enhancement, not sure what's best to take for the other.

    12ftr/6 monk/2 ranger is a build I see around, but I can't say much about it. I would be skeptical it's as good as monk though - 9 and 12 monk get you so much, and ftr is just feats.

  13. #13
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan_Milic View Post
    Is there one build with fighter lvls?
    12 fight/6 monk/2 fvs
    Mine used to have 2 fighter levels. I dropped them in favor of druid after the enhancement pass eased up on feat requirements.

    You could still go for fighter, rogue or paladin, but I do strongly prefer a 2divine splash for empower healing & rejuvenation cocoon.

    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    One of the two fighter feats likely goes to weapon focus for the +damage enhancement, not sure what's best to take for the other.
    I'd probably pick up weapon focus and power critical. Kinda wasted feats imo, thus I don't take fighter anymore.
    btw updated my enhancements slightly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zoda View Post
    The black dragon set bonus gives you +2 RANGED damage, the planar set gives you +4 damage. Not the same thing. They stack.
    You are incorrect, they are both a + Artifact bonus to damage. The higher value overrides the lower value.
    Ranged & Thrown is only mentioned in the black dragon set tool tip to inform people that it's not a melee only set bonus. It definitely is not a unique type of stacking artifact bonus.
    Last edited by fTdOmen; 12-01-2013 at 05:17 PM.

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