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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default The barticifer bard/cleric/arti

    So, I wanted to play a bard for a long time, and finally made one. It is currently level 12, but is 9 bard/2 arti/1 cleric. I am a 30 point drow, with:


    stats. Cleric is just warpriest, 1 core, 3 divine might, arti, bard, and drow trees currently unpicked. I picked up empowered heal, quicken, force of personality, power attack for feats. I rely on sonic blast for generic crowd control, blur, heroism, empowered csw, focusing chant, haste, and random trapping gear to trap.

    It simply works. I will take my other two arti levels in my late teens to maximize skill point use for search, spot, and disable skills.

    Is it possible to get insightful damage on a scroll?

  2. #2
    Community Member Panzermeyer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Scrag View Post
    So, I wanted to play a bard for a long time, and finally made one. It is currently level 12, but is 9 bard/2 arti/1 cleric. I am a 30 point drow, with:


    stats. Cleric is just warpriest, 1 core, 3 divine might, arti, bard, and drow trees currently unpicked. I picked up empowered heal, quicken, force of personality, power attack for feats. I rely on sonic blast for generic crowd control, blur, heroism, empowered csw, focusing chant, haste, and random trapping gear to trap.

    It simply works. I will take my other two arti levels in my late teens to maximize skill point use for search, spot, and disable skills.

    Is it possible to get insightful damage on a scroll?
    Yes I believe it is. The problem with getting it on is the same problem with masters touch. A repeater or two handed weapon you cannot scroll insightful damage onto. As you have to hold the scroll in your hand.

    However I am not sure that insightful damage stacks with str damage. I believe it is an either or. That being the case and your str being so much higher than your int. You would want to scroll it.
    Panzermeyer - Huge Terry Brooks Shannara Fan

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