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  1. #21
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    That is almost identical to my version of this build. I like to build for a little more survivability though, so I take Empower instead of GTHF. To me, strong bursts are incredibly important to my survivability so I am willing to sacrifice a little DPS. Also I drop CON and CHA to 15 so I can boost DEX from 8 to 12 for +2 to reflex saves. That is just my personal preference though, your version looks great.
    On second thought I will probably just drop CON to 14 and leave CHA at 16 since it's a pally splash. The bonus hitpoints from FoTW are plenty so I'd rather have +2 to reflex saves than another 30 or so hitpoints. When you get up to cap I find that 740 verses 770 hitpoints makes little difference.

  2. #22
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    The pally builds are strong melee for the muilti TR that rarely runs with pugs and solos.

    If you level with pugs in heroic you will not be invited as a melee because Barbarian and Pally against evil melee damage will far exceed yours. They see you with a deep melee splash you will not get invites as a healer. Maybe a backup healer. No scroll enhancments on these builds means your high lvl raid healing will lack.

    Just understand the thses builds are not for pugs, but for solo and static groups.

    Your melee will not be as good at mid lvls as a pure melee pugs with prestige enhancements and high criticals that do a lot more melee damage than you. EDs will close that gap in epic. At low level your melee will be as good as most newbie pugs without thf and gcleave. Just as pure melee takes off in the mid lvls they will want to see your bb and heal spell, but you wont have it for 3 more lvls. The invites will be less. As they expect u to have mass heal the invites will be lesser than less.

    How you level is up to you and your fun and we have no idea who you will run with mostly, so I covered the expectations. Have fun with your build is the most important thing. Time on here means you arr not out there and we need Clerics out there.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    The pally builds are strong melee for the muilti TR that rarely runs with pugs and solos.

    If you level with pugs in heroic you will not be invited as a melee because Barbarian and Pally against evil melee damage will far exceed yours. They see you with a deep melee splash you will not get invites as a healer. Maybe a backup healer. No scroll enhancments on these builds means your high lvl raid healing will lack.

    Just understand the thses builds are not for pugs, but for solo and static groups.

    Your melee will not be as good at mid lvls as a pure melee pugs with prestige enhancements and high criticals that do a lot more melee damage than you. EDs will close that gap in epic. At low level your melee will be as good as most newbie pugs without thf and gcleave. Just as pure melee takes off in the mid lvls they will want to see your bb and heal spell, but you wont have it for 3 more lvls. The invites will be less. As they expect u to have mass heal the invites will be lesser than less.

    How you level is up to you and your fun and we have no idea who you will run with mostly, so I covered the expectations. Have fun with your build is the most important thing. Time on here means you arr not out there and we need Clerics out there.
    I agree time spent here is time that I'm not working on the cleric. Although, the cleric is a secondary toon, I've a level 17 Eldritch Knight, and a level 8 TRed Fighter, and those 2 take priority over my cleric, although I'll still be working on it some, and for runs, mostly, if I can get them, will be doing guild runs. If I can't get guild runs, I'll either solo if I'm able (if I can get VIP again) and if not, then I'll pug. If I feel the dungeon is exceedingly hard, I'll sit back and heal rather than melee. If the quest is easy, Ill be in the front lines fighting with the melee, letting my Aura/Burst do most of the healing, until I get the Cure, Mass spells. While they aren't that great, it's better than nothing. I'll have Blade Barrier and Heal spell by time I hit level 12, and Raise Dead by time I hit 10, and if I am reading the spells right, I should have access to both Heal and Raise Dead scrolls before I get them.

    Since Lay of Hands doesn't heal that much (10 + paladin lvl) x charisma mod... I won't put the 4 points in the paladin tree for it, and instead put them elsewhere, using my healing spells, aura, burst, and unyielding sovereignty to do the healing. Seeing as Unyielding Sovereignty is more like the true Lay on Hands. (FULL heal) And I don't know why they took that away from Lay on Hands.. I use to play Baldur's Gate (variation of ddo) and using LoH was a full heal, full cure... and everything.

    Also, in regards to the time spent here - mostly I'm posting or fiddling with builds whenever there's not any groups going on that I can get into. Also, wanting to find out as much info as I can about the class before I actually go deep into it. Currently lvl 5 (1 fighter, 4 cleric) lawful good, have cleave, thf, empower spell and power attack.

  4. #24
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    The pally builds are strong melee for the muilti TR that rarely runs with pugs and solos.

    If you level with pugs in heroic you will not be invited as a melee because Barbarian and Pally against evil melee damage will far exceed yours. They see you with a deep melee splash you will not get invites as a healer. Maybe a backup healer. No scroll enhancments on these builds means your high lvl raid healing will lack.

    Just understand the thses builds are not for pugs, but for solo and static groups.

    Having leveled 3 melee clerics to cap, all splashes, pugging 95% of the time, I disagree. Clerics are in such a high demand in pugs that most groups will happily take any cleric, although the illogical battle cleric bias still surfaces on a rare occassion. In my 3 years or so of playing DDO I have only been rejected from groups a handful of times for having splash levels.

    I believe he is taking the scroll enhancements unless I somehow missed this in a prior post. He'd be silly not to since it is one of the best enhancements in the RS tree and you end up having to take junk like Bliss just to get up to the 30 points required for aura anyway.

    As for melee damage, yes, pure melees have a noticable advantage after level 12 or so. But it certainly doesn't "far exceed" a battle cleric's damage. If you have green steel or some other twink weapon you'll do more melee DPS than all but true melees that also have twink gear. And even then the gap is noticable but not too large. Once epic levels come, the gap is even smaller since FoTW and LD far overshadow anything the Kensei or Barb trees give.

    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post

    Just as pure melee takes off in the mid lvls they will want to see your bb and heal spell, but you wont have it for 3 more lvls. The invites will be less. As they expect u to have mass heal the invites will be lesser than less.
    Groups actually tend to hate blade barrier because they don't want to chase mobs running in circles as you kite. As for heal...well they just want you to keep them alive. They don't care if it's through bursts, aura, scrolls or spells. Yes I agree that having mass heal will get you rejected from raids however. From regular quests? never.

    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post

    How you level is up to you and your fun and we have no idea who you will run with mostly, so I covered the expectations. Have fun with your build is the most important thing. Time on here means you arr not out there and we need Clerics out there.

    This x 1000. I almost never play my pure melee anymore because he is not entirely self sufficient and there are so few people out there willing to help out with heals We need more divines.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    Having leveled 3 melee clerics to cap, all splashes, pugging 95% of the time, I disagree. Clerics are in such a high demand in pugs that most groups will happily take any cleric, although the illogical battle cleric bias still surfaces on a rare occassion. In my 3 years or so of playing DDO I have only been rejected from groups a handful of times for having splash levels.

    I believe he is taking the scroll enhancements unless I somehow missed this in a prior post. He'd be silly not to since it is one of the best enhancements in the RS tree and you end up having to take junk like Bliss just to get up to the 30 points required for aura anyway.

    As for melee damage, yes, pure melees have a noticable advantage after level 12 or so. But it certainly doesn't "far exceed" a battle cleric's damage. If you have green steel or some other twink weapon you'll do more melee DPS than all but true melees that also have twink gear. And even then the gap is noticable but not too large. Once epic levels come, the gap is even smaller since FoTW and LD far overshadow anything the Kensei or Barb trees give.

    Groups actually tend to hate blade barrier because they don't want to chase mobs running in circles as you kite. As for heal...well they just want you to keep them alive. They don't care if it's through bursts, aura, scrolls or spells. Yes I agree that having mass heal will get you rejected from raids however. From regular quests? never.

    This x 1000. I almost never play my pure melee anymore because he is not entirely self sufficient and there are so few people out there willing to help out with heals We need more divines.

    Dont kite the blade barrier. That is for solo on a caster cleric mostly. Melee clerics should not kite. Once group realize that they want it used. You can jig though slightly. toe to toe why not use it?

    If the melee suck that they cant pull aggro off you from a gimp blade barrier maybe you should kite lol. That happens too. Just a solo with friends.

    Last edited by firemedium_jt; 11-20-2013 at 06:05 PM.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  6. #26
    Community Member Ailia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    Having leveled 3 melee clerics to cap, all splashes, pugging 95% of the time, I disagree. Clerics are in such a high demand in pugs that most groups will happily take any cleric, although the illogical battle cleric bias still surfaces on a rare occassion. In my 3 years or so of playing DDO I have only been rejected from groups a handful of times for having splash levels.

    I believe he is taking the scroll enhancements unless I somehow missed this in a prior post. He'd be silly not to since it is one of the best enhancements in the RS tree and you end up having to take junk like Bliss just to get up to the 30 points required for aura anyway.
    Haven't seen the melee divine hate much at all in the last two years or so, mostly just due to lack of people playing divines at all, a splash build still out heals a barbarian. I did end up actually skipping the scroll enhancement after raiding for about two months and never needing to scroll (EH CITW, EE FoT for reference, guild doesn't run EE CITW).

    A bit more starting dex isn't a bad idea, just really a tradeoff between dex/int/wis for skillpoints, being able to heal under disjunction, and reflex save. I needed a little bit more int since first level was fighter due to me using PDK for this life. That is also why the feat order below 15 isn't quite optimal, it really didn't matter what order they were taken.

    Regarding Empower you mentioned a bit earlier, I run at 289% heal amp, even without empower I'm getting full hp off a single burst. Still situations where others would benefit from the bigger bursts in raid, but mass heal and light the dark fill that gap nicely. Light the Dark is the only real reason i take the extra lay on hands, it is basicly a larger radius mass heal with a very short cast time and no sp cost. With regenerating LoH you can save a ton of SP raid healing (7 casts + 1-2 regens in that span @ 70 sp per empowered mass ~= 630sp in free very fast mass heals) especially in longer raids like CITW.

    Got a few laughs when I've finished EH CiTW and EH FoT with full sp without using a single pot, free heals go a long, long way in a good group. (Aura, Burst, Light the Dark, Renewal, little bit of Coocoon with a ConcOpp for refill)
    Last edited by Ailia; 11-20-2013 at 07:13 PM.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ailia View Post
    Haven't seen the melee divine hate much at all in the last two years or so, mostly just due to lack of people playing divines at all, a splash build still out heals a barbarian. I did end up actually skipping the scroll enhancement after raiding for about two months and never needing to scroll (EH CITW, EE FoT for reference, guild doesn't run EE CITW).

    A bit more starting dex isn't a bad idea, just really a tradeoff between dex/int/wis for skillpoints, being able to heal under disjunction, and reflex save. I needed a little bit more int since first level was fighter due to me using PDK for this life. That is also why the feat order below 15 isn't quite optimal, it really didn't matter what order they were taken.

    Regarding Empower you mentioned a bit earlier, I run at 289% heal amp, even without empower I'm getting full hp off a single burst. Still situations where others would benefit from the bigger bursts in raid, but mass heal and light the dark fill that gap nicely. Light the Dark is the only real reason i take the extra lay on hands, it is basicly a larger radius mass heal with a very short cast time and no sp cost. With regenerating LoH you can save a ton of SP raid healing (7 casts + 1-2 regens in that span @ 70 sp per empowered mass ~= 630sp in free very fast mass heals) especially in longer raids like CITW.

    Got a few laughs when I've finished EH CiTW and EH FoT with full sp without using a single pot, free heals go a long, long way in a good group. (Aura, Burst, Light the Dark, Renewal, little bit of Coocoon with a ConcOpp for refill)

    What spells would you all advise for the battle cleric?
    The following (X) number also includes the Spontaneous Casting added spell, don't have to include them.

    Level 1: (6)
    Level 2: (6)
    Level 3: (6)
    Level 4: (6)
    Level 5: (6)
    Level 6: (6)
    Level 7: (5)
    Level 8: (4)
    Level 9: (2)
    Last edited by MagicBlade; 11-20-2013 at 08:57 PM.

  8. #28
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ailia View Post

    Regarding Empower you mentioned a bit earlier, I run at 289% heal amp, even without empower I'm getting full hp off a single burst. )
    Really? That's awesome, I'd drop empower if I could do that. How much HP do you have? I'm half orc this life (dumb decision, going to TR back to human soon) with around 800 HP. Right now I'm running with 20% and 30% amp equipped. With this amp + 10% ship buff my bursts maximized, empowered, and empower healed hit for 260-300. My positive spellpower is 205. For me to drop empower my bursts would probably have to hit me for around 500-ish. I guess you have some pally and/or epic past lives plus being human/helf/PDK?

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ailia View Post
    Haven't seen the melee divine hate much at all in the last two years or so, mostly just due to lack of people playing divines at all, a splash build still out heals a barbarian. I did end up actually skipping the scroll enhancement after raiding for about two months and never needing to scroll (EH CITW, EE FoT for reference, guild doesn't run EE CITW).

    A bit more starting dex isn't a bad idea, just really a tradeoff between dex/int/wis for skillpoints, being able to heal under disjunction, and reflex save. I needed a little bit more int since first level was fighter due to me using PDK for this life. That is also why the feat order below 15 isn't quite optimal, it really didn't matter what order they were taken.

    Regarding Empower you mentioned a bit earlier, I run at 289% heal amp, even without empower I'm getting full hp off a single burst. Still situations where others would benefit from the bigger bursts in raid, but mass heal and light the dark fill that gap nicely. Light the Dark is the only real reason i take the extra lay on hands, it is basicly a larger radius mass heal with a very short cast time and no sp cost. With regenerating LoH you can save a ton of SP raid healing (7 casts + 1-2 regens in that span @ 70 sp per empowered mass ~= 630sp in free very fast mass heals) especially in longer raids like CITW.

    Got a few laughs when I've finished EH CiTW and EH FoT with full sp without using a single pot, free heals go a long, long way in a good group. (Aura, Burst, Light the Dark, Renewal, little bit of Coocoon with a ConcOpp for refill)
    And there you have it.
    Most of the Divines don't want to deal with battle cleric hate and go Druid or Favored Soul. Those builds are not as easy as a Melee Cleric to gear and run. The 2hr Melee Cleric is pretty easy. Clerics however got a nice boost with the enhancements.

    Your heal scrolls are not needed with all the twists your got there. So I just twist Reflex saves from Draconic or Magister Tier 1 as a plan. Lots of flavor.

    So take it all in OP down to this and you have an idea of what to build to lvl28 and what is usefull along the way there.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicBlade View Post
    To answer your question, I've a level 8 TRed Fighter, past life Druid, a level 17 (9 Fighter/7 Wizard/1 Barb) For a Fighter melee based Eldritch Knight, and have played around with various other toons between levels 4-9, Offensive Casting Cleric, Battle Cleric, Monkcher, Bardic Arcane Archer, Mechanic Rogue, Barbarian and a couple others.
    Heck I might go Self healing robot Sorc Eldrich Knight. Post some links to your FTR WIZ. Was it before the Eldrich Knight Tree?
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    Heck I might go Self healing robot Sorc Eldrich Knight. Post some links to your FTR WIZ. Was it before the Eldrich Knight Tree?
    I currently have 4 Eldritch setups, a 12 Fighter/7 Wizard/1 Barb (9/12 Fighter) both TWF and THF variants. Dunno how well either would be, since I haven't much for gear, and only level 17. However... I was running with a twinked melee bard, with SoS and Cloudkill, and so long as I don't lag, I was doing 70-80% of his kills.

    Another setup is 12 Wizard, 6 Fighter, 2 Monk - Half Elf with Cleric Dile for scroll/wand healing/raises, using Light Armor and THF, but can also be set up for TWF.

    And the 3rd setup was a requested build, 12 Wizard, 6 Fighter, 2 Rogue, using TWF, Bastard Swords, as an evasion/dodge solo capable wizard. With Wraith and DA/LDA/Neg Burst for healing.
    ((Will be seeing if I can come up with around 10 different builds that may be viable to play for the EK over the next couple days))

    The only tested build is the first link, THF setup, using medium armor. Although, I think I may later try and devise a TWF 12 Wiz/6 Fighter/2 Monk, using Longswords, with Palemaster, a few in Kensai for Haste Bosot and Extra Action Boosts, and then some in the Henshin Mystic, with taking the monk martial feat for using longswords as a ki weapon. I'm not entirely sure exactly how would be best. There's a lot of possibilities for the Eldritch Knight, most are with multiclassing. I'm not sure how well a pure wiz would do, since it is feat dependent and only get 2 melee spells (ek tree)... anyways, not here to talk about the EK's, you can PM me or find me in game with Aldoriel or Aelthal on Thelanis if you want to discuss it further. I'm here to talk about the battle cleric.
    Last edited by MagicBlade; 11-21-2013 at 04:40 AM.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    Really? That's awesome, I'd drop empower if I could do that. How much HP do you have? I'm half orc this life (dumb decision, going to TR back to human soon) with around 800 HP. Right now I'm running with 20% and 30% amp equipped. With this amp + 10% ship buff my bursts maximized, empowered, and empower healed hit for 260-300.
    I wouldn't call Half-Orc a "dumb" decision, but it definitely has its drawbacks, lack of non-gear healing amp options being one of the biggest (I've got a Half-Orc Melee Cleric as well). He'll always be a melee cleric, but I doubt he'll go Half-Orc again. Some of the comments I've gotten while pugging him have been hilarious, so it's almost worth it just for that
    Quote Originally Posted by Ertay View Post
    While they were at it though, the devs decided to go on an incredible nerfhammer rampage and left nothing in their wake standing...

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by PNellesen View Post
    I wouldn't call Half-Orc a "dumb" decision, but it definitely has its drawbacks, lack of non-gear healing amp options being one of the biggest (I've got a Half-Orc Melee Cleric as well). He'll always be a melee cleric, but I doubt he'll go Half-Orc again. Some of the comments I've gotten while pugging him have been hilarious, so it's almost worth it just for that


    My CLR__/WIZ1 was a great disguise for my Half Orc Melee Cleric. I would get the rut rohs, and what is that especially when he had his two hander out. lol

    So you guys don't think the Horc melee bonuses are worth losing the healing amp from human? Heck right now i only have Tier 1 healing amp on my human. Enhancements are so thin on melee clerics I don't have much choice if I want Ameloriating Strike and Aura along with my spell power. My Horc has even less DD in favor of the racial tree.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post

    My CLR__/WIZ1 was a great disguise for my Half Orc Melee Cleric. I would get the rut rohs, and what is that especially when he had his two hander out. lol

    So you guys don't think the Horc melee bonuses are worth losing the healing amp from human? Heck right now i only have Tier 1 healing amp on my human. Enhancements are so thin on melee clerics I don't have much choice if I want Ameloriating Strike and Aura along with my spell power. My Horc has even less DD in favor of the racial tree.
    Differences in personal preferences I suppose. I'm big on healing amp, it's so important for surviving burst damage and it means more DPS because you have to do less active healing. And like I said in prior posts...I don't take ammy strike, I find it overkill with 18 regenerating turns and endless heal scrolls. I find more healing amp the much better choice. But that's just me.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    Really? That's awesome, I'd drop empower if I could do that. How much HP do you have? I'm half orc this life (dumb decision, going to TR back to human soon) with around 800 HP. Right now I'm running with 20% and 30% amp equipped. With this amp + 10% ship buff my bursts maximized, empowered, and empower healed hit for 260-300. My positive spellpower is 205. For me to drop empower my bursts would probably have to hit me for around 500-ish. I guess you have some pally and/or epic past lives plus being human/helf/PDK?
    Currently sitting around 760ish hp at level 25, still reworking gear and releveling from TRing into this build. Current target for 28 is 900hp before destiny, looking like it should be quite doable. Sitting at 290 positive spellpower currently, should have that up to 330 by the time I'm done. Current Amp breakdown is as follows:

    30% PDK Gloves
    20% Convalescent Bracers
    10% Momento of War
    10% x3 PDK
    15% Paladin PL x3
    10% Ship buff

    289% amp

    (10% Unyielding stance)
    (10% Exalted T3)
    Not available outside destiny or without twisting, so the exalted benefit I get no use out of, I do heal from Unyielding but don't use the healamp stance, so I'm always sitting at 289%.

    Already posted my enhancement build a few posts back, basically I don't find amorel strike worth the AP mostly due to cost and generally being unreliable unless neither you nor the enemy is moving. Would probably take another look at it if they lowered the cooldown.

    Not sure what you mean about going Favored Soul to avoid melee cleric hate, the gear is practically identical between Radiant Titan and False Hope Soul builds. TRing from one to the other they practically play the same other than the cleric has to stop and heal a ton less.
    Last edited by Ailia; 11-21-2013 at 12:31 PM.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ailia View Post
    Currently sitting around 760ish hp at level 25, still reworking gear and releveling from TRing into this build. Current target for 28 is 900hp before destiny, looking like it should be quite doable. Sitting at 290 positive spellpower currently, should have that up to 330 by the time I'm done. Current Amp breakdown is as follows:

    30% PDK Gloves
    20% Convalescent Bracers
    10% Momento of War
    10% x3 PDK
    15% Paladin PL x3
    10% Ship buff

    289% amp

    (10% Unyielding stance)
    (10% Exalted T3)
    Not available outside destiny or without twisting, so the exalted benefit I get no use out of, I do heal from Unyielding but don't use the healamp stance, so I'm always sitting at 289%.
    Nice. I'll probably be able to match that next life, minus 10% because I will only have 1 pally past life. Using my +20 heart to get it. Hopefully a full heal from burst is doable without empower for me. I'll have to play with it in the future and see....

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    Nice. I'll probably be able to match that next life, minus 10% because I will only have 1 pally past life. Using my +20 heart to get it. Hopefully a full heal from burst is doable without empower for me. I'll have to play with it in the future and see....
    You going PDK for the momento or getting the 10% gear from somewhere else?

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ailia View Post
    You going PDK for the momento or getting the 10% gear from somewhere else?
    Yeah, will probably go PDK. Will either use momento or an old pair of 10% convalesent bracers I have. I can use a ToD ring or Leviks Bracers for the 20% amp so I have some flexibility there.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ailia View Post
    Currently sitting around 760ish hp at level 25, still reworking gear and releveling from TRing into this build. Current target for 28 is 900hp before destiny, looking like it should be quite doable. Sitting at 290 positive spellpower currently, should have that up to 330 by the time I'm done. Current Amp breakdown is as follows:

    30% PDK Gloves
    20% Convalescent Bracers
    10% Momento of War
    10% x3 PDK
    15% Paladin PL x3
    10% Ship buff

    289% amp

    (10% Unyielding stance)
    (10% Exalted T3)
    Not available outside destiny or without twisting, so the exalted benefit I get no use out of, I do heal from Unyielding but don't use the healamp stance, so I'm always sitting at 289%.

    Already posted my enhancement build a few posts back, basically I don't find amorel strike worth the AP mostly due to cost and generally being unreliable unless neither you nor the enemy is moving. Would probably take another look at it if they lowered the cooldown.

    Not sure what you mean about going Favored Soul to avoid melee cleric hate, the gear is practically identical between Radiant Titan and False Hope Soul builds. TRing from one to the other they practically play the same other than the cleric has to stop and heal a ton less.
    Ameloriating had abug when used you could not move but update suppose to have fixed that.
    Your lack of healing amp not my problem. Please buy and use your own remove curse pots in combat, so I don't waste mana. Not my job.

  20. #40
    Community Member Ailia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firemedium_jt View Post
    Ameloriating had abug when used you could not move but update suppose to have fixed that.
    Yea, that bug is fixed, but actually hitting a running mob reliably (furyshot monk pulling aggro or somesuch) can be a real problem still, would never want to have to rely on that for "heal or die".

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