Originally Posted by
We've heard you all loud and clear regarding raid/named/random loot power, and yes, we agree. Named loot should stick around; raid loot should really stick around; and random loot should fill the gaps. We're digging in on taking theory back to practice here (as well as all the other big issues you invoked), and you can expect more information to make its way here, as we deploy changes based on on-going player feedback to places like Lamannia. Experience tells me that you'll see results slower than you might wish (i.e. within the hour :-P) - but hopefully a little sooner than you're accustomed to. I'll post more clarifying questions here as warranted, and as I mentioned above, another similar thread targeting named loot will be coming around on the merry-go-round.
Thanks, all, for weighing in!
Your 'umble servant,
P.S. And don't let this note stop you from sharing your thoughts here. I'll keep watch as best I can.