I have to kinda of laugh at some of the posts I have heard so far, I mean, to the Dev, think back to the time Before MotuD, when things had staying power.
Things like the Minos Legends, ML11, would serve someone well to 20th, and then into Epic content.
Gear like GreenSteel, would last well into 20th, and long into Epic as well.
In fact, a large chunk of Raid gear, from the Sword of Shadows (ML10), Torq, and RoSS, would last a toons life time, not just a few levels. They would serve a player in their heroic incarnate until that player could farm up the means to transform them into their epic form, which would be in some cases, years.
In the face of that kind of staying power of older gear and the game designed around it, a few levels is a joke, it makes it so that a massive part of the game just dies, it's not even worth trying to farm raid gear or even doing the raid if the gear is only going to last a few levels against loot-gen, because with dismal drop rates and timers on raids, by the time you get it, you will have outgrown it, so only the raids that are at the level cap will be worth doing and the rest of it may as well not even exist unless it's just as twink trash.
So all that design work, all that effort to build it all, all that effort to sell it, just flushed down the toilet.
Loot does not need a revamp it needs a roll-back.