My wife and I were thinking of returning to DDO. We havent played in a few years so we are pretty much starting over with little to no knowledge of the game as it is now. We aren't really looking for raiding and all that atleast not now, we have drows unlocked but not the 32 point builds or anything else. We have decided not to go vip because we arent sure if we will like the game enough to pay for it, maybe later that will happen. we are looking to duo through the content maybe run with a group on rare occasions if it comes up but we will not be actively looking for groups really. With that in mind we were thinking about running a pair of paladins because we were under the impression they are a very solo friendly class to play so it should be very easy to duo a pair of them as well.
Now our issues are really with how to build them. What stats should we start off with? Should we use drows or humans? I read that alot of people are building pallys for two weapon fighting is that what we should do or is it better with two hand weapons or sword and board? What feats should we invest in? Some one told me to start level one with rogue for more skill points for UMD and a few others. I was also reading and found people are not putting points into wis to get this from items is that sound advice? As you can see we are completely at a loss as to how to even get started. Any help would be appreciated. I am not worried really about making a perfect toon right away I am sure we will make others later once we figure things out but we will most likely play these ones for a good while atleast until we unlock the 32 point builds. We just want to have some toons that we are comfortable with, and we dont get that feeling like we gimped them right away and stop playing because of it. Thank you