With U20, the Lobster got a minor remodel. A larger entrance was added to the new thoroughfare leading up from the Lighthouse.
It's nicely designed, and fits in with the existing look of the Harbor. Kudos!
The only problem I have with it, is that there is no second door added on the inside of the Lobster. Makes no difference if you enter from the new door, or the old one - you zone into the same place. Only now, if you exit by that same inner door, you only exit out the new main entrance. I see this as an opportunity!
My idea is as follows:
Devs, please make the new door the only one that leads in and out of the Lobster's bar area. It's impressive, and thematically apropos.
Make the former entrance and current side-door to the Lobster the entrance to the PvP Pit, and segregate the PvP Pit into it's own instance. Also, add a door inside the Lobster that goes into the newly minted PvP area.
Giving the "side-door" aspect to the PvP area would also be thematically fitting, and would give it a bit of a Fight Club feel.
This would end the confusion about the entrance/exit situation, add to the overall aesthetic of the Harbor. And, would allow PvP players to pursue their passion in the privacy of their own instance - where they would not be made to put up with comments from non-PvP aficionados, nor the non-PvP playing public need to listen in on the back and forth exchanges going on in the PvP area.
I see it as a win-win in all regards, and I think it'd make many folks happier overall.