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  1. #1
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    Default The Dirk Jiggler (16Mnk, 2 Ftr, 2 Rgr)


    The Dirk Jiggler

    This is the offspring of some serious trial and error and hours of grind just to test things out -- I think it is one of the most fun hybrid builds that you can play at the moment, mostly due to the fast innate movement speed and action packed 'in your face' arcade way of play style (stun, instakill and burst dmg).

    This build feels like a jetfighter amongst bombers!

    16 Mnk, 2 Rgr, 2Ftr
    Fury of the Wild
    Twists: Rejuv, LD tactics, Dance of Flowers
    36 point build.
    Pastlife: 3 mnk, 3 ftr, 1 pal,

    HO - +3 Tactical DC (only matched by dwarf) can start with 18 Wisdom, 18 Strenght and MAX out wisdom with level stats and still reach 23 Strenght required for OC.
    16 monk - Quivering Palm, Adamantine DR. + half die step compared to 15 mnk
    2 Rgr - Bow Strenght, TWF
    2 Fighter - +3 Tactical DC, 2 feats, haste boost.

    * worth noting so far: HE is better dmg and has a smoother attack animation than HO while using fists, but can't reach the absolute top Quivering Palm DC that is required for harder EE's .

    Str 18, 48 (5tome, 12item, 2ship 5morale, 2Ship, 2Yug, 2ED)
    Dex 13, 26 (5tome, 8item, 2ship -2 Earth Stance)
    Con 13, 42 (5tome, 12item, 2ship, 5morale,2 yug 3 Earth stance )
    Int 6 ----
    Wis: 18, 54 (7lvl,, 5tome, 4AP, 13-14tiem, 2Yug, 2ED, 2ship)
    Cha 6, 20 (5tome, 7item, 2ship)

    PRR: 68
    HP: 950-1050
    Saves: 62, 50, 55 (no tensers)
    Double Strike::14%
    Skills:: UMD, Concentration, Heal.

    Heroic Feats (12)
    7 base+ 3 mnk +2 ftr
    1. PA*
    2-3 Cleave x2
    4 Imp. Crit - Bludgeon
    5-6 TWFx3 (one feat gained from Rgr)
    7 Stunning Fist*
    8 Pointblank
    9 Manyshot
    10 Zen Archery*
    11. PL monk
    12. PL pal
    *monk feat

    Epic Feats
    Martial Arts
    Vorpal Fists (Epic Fortitude is probably the wiser choice, but I am all for dmg)

    Destiny Feats
    Superior TWF

    Quivering Palm DC 73
    18 base
    22 wis
    16 Item
    6 LD tactics
    3 FTR PL
    6 HO/FTR tactic
    2 Feat

    Not worried about stunning fist DC.

    01: Monk
    02: Fighter
    03: Ranger
    04: Ranger (free TWF)
    05-18: Monk
    19: Fighter
    20: Monk

    Half-Orc - Orcish Fury
    Half-Orc - Mighty Sundering (Rank 3)
    Kensei (Ftr) - Kensei Focus: Martial Arts
    Kensei (Ftr) - Kensei Weapon Specialization: Martial Arts
    Kensei (Ftr) - Haste Boost (Rank 3)
    Kensei (Ftr) - Tactics (Rank 3)
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Ninja Training (Rank 2
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Shadow Veil
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Sneak Attack Training (Rank 3)
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Acrobatic (Rank 3)
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Subtlety
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Unbalancing Strike
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Agility (Rank 3)
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - Wisdom (Rank 2)
    Ninja Spy (Mnk) - No Mercy (Rank 2)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Bastion of Purity
    Shintao (Mnk) - Protection from Tainted Creatures
    Shintao (Mnk) - Iron Hand
    Shintao (Mnk) - Argent Fist
    Shintao (Mnk) - Deft Strikes (Rank 3)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Exemplar (Rank 3)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Iron Skin (Rank 3)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Fists of Iron
    Shintao (Mnk) - Conditioning (Rank 3)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Instinctive Defense
    Shintao (Mnk) - Wisdom (Rank 2)
    Shintao (Mnk) - Violence Begets Violence
    Shintao (Mnk) - Meditation of War
    Shintao (Mnk) - Empty Hand Mastery

    Head: Black Helmet +8 strenght, SLOT: +2 Luck, 200SP
    Armor: Black Dragon,, SLOT:16 PRR //
    Necky: Jorg collar,haste with SLOT: Vitality 20HP and Deathblock
    Trinket: Prowess +3 ins. Str
    Eyes: 10 wis/10 Res
    Belt: 10 con 50hp, encrusted belt (30hp, con6)
    Bracers: 30% AMP Gr. conv of parrying with ritual (+5saves)
    Gloves: FOT healing SLOT: Imperial Blood, 8 Dex
    Ring1.(Swap!). Dun Robar +10 shattering,with, ins +2con, Elemental absorbation ring, TOD ring (encrusted) holyburst.
    Ring2. Deadly X Accurracy
    Cloak: Cloak of the bear (+6DC) // Adamantine // the jewelled cloak, ghost cloak
    Boots: Fort 120% of dodge 8% with yellow slot SLOT: +2 ins.wis

    Antipod slotted with level drain.
    Pinion x2 (good/elemental dmg)
    Epic Bow of the Silver flame.

    Swapping healing gloves for backstabbers and slot devotion on antipod is something i'm considering, will cost me a slot. Gear can always be mixed and matched to fit your current loot situation, for instance, getting intricate field optics +3 wis will change the current set up for me.

    I will try to get a video out as soon as possible only afraid to overheat my laptop by doing so at this stage.... below is the dmg I'm seeing at the moment.

    Red named:
    "White hits" 85-100 + various (SA, elemental dmg etc)
    Crits around 400-500+ various numbers

    Stunned mobs:
    "White hits" 200-300
    Crits: 400 - 900

    Ranged dmg is a steady 1.5-3k/Furyhit.

    Please feel free to post suggestions and improvements, or if you have any other questions.


    Last edited by LavidDynch; 02-07-2014 at 02:43 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    It looks like a fun build for sure, but to name it "Dirk Jiggler" and not wield daggers seems like a waste of an interesting name. Perhaps I'm missing some obscure Boogie Nights reference or something.
    Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen

  3. #3
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    His characters (and builds) are all name-variants.

    Jichael - your +3 HO tactics ... just the sundering bit (since you're ignoring stunning fist DC) is what you're talking to right?
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    His characters (and builds) are all name-variants.

    Jichael - your +3 HO tactics ... just the sundering bit (since you're ignoring stunning fist DC) is what you're talking to right?

    Ye, in theory a dwarf would reach a better overall tactics.

    Stunning fist is for some odd reason more functional, even with 10 less DC than what quivering palm, from what i have noticed. I'm not ignorring Stunning fist -- just not worried about it. I believe off hand strikes adds to stunning fist, but I suspect the same goes for QP as I have clearly missed a QP due to activating it out of range and second later the mob is dead since my character has come within the target box (not sure).

    @redspecter23: fists are more manly than knifes.
    Last edited by LavidDynch; 11-17-2013 at 11:14 PM.

  5. #5
    The Hatchery whomhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post
    Ranged dmg is a steady 1.5-3k/hit.
    I'm curious about this, as it seems unlikely to me that you're actually getting 1.5-3k damage per hit... that is unless I'm making some correct assumptions about how you came up with that. I'm assuming that without IC:ranged, IPS, or 10k stars, that you're only whipping out the bow for a Furyshot. If you're claiming 1.5-3k per hit, then that would seem to me to be the total damage dealt by an average 4 arrow burst, including your adrenaline overloaded burst.

    I'm asking because I've been considering a build like this, that stays mostly unarmed but busts out a bow situationally or for burst DPS. My major concern is that the ranged DPS is going to be pretty bad, so was surprised to see the number you quoted above.

    Thanks in advance for elaborating, and for the nice build!

  6. #6
    Community Member mrtweakin's Avatar
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    Have you compared the additional 10% off-hand strikes by going 3 ranger with that of the 1 additional monk giving a half die step?

    Assuming this is FotW? If so then yeah, those are the ranged numbers my 15/3/2 gets. Seems right on.
    Captains Crew, Ghallanda
    Tweakfoo (Monk, 7th Life) | Tweakbot (Wizard, 8th Life) | Tweakit (Bladeforged Fighter Mutt, 16th Life, Completionist)

  7. #7
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Any chance you can squeeze in Imp Sunder somewhere? You might not need it, but it's essentially a "free" stacking +3 DCs (-3 Fortitude) to Stunning Fist & Quivering Palm vs tougher EE mobs. The extra crit dmg to higher-Fortification targets doesn't hurt, either.

    Also, does +offhand procs from Tempest still apply to handwraps? If so, you may want to consider rgr 3 / monk 15: you lose a pt to monk DCs, +0.5[W], and Adamantine ki strike; but gain +10% offhand from Tempest for a full 100% proc chance (w/Deft Strikes).
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Any chance you can squeeze in Imp Sunder somewhere? You might not need it, but it's essentially a "free" stacking +3 DCs (-3 Fortitude) to Stunning Fist & Quivering Palm vs tougher EE mobs. The extra crit dmg to higher-Fortification targets doesn't hurt, either.

    Also, does +offhand procs from Tempest still apply to handwraps? If so, you may want to consider rgr 3 / monk 15: you lose a pt to monk DCs, +0.5[W], and Adamantine ki strike; but gain +10% offhand from Tempest for a full 100% proc chance (w/Deft Strikes).
    I believe you need to have Turbine approved weapons equipped for any of the ranger TWF enhancements to work, but there was also a time where i believed in Santa Clause in other words i might be wrong...

    However, if it does work it would be a viable split, i heard from someone that monk DC/lvl is rounded up; no loss of DC. I feel this build is AP starved so that could be another compromise for that split.

    Improved Sundering is also under consideration, glad someone pointed that out. Swapping out PLal for it, If i have to.
    Last edited by LavidDynch; 11-18-2013 at 11:38 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrtweakin View Post

    Assuming this is FotW? If so then yeah, those are the ranged numbers my 15/3/2 gets. Seems right on.
    The video is a bit stressed. I almost cut out the entire first encounter due to fighting with a scroll in my hand.

    Normally the bow dmg is a bit higher -- but videos doesnt lie, i guess...

  10. #10
    The Hatchery whomhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post
    The video is a bit stressed. I almost cut out the entire first encounter due to fighting with a scroll in my hand.

    Normally the bow dmg is a bit higher -- but videos doesnt lie, i guess...
    So, it looks like 1.5k on a natural 19 or 20 critical, 750 on others, and >100 per hit on normal attacks. That's nowhere near 1.5-3k per hit. I'm glad though, as those numbers match up quite nicely with my monkcher, and I couldn't figure out where I was leaving more than 1000 damage on the table compared to you.

  11. #11
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    i am thinking about the same split, and i am surprised that the 12 monk 6 ranger is so popular, when this split gives you quivering palm.

    i was planning on these feats:

    fighter 2:
    1 power attack,
    2 itwf

    monk 3:
    1 stunning,
    2 zen,
    3 10k

    normal 7:
    1 pbs,
    2 precise shot,
    3 manyshot,
    4 gtwf,
    5 ips,
    6 ic:bludgeon
    7 free

    epic 3:
    1 combat archery
    2 vorpal
    3 ic: piercing
    Last edited by supott; 11-18-2013 at 01:07 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by whomhead View Post
    So, it looks like 1.5k on a natural 19 or 20 critical, 750 on others, and >100 per hit on normal attacks. That's nowhere near 1.5-3k per hit. I'm glad though, as those numbers match up quite nicely with my monkcher, and I couldn't figure out where I was leaving more than 1000 damage on the table compared to you.
    Hehe -- have been playing a lot in groups lately, alot of those groups has means to double the dmg(i have seen bow crit around 6k on this build, and 4k hit with fist) nerve venom/pinned mobs are more usual then non-helpless mobs. so maybe i was perhaps exaggerating a bit which is human nature, and there is a lot of human natures on the forums

    But no worries -- The dmg should be about equal to a monkcher without the deadlyshot ofc.. and only for 20seconds. (I believe most monkchers don't pick IMA as feat so perhaps got a very tiny bit of edge there...:P

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by supott View Post
    i am thinking about the same split, and i am surprised that the 12 monk 6 ranger is so popular, when this split gives you quivering palm.

    i was planning on these feats:

    fighter 2:
    1 power attack,
    2 itwf

    monk 3:
    1 stunning,
    2 zen,
    3 10k

    normal 7:
    1 pbs,
    2 precise shot,
    3 manyshot,
    4 gtwf,
    5 ips,
    6 ic:bludgeon
    7 free

    epic 3:
    1 combat archery
    2 vorpal
    3 ic: piercing
    here is the thing -- i also could fit in full archer utility; IPS etc etc.. it all looks so god **** good on paper, in reality, and i tried it, you will be:
    a/ A KI starved glass cannon without ammunition.
    b/ A gimped monkcher confused if your going to melee or range. Trust me it will just be very very awkward -- not play friendly at all, and not very effective.

    edit: the reason why people gp 12/6/2x builds is that archery is so nice at the moment that quivering palm will never be an option. Lets put it this way: instead of gather up the next batch of 40 mobs to one-two shot, you will risk your life to melee one or two mobs?
    Last edited by LavidDynch; 11-18-2013 at 01:31 PM.

  14. #14
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by supott View Post
    i am thinking about the same split, and i am surprised that the 12 monk 6 ranger is so popular, when this split gives you quivering palm.
    I think it's partly some folks (inc. me) are still hung up on Ye Olde Monkcher combo; but also that switching from 12/6/2 to 16/2/2 means giving up 3 feats (4 if you include Diehard, though who counts that?), so something's gotta give on your build.

    Plus the tough part is figuring out what to splash on your monk. Apart from rgr or ftr, there's also:
    • Paladin 2 gets you Divine Grace; twist in Bane of Undeath and you can use Divine Might as well.
    • Cleric or FvS 2 gets you low-tier Warpriest goodies (Smite Foe/Weakness, Divine Might, Wall of Steel); it also unlock Heal skill & Emp Heal feat (great if you've got Rejuv Cocoon).
    • Druid 2 gets you Ram's Might, Vengeful Hunter, doublestrike action boost, Beguile (still a useful debuff for trash, IMHO); and again access to Emp Heal.

    So many options, so hard to choose...
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  15. #15
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    Just a Blitz video -- Sorry about the quality.
    Last edited by LavidDynch; 11-18-2013 at 08:31 PM.

  16. #16
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    Has something changed? Adrenaline on a unarmed build used to be terribly SLOW and AwkWaRD!!!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jskinner937 View Post
    Has something changed? Adrenaline on a unarmed build used to be terribly SLOW and AwkWaRD!!!
    Adrenaline is slow on all melee, as you can tell; adrenaline knockdown duration is only 1-3 seconds with wraps and +16 crit range doesn't apply.

  18. #18
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    Looks a fun build - just about to TR my pure monk and this looks awesome.

    2 quick questions:

    Whats the suggested leveling order?
    I am thinking of going dwarf over half-orc (+3 DC and i think HO are really ugly! [although Dwarves aren't much better]) - worried about stat distribution for the feats. Any thoughts?

    Thanks for taking the time to post.


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elsaabeth View Post
    Looks a fun build - just about to TR my pure monk and this looks awesome.

    2 quick questions:

    Whats the suggested leveling order?
    I am thinking of going dwarf over half-orc (+3 DC and i think HO are really ugly! [although Dwarves aren't much better]) - worried about stat distribution for the feats. Any thoughts?

    Thanks for taking the time to post.

    Dwarf is just as good as horc.
    I started with monk for skillpoints (picked stunningfist and PA), went one ftr (for haste boost + feat: cleave), 2 rgr (mostly so I wouldn't pick TWF by misstake), rest monk up til lvl18.

    at lvl18 i started to spec AP to get a functional QP. You will have to be in firestance a lot during heroics -- and that is normal.

    Stats depends on tomes: you need to reach 17 Dex by lvl19.

    Hope that helped.
    Last edited by LavidDynch; 11-19-2013 at 06:20 PM.

  20. #20
    Community Member ChicagoChris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LavidDynch View Post

    The Dirk Jiggler

    16 Mnk, 2 Rgr, 2Ftr
    Fury of the Wild
    Twists: Rejuv, LD tactics, Dance of Flowers
    36 point build.
    Pastlife: 3 mnk, 3 ftr, 1 pal,

    HO - +3 Tactical DC (only matched by dwarf) can start with 18 Wisdom, 18 Strenght and MAX out wisdom with level stats and still reach 23 Strenght required for OC.
    16 monk - Quivering Palm, Adamantine DR. + half die step compared to 15 mnk
    2 Rgr - Bow Strenght, TWF
    2 Fighter - +3 Tactical DC, 2 feats, haste boost.

    * worth noting so far: HE is better dmg and has a smoother attack animation than HO while using fists, but can't reach the absolute top Quivering Palm DC that is required for harder EE's .

    Str 18, 48 (5tome, 12item, 2ship 5morale, 2Ship, 2Yug, 2ED)
    Dex 13, 26 (5tome, 8item, 2ship -2 Earth Stance)
    Con 13, 42 (5tome, 12item, 2ship, 5morale,2 yug 3 Earth stance )
    Int 6 ----
    Wis: 18, 54 (7lvl,, 5tome, 4AP, 13-14tiem, 2Yug, 2ED, 2ship)
    Cha 6, 20 (5tome, 7item, 2ship)

    PRR: 68
    HP: 950-1050
    Saves: 62, 50, 55 (no tensers)
    Double Strike::14%
    Skills:: UMD, Concentration, Heal.

    Heroic Feats (12)
    7 base+ 3 mnk +2 ftr
    1. PA*
    2-3 Cleave x2
    4 Imp. Crit - Bludgeon
    5-6 TWFx3 (one feat gained from Rgr)
    7 Stunning Fist*
    8 Pointblank
    9 Manyshot
    10 Zen Archery*
    11. PL monk
    12. PL pal
    *monk feat

    Epic Feats
    Martial Arts
    Vorpal Fists (Epic Fortitude is probably the wiser choice, but I am all for dmg)

    Destiny Feats
    Superior TWF



    What's your leveling order?

    Looks like
    1: monk
    2-3 fighter
    4 monk
    5-6 ranger
    then all monk

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