would it be possible to display the heal amp on the character sheet since it should already be calculated and attached to the character (I doubt that they calculate it every time the character is healed). So could that number be displayed in stead of us having to calculate and run tests to figure out how much our heal amp is stacking up to?
The heal amp % could be shown next to HP or put in the interface with spell power
The Absorb % would also be nice especially for telling if the spells/items are stacking or if we can forgo on or the other?
The Absorb % could be interfaced into hovering over the base resistance or directly below would also work for even faster glance and allow a mouse over for where the bonus comes from?
i know these might slow down loading the character screen but i think it would be nice so that every time we get a new heal amp item we don't have to start running test to figure out how much it is helping.
So are these possibilities or is there weird coding required that would throw of more stuff that it would help?