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  1. #1
    Community Member rezo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default 12 Eldritch Knight / 6 Tempest / 2 Rog. Build????

    I was think of a 12 Eldritch Knight / 6 Tempest / 2 Rog. race WF build??? Was thinking WF for self healing and rog for soloing. I was thinking of the old moster buld for long ago, lol. An thoughts about this???

    I will TRing soon and will have 36pt build.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    No one that throws together a bunch of numbers and calls it fact is going to give you and real accurate answer, there's too many variables and it's all biased towards there own personal outlooks on how it should be, not how it is. Numbers are too easy to manipulate.
    So sad but true.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    You might want to take a look at my build.

    It uses monk to get evasion, but it can be tweaked to use rogue levels.

  3. #3
    Community Member rezo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Thx for the help.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shade View Post
    No one that throws together a bunch of numbers and calls it fact is going to give you and real accurate answer, there's too many variables and it's all biased towards there own personal outlooks on how it should be, not how it is. Numbers are too easy to manipulate.
    So sad but true.

  4. #4
    Community Member Lanceroy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Wraith Tempest Knight

    If you only have 28 pt build, drop dex by 2 and you'll have 2 extra points to put wherever you want.
    If you want more survivability, you can replace Blinding Speed at lv 27 with epic reflex.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.19.03
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 28 Lawful Good Halfling Male
    (2 Rogue \ 6 Ranger \ 12 Wizard \ 8 Epic) 
    Hit Points: 478
    Spell Points: 948 
    BAB: 13\13\18\23
    Fortitude: 15
    Reflex: 22
    Will: 11
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (32 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 28)
    Strength              6                     9
    Dexterity            20                    28
    Constitution         16                    21
    Intelligence         14                    17
    Wisdom                8                    11
    Charisma              8                    11
    Tomes Used
    +3 Tome of Strength used at level 18
    +3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 18
    +3 Tome of Constitution used at level 18
    +3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 18
    +3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 18
    +3 Tome of Charisma used at level 18
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 28)
    Balance               9                    21
    Bluff                -1                     8
    Concentration         5                    15
    Diplomacy            -1                     8
    Disable Device        6                    34
    Haggle               -1                     8
    Heal                  1                    21
    Hide                  5                    21
    Intimidate           -1                     8
    Jump                  2                    13
    Listen               -1                    10
    Move Silently         5                    19
    Open Lock             9                    40
    Perform              n/a                    n/a
    Repair                2                    11
    Search                6                    34
    Spellcraft            4                    13
    Spot                 -1                     8
    Swim                 -2                     7
    Tumble                9                    21
    Use Magic Device      3                    12
    Level 1 (Rogue)
    Skill: Balance (+4)
    Skill: Concentration (+2)
    Skill: Disable Device (+4)
    Skill: Heal (+2)
    Skill: Jump (+4)
    Skill: Open Lock (+4)
    Skill: Search (+4)
    Skill: Spellcraft (+2)
    Skill: Tumble (+4)
    Skill: Use Magic Device (+4)
    Feat: (Selected) Dodge
    Level 2 (Wizard)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Extend Spell
    Level 3 (Wizard)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Mobility
    Level 4 (Wizard)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Level 5 (Wizard)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Level 6 (Wizard)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Combat Expertise
    Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Mental Toughness
    Level 7 (Wizard)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Level 8 (Wizard)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Level 9 (Wizard)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack
    Level 10 (Wizard)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Level 11 (Wizard)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Feat: (Wizard Bonus) Improved Mental Toughness
    Level 12 (Wizard)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Whirlwind Attack
    Level 13 (Wizard)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Level 14 (Ranger)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Skill: Search (+4)
    Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Elemental
    Level 15 (Ranger)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Skill: Search (+4)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Level 16 (Ranger)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Skill: Search (+4)
    Level 17 (Ranger)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Skill: Search (+4)
    Level 18 (Ranger)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+3)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Level 19 (Ranger)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+4)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Level 20 (Rogue)
    Skill: Disable Device (+1)
    Skill: Heal (+4)
    Skill: Open Lock (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Level 21 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Epic Toughness
    Level 22 (Epic)
    Level 23 (Epic)
    Level 24 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 25 (Epic)
    Level 26 (Epic)
    Level 27 (Epic)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Blinding Speed
    Level 28 (Epic)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Shield of Whirling Steel (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Tempest (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Graceful Death (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Improved Reaction (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Improved Reaction (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Improved Reaction (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Whirling Blades (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Improved Parry (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Improved Dodge (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Improved Dodge (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Improved Dodge (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Whirling Blades (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Improved Mobility (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Improved Mobility (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Improved Mobility (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Whirling Blades (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Tempest (Rgr) - Whirling Blades (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Dark Reaping (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Shroud of the Zombie (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Shroud of the Vampire (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Shroud of the Wraith (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Deathless Vigor (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Deathless Vigor (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Deathless Vigor (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Spell Critical: Negative Energy I (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Negative Energy Conduit (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Negative Energy Conduit (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Negative Energy Conduit (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Spell Critical: Negative Energy II (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Bone Armor (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Bone Armor (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Bone Armor (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Spell Critical: Negative Energy III (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Pale Master (Wiz) - Spell Critical: Negative Energy IV (Rank 1)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Eldritch Strike (Rank 1)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Improved Mage Armor (Rank 3)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Toughness (Rank 2)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Improved Shield (Rank 3)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Martial Training (Rank 1)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Elemental Resistance (Rank 3)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Critical Accuracy (Rank 3)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Ability Increase: Dex (Rank 1)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Ability Increase Dex (Rank 1)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Critical Damage (Rank 3)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Spellsword: Acid (Rank 1 )
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Spellsword: Frost (Rank 1)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Spellsword: Fire (Rank 1)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Wand and Scroll Mastery (Rank 3)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Tenser's Transformation (Rank 1)
    > Enhancement: Eldritch Knight (Wiz) - Doublestrike (Rank 3)
    Last edited by Lanceroy; 12-02-2013 at 07:42 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by rezo View Post
    I was think of a 12 Eldritch Knight / 6 Tempest / 2 Rog. race WF build??? Was thinking WF for self healing and rog for soloing. I was thinking of the old moster buld for long ago, lol. An thoughts about this???

    I will TRing soon and will have 36pt build.

    I added the EK to my WF 12 Wiz/6 Ranger/2 Rog. If you've already got a 12/6/2, I'd recommend it over spending points in AM, but I wouldn't suggest rolling one up (or TRing into one) just for the EK stuff.

    I prefer the Tier 5 Tempest ability "Evasive Dance" over the Tier 5 EK abilities.

    My favorite response to people accusing me of being a gimpy Eldritch Knight is "It's not the Eldritch that makes me gimp"
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  6. #6
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009


    I know your looking into WF so you know feel free to ignore me but I've been thinking an Elven Wiz12/Ranger6/Rogue2 Dex/Int Build...if you can afford the extra AP elves have alot going for them as far as an Arcane Melee goes (and to a lesser extent a trapper) including the fact that you can pick up ASF without having to dip into Tier 5 EK stuff if you don't want to and Graceful Death+rapiers (temporarily you can do Imp Wep finess+rapiers for before you get 6 ranger levels)

    For me its either that or a THF Bladeforged Sorc16-18/Pally2/Rogue0-2 full tilt Charisma (can't afford the pa/c/gc/oc line anyways)

    I'm mostly waiting to see if the devs are going to pull a "Protection Tree -> Warpriest" Rewrite on EK first because honestly its a fairly meh tree.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

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