Greetings: DrOctothorpe, love the tag line DrLoot and the Avatar.
Strangely, I wonder if that means we will be getting Tridents in the game sometime in the future, LOL.
I would like to start off by saying I am sorry for the wall of text I am about to hit you with. Hopefully you will read some of it.
- Aside from the diversity issue, what are the biggest problems with random loot, today?
This is a fair question, and forgive me if my answer comes in several parts:
I would like to start off by explaining somethings about what I loved about this game, and one of things that truly made the game endearing to me was the fact that I did not have to change my gear every few levels, I did not have run this every 3 levels gear treadmill, and always looking to replace what I had for some new best in slot item. The one thing that really sold me on this game was that there were people at level 20 (cap when I started) that were using level 10 gear, because, it had this eternal quality to it, it may not have been the best item, but it was the best item.
Like for example, Kundark Delving Boots, or Madstone Boots, each was in it's own way, a great item, and each was special, even if not the best item in the game, they had properties about them that made them worthy to grind for, special stats, abilities, or just a uniqueness that set them apart.
I loved that!
I loved the very idea that even low level gear had this endurance to it, this special property that made it something you would cherish, you would be thankful to get, because it would serve you well for the rest of your adventure in the game world, you would in fact not be throwing them away in 3 levels or so was very unique to me when I came to DDO, and thus it was suddenly worth running the same quest 20+ times to get it, because, it was 'it'.
Which brings me to my feelings on the current loot system: All of this is just my personal feelings on the matter. So, take that as you will.
First: Random Loot, or Loot Gen holds a special place in DDO as "Foundation" equipment for most players, this is what a player typically starts their adventure with, this is what they build up with, and what they use to get into the, well a ways back we called them the "Big boy raids" where the loot mattered.
You start with finding Loot-gen with desirable qualities that will get the job done, and then as you quest, grow, and level up, you replace your loot gen with rare and powerful named items as befitting a hero of renown.
Second: Loot gen should also serve as back-up loot. Like for example, lets say you normally use a 2H weapon, so you get a top tier named great ax or sword (Cleaver/eSoS/etc), but now you are in the market for a good blunt weapon because, the mobs you are facing are resistant to slashing or something along those lines, but you don't want to have grind to death for it, settle for second best and go with loot-gen.
Third: Ok, opening boxes should be fun, and it always was in it's own way, even when I first started playing there were those stars aligned combos that everyone wanted to pull, and sometimes very handy lesser combos, like a good Frost weapon of Dragonbane for example. But really at no time should opening a 'quest box' hold more hope to player then opening a 'raid box'. Raids have in DDO always been the source of the best loot in the game, they hold a special place in the loot hierarchy, because they take more team-work, time, and effort then a typical quest.
So what are the problems?
Loot-Gen is quickly becoming more powerful then Raid gear. As I see it, this problem stems from Raid gear not having unique, special, or ultra-rare abilities that are limited to the raid loot itself. The current switch in loot pretty much made Raid gear out of Loot-Gen abilities, but just added more loot-gen effects and called it Raid Gear. While in some cases if the effects were handled right, this could work, the problem is, if the effects were not, it lends itself to the raid item having nothing special about it, and thus at some point quickly becoming surpassed by loot-gen, or even is worse then loot-gen right out the starting gate. Neither of these situations are good for something that is supposed to be "raid" gear, after all, you are not going to stay at that level forever.
A prime example of how this can hold: Take Carnifex (I know, it's not a raid item), it is a keen Great Ax with an improved crit profile, this makes it special, it makes it unique, it's not going to get tossed to the wayside by a loot-gen axe that happens to be a few levels higher, because of that special combination of properties unique to it. So the only way this axe gets passed is either by a whole lot of levels and even old cap jumps, or, it gets replaced by other named items.
The issue here is that the only way to really fix this is either have all raids go to max level, and then drop max level loot that can't be surpassed by Loot-gen (Like the way the old Epic items were done) or the Raid gear needs to stand out, and be it's own thing, with effects and abilities to make it special.
For example:The Sets from ToD, they were made special, because they were special, unique even. (I think they need to be revamped thanks to the new Enhancement pass, which could be a great thing really, to revisit things like that)
For me, I believe that the Fix lies in Making Named Gear be "Worthy" of having a name and making Raid loot worth running raid for.
Sorry for that Long winded response, and I bet there is more I want to say, and a lot I am over looking, but that is what I can put to words for now.
- What weapon and equipment types do you feel are underserved in named and in random loot?
Throwing Weapons, just all of them, Darts, Hammers, Axes, Daggers, Shurikens, just really, all of them, there is very few of them in the game at all. If you beefed them up, that would bring a new style of ranged to the game."Thrown Weapon" ranged is really lacking because the options are lacking.
As it stands, most other stuff seems well stocked, I am sure others could give a better list of things.
- I’d love to hear about some of the non-named loot your character’s are currently wearing.
When I TR, a put a lot of effort into getting decent twink items for my main, this includes looking for Loot gen with a single effect to keep the ML down, IE: Bracers of Speed 30/6, @ ML9, Ring of Fortitude 100% @ ML9.
In most cases single stat loot-gen is the best because it offers a high number boon at a lower ML, so it excels at the lower levels, until raid/named gear starts to come into it's own and then I swap to that, as the life needs, the typical GS @ 11 & 12, etc.
Side Note and Random Thoughts:
Old Loot Revamp: A major grip of mine with the change to loot when I came back after a long break, the "old" named loot got changed, but there was no means by which players could just swap our older stuff in for the newer stuff, not to mention the new loot with it's BtCoE, was not as desired, from what I heard many people (myself included) would move the loot to my main to TR, and then swap it back to a mule once I out leveled it to save bank space. The new binding method really ruined that, and now the new stuff while stronger is less appealing to me for Twink gear (and lets be real here, most of it is never anything more then decent twink gear)
Augment Slots: Personally, I am not a fan of the new augment system, (I may very well be alone on this) but the whole system seemed to be a cop-out of trying to design fascinating and dynamic gear. It just felt, I don't know how to explain it, it felt rather "I give up, make what you want" kind of system, and then loot-gen having dual slots, with masterful craftsman ship, it really felt like the whole plan was to phase out named gear overall, but the biggest problem with that is that, raid and named gear really are what make DDO's gear system special, that enduring aspect of it, that a 10th level item is still kept and used by a 28th level toon is testament to a designer that knows what makes their players tick.
I would love to see that intimate knowledge and appreciation for fine loot and knowing what makes players tick returned to the quest tables.
I wish you look and good fortune wearing your new hat, I hope that it fits well and that you fill it with grace, for what it's worth, I like you already.