So i asked 5 times so far if any active guilds were recruiting and got silence. I have been playing off and on for years, way more off then on and I am back in it for good now. Starting on my road to completionist and would like a guild to do quests and raids with once I get to raid levels and get favor for artificer and favored soul. I am about a 95% solo player but know I can't solo raids or EE or most elite difficulties till i get the gear.
I prefer to solo when I can and will build my chars and only play chars that can solo atleast hard/elite( I do like grouping with a competent and nice and friendly group though). Except for this rogue life I wanted to get out of the way cause rogue soloing is hard. Currently I am a 10 rogue/6 monk/1 fighter going for 3 more rogue levels then I will reincarnate.
The only person I knew in game was Thanimal, who taught me everything he knew, but he is now gone and I haven't heard from him in ages. So are there any active guilds recruiting right now? My in game name is Kinvesu. I mostly play 10pm pst to 3am pst and on weekends all day. Give me a whisper or mail.