Oh, another point about random items that I forgot on my first response.
Please, bring back the slot limitation.
We used to be able to only get certain enchantments in specific slots, with "rings" being the blank that accepted anything. Eg, you could only get +Constitution on necklaces and belts, only get Striding on boots, only getting +Search in goggles, and so on. In some ways, it was better for itemization because you knew what you were trading off when you put on a named item. (Eg, if I wanted to use Bracers of Wind since level 3, I lost one possible slot for Strength, Parrying and Armored).
It would also reempower the efficiency of flexible shards in cannith crafting.
Nowadays it seems like you can get any combination of enchantments in any kind of gear. I've seem Deadly on goggles, helms, rings, cloaks, bracers, and gloves. Stats in almost all items (including a +Charisma boots.
How?). Elemental resistance/absorption anywhere as well. It makes itemization kinda... too easy. "Oh, I'm missing +con, but my bracer is discartable. I'll search +con bracers on the AH."