Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
+[W] modifiers on weapons don't carry over to animal-forms, except for Shillelagh if you've got a wooden club or staff equipped; that's one of the main shortcomings to epic wolf builds who go the S&B/Shield Mastery route. OTOH, the +[W] modifiers for centered monks (e.g., from higher monk lvls or GMoF) will also apply to centered Drunken Wolfs.
So every 4 levels of monk splash you get +0.5w and dance with flowers twist gives another 1.5w. Fully upgrade antipode is another 1w. Did I miss any other common +w options?

The builds I'm seeing seem to either have 2 monk or go pretty deep into the 8-10monk level range. It also appears that the die step damage increase is better than any of the other weapon options out there if you are going to melee.

Do I have this correct so far?