Remove ship buff timers.
Remove ship buff timers.
/not signed
As much as I like ship buffs, there are times when I don't want them. Also, I like knowing that if I dilly dally, then I lose that buff. I think they should pause in public places? That would be nice?
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Sarlona: Seikojin, Toy
You can lose them by dying still. Do you like it when you are waiting for the party to fill and people's ship buffs are running down so they start to head off to their ships for "fresh" buffs before running to the quest again...adding another 5-10 minutes before you can even start the quest? It's about getting people to the quests faster to maximize play time.
Double or triple the timers, and pause the timers in public instances like XP potions pause.
Frankly, I think that Shrines that don't add more bonus - but rather longer durations - would make for some nice higher level perks for guilds to strive towards. Hell, even make one new Shrine for lvl 95 or 100 guilds... Shrine of the Hourglass: adds more time to all ship buffs currently being used.
Turbine won't realistically make the buffs timerless till death... I'm trying to come up with some ideas they might actually implement.
I agree that the timesink sucks - but that's also the designed balance to the buffs. If you want them, you need to refresh them at the cost of time and convenience. Extend the timers, remove the public countdown, and it would help alleviate the matter a great deal. Not the perfect solution from a player's perspective - but perhaps a compromise that the Devs could bend with a bit.
While I do like your idea, I'm wondering why you think Turbine wouldn't make ship buffs timerless till death. Since it's not a game balancing issue and whether it lasts an hour or permanent till death, the quest will be just as difficult. It would only come into play for game balance if the quest were to last over an hour (EE CITW/FOT). Other than that it's just a time sink for everyone that could be easily alleviated. It wouldn't even dip into Turbine's profits since there are no pots to buy for it like for XP.
One, because Turbine gave them an hour-long duration to begin with, which means they are keen on the buffs having limitations.
And two, because Turbine thinks timesinks are a meaningful game mechanic.
As such, I think that making buffs last two to three hours, instead of the current sixty minutes, would alleviate the what feels like constant need to rebuff. Pausing the buffs in public matches what they already changed in XP potions to make them more palatable to the players. It's a middle-ground, and one I think would make players happier while keeping the Devs' limitations still in play.
Just my opinions and thoughts on the matter - your mileage may vary.
Make them pause while in public is all I wish for :-)
That should be easily achieveable ... We have it work already with xp, renown and slayer pots ... Should work the same with ship buffs.
Application of time extension etc should also be placed on house J/P buffs (oh I remember having to run back for those 20 point resists every 30mins...)
Remove them would be better. They destroy the early game, and is not really all that usefull at endgame.. stumbled upon this Ranger who didnt even pick up resists a week ago (!?) would never have happened if it wasnt for ship buffs. Clearly breeds a new ignorant generation of players.
"so what if you die?"
"i try not to"
I agree that these buffs need to pause in public areas. Waiting on the ship to get buffs till the party is ready is a downer. I used to put up an lfm, hit the mail box, hit the AH, grab favor rewards i have in the zone and such. But now it is just wait till the last minute on the ship than zerg to the buffs, then zerg to the quest, then zerg the quest because OMG I have buffs counting down. I don't care that they count down in the quest, that is fine by me.
A reasonable way to get this done?
I suggest we boycot the DDO store until they do! Thats the stick.
I also suggest that when they do we all pledge to buy something from the store that we could use that we don't normally buy. Thats the carrot.
I personally never buy XP pots but if they give us this, I pledge to buy ten of the best ones.
Thanks and have a great day!
(Rangers without resist-energy spell slotted... LOL)
But i don't think they'll remove a mechanism that brings money to the company (it does, doesn't it?)
I'd like guilds to provide... something else to their members... but i don't have any good ideas atm, apart from extra storage space
[Pausing the shipbuff-timer in public areas is a good idea, i suppose, while they exist]
If i haven't responded to your post, it doesn't necessarily mean that i don't have counter-arguments, it might simply mean that i don't want to keep feeding the trolls.
Plastic People
Hey! Hey!
My Sorcerer finally picked up Resist Energy two days ago.
At level 10.
One one hand, I feel like a terrible player because I know better than to do that. On the other hand, there really wasn't any need for me to have Resist Energy because twink gear + ship resists + knowing where traps are + WF Sorcerers being severely overpowered in Heroic levels meant that I just didn't die in quests (except once or twice when I got distracted by a squirrel or something out the window and just let enemies beat on me for a while. Heck, I didn't even come close to dying in the fire trapped ladder when I solo'd StK part 3 under level. I just climbed right through it. That's not play skill. That's just a massive change in quest balance over the past few years.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
I fall into the remove them camp. I am very much against the concept of extending them in any way. They are far too unbalancing to allow for willy-nilly usage.
Frankly I despised their introduction in the first place. It makes no sense for a character to be more powerful because he belongs to a guild. The airship amenities should be purely convienence additions, like the banks, mailboxes, taverns, brokers, auctioneers, and crafting alters. Given my druthers I would replace the buffing shrines with amenities that gave access to more and more locations and eased access back to the guild ship.
Bogenbroom's legion... 102 characters, 3 accounts, and 1 irate wife.