So, about to head to some artificer lives. Character in question has 3 sorc + wiz PLs; I'm not so worried about DCs. What I'd like to do though, is amp like crazy the spell power. Likely a fleshy. Considering Half Elf for the boost + human related SP, damage and +INT while boosting things. May do some epic stuff for a bit.

Looking for a discussion. Considering a bit of splashing, but unsure what, if any - I'd like to hear thoughts from others out there.

- Sorc 1 or Sorc 3 would get me some additional spell power. Neither of those are high enough to get +max CL (that'd be sorc 6).
- Light splash would let me sit w/ 2 level 6 spells (probably typically BB and TacDet) ... but I'd be missing deadly most of the time.
- Staying pure would give rune arm, weapon-as-implement and/or more SP from arcanotech
- Sorc would give +10 electric/sonic, but less universal per AP; would have option for electrocution and/or alternating current.
- Sorc 6 would mean no late-arti spells. Arti CL would still be 15 for elec spells (due to savant +3) so DC and damage still at capacity, but loses valuable late options.
- Regardless, Battle Engineer still seems like the better T5 unless I went crazy for Wind Dance and did T5 air savant.

I see two options. One is a traditional Evocation, full casting arti. DCs primarily, with a healthy dose of force. The second is a more electric-focused.

I suspect the 2nd will gain more by the splash, simply because you could have alternating current. Deeper splash maybe even. Dunno.

Thoughts / discussion welcomed

I know there are folks with experience on the first route - INT/DC based. Has anyone done a hybrid between Air Savant / Arti?