It's been a very, very, very long time since the intro video was made for the game. I would love to see a new one considering how far the game has gotten. What should it be about, you ask? Well...
- The video needs to be action based.
- It shouldn't be too specific on one thing, it should be a general video about us, the heroes, along with the supporting NPC's to go along with it. Some possible scenes include: A waterworks guard battling kobolds, Gustivane peering through his orrery with a look of concern on his face, the view of the stormreach refugees, a group of adventurers slaying some lords of dust cultists, exc.
- I'm tempted to say, "Use the music featured on the title screen!" But I think that would be too repetitive. Perhaps a new style of introduction music would suffice.
- At the end of the video, hinting at the forgotten realms in some way (Be it a wizard scrying through something, a pan of a hidden portal, outsiders arriving, exc.) would be ok, since that tends to be one of the future focuses this game has.