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  1. #221
    Community Member Karrai's Avatar
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    • Add level 24 and 28 items to Vaults of the Artificers challenges turn ins
    • Add level 28 items to Eveningstar challenge turn ins
    • Remove the Seal/Shard/Scroll systems from the Eberron Epic quests and have the name item drop
    • Update old raid items to be more useful compared to random gen items. Ability to have a list or token system to get the raid item one is looking for after certain amount of runs.
    • More two handed items that Dont revolve around Greataxes or Greatswords.
    • Items that work off enhancements.
    • Items that use stats like charisma, wisdom Intelligence or constitution to hit and damage.
    • Ability to upgrade Normal items to Hard versions then to Elite versions.
    • Have Handwraps show damage dice.
    • More Curse items that do more then add -1 to a stat.
    • Scarp the current crafting/trapmaking system are go for something else which includes making one owns potions and other dual prefixs sufixs etc. The current system is a mess, difficult and uninteresting.
    • Alchemical Crafting have bound to character/Bound to account ingredients all Unbound so there is at least some interest in the raid like the Shroud.
    • More name Scimitars, ?Falchions,? Picks, ?Picks?, Spell Orbs, throwing weapons
    • Cleric items that dont revolve around Healing
    • Bard related items
    • Deck of many things
    • Items that summon other creatures
    • Merge Long bows and short bows together. No one uses short bows, there are hardly any name shortbows to begin with.
    • More decent and useful name Docents

    I do like the roman numeral and the flat out number system. Better then trying to guess what the difference between sovereign, elemental, burst, superior ,lesser, touch etc and all those other names that were being used when trying to compare items.

  2. #222
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    Hum... handwraps do show damage dice... x amount of w 1[w]... it's always 1d6. you now get more numbers in front instead of an increase of die step. Also if you click details while the wraps are equipped you see exactly everything including the 1d6, or 1d8 if light monk....

  3. #223
    Founder & Hero
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    Hello cool avatar and thanks for the heads up

    I prefer my Dr.'s though

    Beware the Sleepeater

  4. #224
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    I'd like a lot of old items updated:

    Named weapons in general: add extra damage to keep up with Paragon/Epic random loot.
    Greensteel: Add shields, rings, handwraps and collars.
    Dragontouched armour: Need a big upgrade/overhaul.
    Epic Shard/Seal/Scroll: Increase the drop rate, allow exchanges of seals and shards, maybe allow upgrades with 2 of the 3 parts. Update the items, very few are worth the time.
    Bring back the old random affixes.
    Give a small chance for an item to have two prefixes, or two suffixes (or both).
    Add all of the affixes to Cannith Crafting.
    Show augment and guild slots on the icon (at least for random loot).
    Raid loot. Most needs an update. Tempest Spine update was a good start, do something similar for the other old raids.


  5. #225
    Community Member Ungood's Avatar
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    I would like to take a moment to expound on a few things here.

    Often (and I mean pretty much everyone I know in game and mos of the people on this forum) follow the mind set of:

    Raid > Named > Loot-Gen

    But really, it's not quite as simple as that, because even at the start of the F2P game, Loot-gen still had it's gems, and when Cannith Crafting went live, many people showed what "Stars aligned" random-loot gen could do, and it was not lacking in the least.

    But see, loot gen is supposed to be "mostly junk, make-do, with the random rare combo that works wonders", that is what makes it work so well. I admit I liked the multi-effect of Loot-gen, like "Of the Tryant" "Nights Grasp" and the like, some because they followed the theme here in DDO, IE: The Tyrant from Orchard , Nights Grasp from DQ, etc.

    It was nifty, and they should have been much rarer then they were in game, and those should have been added to the crafting tables.

    Adding them to the crafting tables alone would have changed the game greatly.

    The revision to Random-loot, IMO, was a bad move, Random loot did not need to be changed, and it could have been removed from the epic content completly because of the way the com system worked, in short time, anyone could have had a decent named epic weapon and armor, there was pretty much no need for Loot-gen in Evening Star at all, and if they simply added a comm turn in to Ebberon to replace the shard/seal/scroll system, that would have totally fixed all the loot issues at the end game.

    So really, the Loot revision was a waste of time, effort, and all it accomplished was annoyed a great deal of players.

    But getting back to my main point. Loot Progression:

    Raid > Named > Loot-Gen.

    To explain this, first you would need to start with a scale, so lets use the simple scale of 1 - 10. 1 being the worst, with 10 being the best. But this is not a scale in raw power, but in Usefulness. How well designed and fitting is this weapon/item.

    Loot Gen should scale around a: 1 - 8

    Now, what does that mean. Well first off, it's a large gap, and that is because Loot-gen should be volatile, random, from pretty much the worst items in the game to the near the best:

    For example: The Mind Jobs like: Axiomatic of True Chaos, Anarchistic Handwraps of Absolute Chaos, Underwater action RR: Warforged, and the like kind of items, these catastrophically bad combos are what make loot-gen, well.. Loot-gen.

    On the flip side you have stars-aligned: Where you pull a Holy Silver Outsider bane, or Adamitite of smiting. yes, very rare combos, but when you get them, they are great, they rival anything else in the game, which is again, this random nature of Loot-gen working for you.

    This polar extremes of Loot-gen, are what make it, well, what it is. But all in all, Loot-gen should often fall in the middle ground, with means most loot gen should be around a 4 or 5 on the loot Scale, not great, but a serviceable piece of gear none the less.

    Named Items Should fall around: 4 - 8

    Notice, they start much higher then loot gen, so that means they should be devoid of the worst combos, but that should be a product of being hand designed, but even with that personal touch, there are simply going to be some poor combos, or things that just don't work as well as we would like to think, or just in some cases they don't compete well against what loot-gen/other named items could give within a close level range.

    Because named items are hand crafted, tho, this more an issue with how it synergies with existing things then anything else. Case in point, at one time, the only helm worth taking out of orchard was the Minos, because it's combo of stats netted it around a 8 in the usefulness level, where all the other hats, while decent, were around 4 - 6, you could get the same effects on loot gen if you looked hard enough, or in some cases, they just fell short of what the Minos provided.

    However, on average Named items would be around a 5-6, slightly better overall then Loot gen, but not massively so, but just enough to make them the constantly more appealing option.

    Raid Gear Should fall around a 5 - 9:

    Like Named Items, raid gear is hand crafted, planned, and then locked away behind a tiny drop rate and a large scale quest. Because of this, raid gear had this elevated placement as being "What everyone should be striving for", the "end game" gear in most ways.

    While sure, there are simply some items that are not that great even in the raid gear list, either because they are just not grand items, like crossbows, or light hammers or the such, other times, they are simply odd combos that don't seem to work that well in function, or in some cases, when pit against what could be acquired from the same raid, or similar raids, it simply does not measure up. In either case, there are lows and highs in the raid gear list.

    On average the gear from a raid should fall around a 6-7, better then all the the top end loot gen, better then most of the named, worth going after, but no super powerfully so.

    So I guess now the question is, what is a - 10?

    a 10 should it's own monster. When I started to play, in 2009, the 10, was the "epic" items, these were augmented named items that brought them to the next level.

    In most games the 10 is "what is not made yet" but in DDO, it was hidden behind several layers of raids and quests, like collecting a dozen named items, or more, was what the 10 was.

    I proposed a new 10, for the future of DDO. and I think it is about time something like this was put in, to replace the old epic grind that kept people looking/questing for that "little bit more" and that is what the 10 symbolizes, that "little bit more" that final piece.

    Just hoped to expand a bit on this idea of what the scale really was for how loot should work, there is overlap, and overlap is good, as long as it is controlled, as long as it is not situations where something that should not be getting out classed is getting overshadowed.

    Good Luck here DrLoot.
    Last edited by Ungood; 11-18-2013 at 07:33 AM.

  6. #226
    Uber Completionist Astarii's Avatar
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    I hope this gets read...

    For loot, I would love to see

    #1. Expanded Crafting. Adding paralyzation, smiting, vorpal, lacerating, crusader, Bane Type shards, Augments, etc... The list goes on, Even Dual types for High lvl Crafting.

    *I think almost everyone would agree that some items prefixes or suffixes that people might find to powerful as just a random drop, can be part of game play IF added as higher level crafting shard so that work must be done for it.

    #2. We need a way to Move BTC->BTA->NOT Bound.

    #3. It would be nice for a BIGGER Bank to sort gear, INCLUDING BTC stuff. (Perhaps a Baba-Yaba's Hut. or even a monthly Paid for Storage $4.99/month or something where you don't need mule toons... and you could move BTC stuff into that location.

    *Now, with Epic Tring, we can expect more BTC items, and less room.

    #4. Cycle the loot for Events in Crystal cove etc.., don't always every day have the items there, expand it to more items but every some many hours rotate it. This forces people to check / run it daily when the events are open.

    #5. Please don't ever do non-attainable outside of game play, pay items from DDO STORE pay to roll items. ie. Mystery baskets that must be purchased for in the DDO store, that are random chance to get. This just angers players.

    #6. Added Named Shards & Augments etc. or Dual shards / Augments.

    #7. Add alchemy stone when equipped enhances crafting levels.

    #8. Stack items such as hearts of wood, the X000 Experiance points, or other logical items.

    #9. make use of more collectables items from your Red bag... without searching through all the realms for a turn in

    #10. Add a scroll case... ie a scroll Bag

    #11. Make Class, Skill,Tree, Iconic Required items (UMD OR skill bypassable of course) just like alinement required items. I would love to see the old nightmare or other critical hit items back, not necessarily wielded by a cleric... on critical (not on just a 20). basically like the second response wanting the old Nightmare back....
    Last edited by Astarii; 11-18-2013 at 08:31 AM.

  7. #227
    Community Member Borathan's Avatar
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    Other than fixing loot gen, the big thing would be upgrading Cannith Crafting both for better capability and possibly upping it to have epic crafting. I also hope that crafted items can eventually be treated as generated items for the purposes of festival upgrades. It's a pain that they're already basically something as a stopgap for when loot gen hates you, making someone spend the time and effort and funds to raise crafting up enough to make what they need shouldn't have the additional penalty of being weaker than a randomly generated version of the same weapon...

    Also metal weapons need to have some sort of increase in possibilities for special material. I'm seeing darkwood drop like mad, but I've yet to see anything mithril or other metal drop for me beyond named items. An augment version could be a fix, but it's kind of annoying

    Bringing back guild augment slots would be nice, though I wouldn't really want to see it back in loot gen, my suggestion would be to shift it to the stone of change with guild vendors having something buyable that would add a slot to an item that's bound to the character. Guild augments should have their own type of bonus' as well, but not very large ones, just variety compared to the normal slots and bonus' from items.

    I would also like something akin to the treasure map being acquirable at higher levels so that I don't have to go back the 3BC to earn more for the loot upgrade.

    The last thing is that I'd really like something to be done with bows, both short and long, that makes the composite versions something slightly different than the normal ones. While the PnP solution (Composite allows STR to be added to damage) wouldn't work due to the feat that does the same thing, it would be nice to have some difference between the two.

  8. #228
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karrai View Post
    • Items that summon other creatures
    I misread the above as "items that summon other characters". But that got me thinking -- I would like to see a limited-uses item similar to Bracelet of Friends which teleports party members scattered through the dungeon to the item's user. Occasionally it can be a quest-saver.

    Obviously should not be a random loot item, so sorry for being off-topic.
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

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  9. #229


    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    Relevant loot keeps content relevant. This needs to be tatoo'd on the inside of your eyelids.
    This, a million times.

    The nice thing before MotU was that there were so many raids you could run that were relevant (ToD, Shroud, DQ, VoN6, Abbot, Chronoscope, LoB, Master Artificer, or even the odd Reaver, HoX or VoD for +3Tomes).

    Today? The only thing I see regularly is VoN6 and that is for XP, not for loot reasons mainly.
    Then there's a Shroud sometimes and maybe a FoT.

    Bad loot design: Master artificer (I mean really run it once or twice, get your item and be done...or don't run it at all and buy the item you want from the AH).

    Good loot design: Abbot (Unique things, that can't be found anywhere else - still relevant stuff today), Shroud

    Until we get a new endgame thoon(tm), please consider making the old raids attractive again.
    Some of them are actually difficult and worthy considering to be "endgame" (EE LoB).
    There's just no reason to run them (again EE LoB - seriously, the loot system in this raid is so broken it's not even funny. There's really NO REASON to run EE LoB at all other than for fun).

    For the very least add SOMETHING to ALL raids to make them worth running.
    You know even if you had your rings from ToD it was still worth running it, because there was always the low odd chance to get a +4 tome.
    At the moment the loot tables just seem to be broken. I haven't seen any +4 Tomes since U19.

    Consider adding (relevant) tomes to all raids again, aswell as unique augments.
    Just something relevant enough, to make people run these raids again.
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  10. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrOctothorpe View Post
    Happy Friday, everyone. I’d like to introduce myself as a bit of a new dev face on the forums. First, it’s about time I quit lurking, and second, I’m putting on an additional hat on the DDO team. What hat is that? In a word: loot. I’m here to listen to you and to keep my eyes on the big picture. Yes, that includes avoiding Ghostbane-situations.

    So in the name of listening rather than blathering on and on, I’d like to ask you all a few questions as a sort of pulse-check on the state of loot. Go on and fill up the thread – I’ll check back in after the weekend (and a bit today, as schedule permits), with head-nods, follow-up questions, and answers where necessary.

    - Aside from the diversity issue, what are the biggest problems with random loot, today?
    - What weapon and equipment types do you feel are underserved in named and in random loot?
    - I’d love to hear about some of the non-named loot your character’s are currently wearing.

    (In the future, I’m planning some similar question sessions about named loot and named loot systems, BTW.)
    Make named loot better than random again. Random loot is annoying and you can't plan for it.

  11. #231
    The Hatchery zwiebelring's Avatar
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    If loot keeps content relevant then maybe the loot table adaptation regarding tomes may be another big point to make certain areas attractive or attractive again. I want +4 tomes back at lvl 27!
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  12. #232
    Community Member Leclaire1's Avatar
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    Welcome aboard Doctor!

    Several things can be said. First of all, I have to agree with Teh Troll in the following respects-

    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    The biggest issue is the whole concept just sucks. Random just SUCKS. The game was better when my level 20s didn't have a single piece of radom kit on them. Random should remain vendor trash . . . let us kit our toons how how WE want them to be.

    Random loot over-shadowing named loot, even if a few levels higher, is friggin ******** as well.

    Seriously, as long as you're on this "random" kick your loot/game will all be a bucket of fail.
    I personally think random loot should be mostly for situational use, or temporary use until you can get better named items. Repeatedly they tend to overpower named items which are more interesting and are earned. This has especially been the case since U19, where OP named items went on crack during the endgame. We want to be rewarded for efforts in our loot world and not just dumb luck.

    Going along with this I think we need a change in the stupid Sage's/Guardian's/Skirmisher U19 items. These are overpowered for the minimal amount of effort put into acquiring them, Overpower current named loot and thus become essential, and are uninteresting since they aren't really sets and have very generic names. I don't think they need to disappear as they are nice in their own regard, but they should appear as always appearing chain end rewards for the Wheloon and Stormhorns chains (and perhaps High Road and Druid's Deep as well), so that they are truly earned. You could perhaps add set bonuses for having certain numbers of pieces (like Might of the Abishai) to make them a more interesting gear option as well, and to encourage running these chains to get them. No one will miss the stupid armors, though perhaps you could keep those as chain end options as well.

    Having different named quest items at different diff levels, like the great stuff in High Road, or hard earned raid weapons and armors are definitely the way to go. It gives us guaranteed motive to run these quests besides xp, and can even motivate is to run them on higher diffs. More named loot in the recently released quests would also be welcome.

    Also, you should add some upgrade items to other hard to gain loot, in particular Dragonscale Armors. Right now Red and Green, which take much more effort to get, are overshadowed by higher-level armors. Add some upgrade options to Mikron Sum for Cormyrian Red and Green, and to the Stormreaver monument for Epic Velah.

    Furthermore, as regards to hard-earned equipment which U19 made irrelevant with its thoughtless bloating of loot (EE Dream Visor), please either nerf some of the new random **** (massive deadly and +10 stats on everything), or upgrade or augment the named stuff to complete with or complement it. For instance, nerfing deadly on everything or simply changing the Dream Visor damage bonus to a unique type could accomplish this.

  13. #233
    2015 DDO Players Council Seikojin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrOctothorpe View Post
    Happy Friday, everyone. I’d like to introduce myself as a bit of a new dev face on the forums. First, it’s about time I quit lurking, and second, I’m putting on an additional hat on the DDO team. What hat is that? In a word: loot. I’m here to listen to you and to keep my eyes on the big picture. Yes, that includes avoiding Ghostbane-situations.

    So in the name of listening rather than blathering on and on, I’d like to ask you all a few questions as a sort of pulse-check on the state of loot. Go on and fill up the thread – I’ll check back in after the weekend (and a bit today, as schedule permits), with head-nods, follow-up questions, and answers where necessary.

    - Aside from the diversity issue, what are the biggest problems with random loot, today?
    - What weapon and equipment types do you feel are underserved in named and in random loot?
    - I’d love to hear about some of the non-named loot your character’s are currently wearing.

    (In the future, I’m planning some similar question sessions about named loot and named loot systems, BTW.)
    Thanks for stepping up to get pummeled by the forums.

    - Aside from the diversity issue, what are the biggest problems with random loot, today?
    - What weapon and equipment types do you feel are underserved in named and in random loot?
    - I’d love to hear about some of the non-named loot your character’s are currently wearing.

    In all seriousness
    - Aside from the diversity issue, what are the biggest problems with random loot, today?
    I am seeing a lot of items out of level range pop up in chests (lvl 17 items in a lvl 14 quest; without boosters running).

    No way to really get crafted items sustainably made from grinding random loot. I think lesser and greater mats should come out of grinding gear. For example, instead of giving just X for a +1 flametouch weapon of bloodletting (or whatever suffix of lowish level), you should get X, y, and Z. Mats from each craftable component. The higher your craft level, the more mats you get. Let people grind lesser into greaters, not geaters into lesser.

    Ability quality is another suck right now. Most abilities on an item, at proper level, are not good enough in slot to replace a featherfall item or underwater breathing. I think items over a certain min level, with a certain elemental affinity, should offer bonuses of offslot properties. Like a <air/electric element> item of sufficient level (8 or higher?) should offer featherfall as a freebie. And ice should offer underwater breathing. Or perhaps named items should get that, increasing their desirability and freeing a slot for something more useful for your characters build.

    I would go into tomes, but that is a huge mess.

    - What weapon and equipment types do you feel are underserved in named and in random loot?
    I think named and random loot should be upgradable to a degree.

    I think Off-type weapons (pick, bastard sword, kukri, etc.) need some attention. I don't see many users of those.

    I think quarter staves, although awesome, should have two modes; caster and melee. As you bring up caster combat classes, some would want spell power bonuses, while others would like a combat weapon. I think having it rolled into a single weapon would be nice. Perhaps a toggle for them, or maybe a boost from the spellpower aspects (buffs for an element of electricity will offer electric melee damage bonuses). The higher the buff, the better the ability; ultimately leading to a staff that can spell buff and offers some swingability in combat for those who use staves. Maybe too OP, but it could be detectable?

    - I’d love to hear about some of the non-named loot your character’s are currently wearing.
    All my characters slot stats and featherfall/waterbreathing where they can. Protection, deflection, shield, and save boosters where named items don't offer as much at that level. Which is the case 100% of the time. A level 7 named item doesn't offer as much stat boost as a random of that level.

  14. #234
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default Items

    From my arty perspective I haven't seen allot of repeating Night's Grasp crossbows drop in a long time. These are my favorite. I have 3, 2 repeaters and 1 non-repeater (sniper rifle). Not all of these are the same. If I remember to I will post images of mine. I got these before U19.

    Also I use a pre-U19 Smiting/Banisher, and several paralyzers.

    I seem to get allot of ghostbane items now. I like and have kept some ghostbane items. However ghostbane seems to drop mostly for me, so the loot may be random, but most of it is ghostbane. Some more variety would be nice to have on the crossbows.

    A long standing issue I 've had with loot drops, regardless of my game settings and updates, is that I get allot of Bard/Wiz/Sorc items. I notice allot of times the Wiz/Sorc gets the arty item and takes, or leaves it in the chest.

    It could just be me, I but I rarely see a tome drop in a chest. My beef here is higher level Cannith Crafting recipies require ingrediants that I get from trading in tomes. It would be nice to have some tomes drop in the loot. I do get one every blue moon, but not enough to make the higher level recipies very often, let alone one to use on my toons.


    Adding side note about epic gear, even though named items will be addressed later.

    Do shards ever drop? I get tons of scrolls, some seals, but it seems like shards don't ever drop. Even in EE. I guess the bigger question I have is, does anyone even own an Epic Double Crossbow, Silver Slinger, Templar's Retribution, or any upgraded epic items form Sentinals of Stormreach?

    I do know the shards for LoD are supposed to drop in end chest of Spinner of Shadows, but still haven't seen one.
    Last edited by Livmo; 11-18-2013 at 12:59 PM. Reason: added part about old epic gear.

  15. #235
    Community Member Hathorian's Avatar
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    I would love to see more healing amp gear and more Thaumaturgy quarterstaves for my sorc.

    Also, more tome drops and augment drops. I almost never see tomes or augment drops.

    Also, while maybe not just random loot, would you consider implementing a healing amp line of augments please? Something like 5% ML 8, 10% ML 12, 15% ML16, 20% ML 20, 25% ML 24, 30% ML28. Yellow slots would be awesome but I assume you will want to make them blue slots.

    Thanks Dr. Loot!

  16. #236
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    Default All messed up

    Welcome and good luck with your job.

    1. Random lootgen is not so random really. We used to have some 100 different enchantments that could appear on items, many were restricted to a few types of item, but they made the randomness exciting and a really lucky draw puts a grin on our faces anytime. Now we have like 10 enchants on weapons that keep reoccurring, like 6 totally useless enchants on armors and anything else is just about non-existent and vendor trash. Others have already covered all the missing and gone enchants.

    2. All instant vendor trash weapons like light picks, light mace…if we are not gonna use them, what is the point of them being there? Besides taking space in the loot table so that more desirable items appear less? They made sense in the PnP game because there were no +10 stats everywhere that made using small weapons meaningless (and size did matter to halflings, dwarves…) and no 100k HP monsters to hack at for hours that made DPS so important to melees.

    3. Just a couple of rings that I swap around depending on the sitation:
    a deadly +7 ring of accuracy+7
    a cannith crafted random augment ring ml1 with the Voice of the Master augment in it
    everything else is named or crafted

    Make raid and named loot upgradeable, so as to keep up with your current lootgen, which IMO is the opposite of what loot is supposed to be, lol. Anyway please don’t make it easier to get raid loot. If raid loot gets as easy to get as deadly, well this game is truly doomed. Don’t make it harder but maybe create different and more interesting way to get all the ingredients.
    People have been wanting scroll cases and potions pouches since forever, but if you think about it, imagine stacking 100s potions and scrolls in your backpack and see if you have spaces for those 3 robes, 2 full armor plates, 5 different weapons, multitudes of boots, gauntlets, belts…multitudes of jewelries…and of course like 5 tons worth of plat coins………and people are still complaining, lol. Now what you can do that I think is a minor change in coding is making said case or pouch or quiver based on a total number of items in them, not by the different types of item in them: say I want to put more than 1500 arrows of 1 type in my quiver, I can as long as it is under the total number allowed, by the same token we can put more than 1 type of potion in an inventory slot as long as you can only put 100 in a slot (might make a pouch for it to be better).

    What really messed up this great game was the huge HP and SP. The more I play this game the more it resembles an Asian mmorpg with tons of hp, sp, dps, crit dmg…what’s up with that? I love D&D because there was always a chance that a lowly goblin would land a crit on you and disable you from the fight putting you on defensive while your healer rushes over to heal you or that the boss rolled a 20 and saved against that special spell, so now the melees have to distract him while you start going thru your pouches for that emergency scroll because you only had so many spells to cast a day and you used them all. Besides content and a name, this could be a wannabe Asian mmorpg. There was a time when others games wanted to be a wannabe D&D mmorpg.

  17. #237
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    Default Avid MMO player for 14 years

    I have played a lot of MMORPG's and have found solice in the game but loved the variety in loot from Everquest, WOW, to Dark age.

    >just an idea but maybe add "world drop items" to certain clusters of areas and make them for certain lvl areas as well. These could be similar to the magic/unique system in WOW. I very much liked finding a surpize after adventuring.

    >Master crafted and Wonderous items were a step in the right direction, we could take this a step further and have items rarely have multiple prefixes and suffixes. This could be combined with new abilities which I will get into later but I am not opposed to potentially "rarely" find items that can contend with the best items in the game. Maybe finding up to wonderous +10 which would also open up the need for +2 loot gems and other rarely taken feats.

    >Unique abilities, something along the line of Obscenities and such but take it a step further and include spell procs like finding a rare sword at a low level that can shoot magic missle at a 5% chance. That is interesting and cool and somewhat useful. I always loved certain items from Everquest because their procs or on hit activated abilities made them useful like a sword that procs a attack speed slow.

    >This was said before but I completely agree but this is for named items include other unused weapon types like: great crossbows, light picks, light maces. Make them flavorful and useful. Like a lightmace that gets an enhanced bonus of +4 and 2d6 fire for charisma based user.

    I will keep thinking an additional ideas because you seem like someone that actually wants to listen and implement good idea's. I hope this works and we get interesting useful items because not sure about anyone else but I love loot! I think random gear has it's place and I feel it is ok to have it extremely powerful as long as it's extremely rare, which would make loot gems and running high end content doubly worth it!

  18. #238
    Community Member Certon's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Don't listen to people when they tell you they dislike random loot. Some of us love it. They say that random stuff should never be as powerful as named stuff of the same level. I disagree. I believe the rarest combinations of random equipment should complete with named items.

    That being said, there should be more named items in the random treasure table at all levels. Sure, the chance of a named dropping should be rare, but it should happen much more often than it currently does (which is once in a blue moon) and the table it draws from should be much more massive.

    Last thing, you should have item transmutation. That means that that you can convert one weapon type to another with a machine placed in House Cannith. A +5 Holy Club of Rapid Strikes becomes a +5 Holy Khopesh of Rapid Strikes. Simple.

  19. #239
    Senior Developer DrOctothorpe's Avatar
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    Default The Gears are Spinning

    Wow, now this is an outpouring. While I'm (ahem) poring over all twelve pages (and counting!) of nutrient-rich feedback, there's some news over on the Lamannia threads regarding our first steps towards fixing loot diversity. If you have access, check it out here.

  20. #240
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DrOctothorpe View Post
    Wow, now this is an outpouring. While I'm (ahem) poring over all twelve pages (and counting!) of nutrient-rich feedback, there's some news over on the Lamannia threads regarding our first steps towards fixing loot diversity. If you have access, check it out here.
    Thanks for listening.

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