Do the AA enhancements work for xbows and repeaters? I have a helf druid/rog using a repeater and would like to imbue.
Do the AA enhancements work for xbows and repeaters? I have a helf druid/rog using a repeater and would like to imbue.
The imbues only work on arrows, not bolts or thrown weapons; but the AA special atks like Inferno Shot and Shattermantle should work with any ranged or thrown atk. [Caveat: haven't tested this for myself, so take with a grain of salt.] Not sure what happens if you use them with a repeater: i.e., does the special atk only proc on the first bolt or every 3-shot burst? Will it double-proc on doubleshot?
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
The repeater will shoot 3 of the special attack arrow. However, you could lose the attack if you do not have your repeater reloaded at the time of shooting. It's best to stop auto attacking for a split second, fire your desired ranged attack, and continue. I believe it also procs on doubleshots