Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
That is almost identical to my version of this build. I like to build for a little more survivability though, so I take Empower instead of GTHF. To me, strong bursts are incredibly important to my survivability so I am willing to sacrifice a little DPS. Also I drop CON and CHA to 15 so I can boost DEX from 8 to 12 for +2 to reflex saves. That is just my personal preference though, your version looks great.
On second thought I will probably just drop CON to 14 and leave CHA at 16 since it's a pally splash. The bonus hitpoints from FoTW are plenty so I'd rather have +2 to reflex saves than another 30 or so hitpoints. When you get up to cap I find that 740 verses 770 hitpoints makes little difference.