Trying to figure out which Epic Destiny feats to take on my monkcher. Here's what I'm deciding amongst:

  1. Guardian Angel -- seems like it could be a handy buff in emergencies, granting somewhere around +40 PRR (unless it means Wis modifier), and +28 to my saves. Not sure, though.
  2. Holy Strike -- Ghost Touch automatically is nice, as it means I can toss some stuff in the bank and not have to worry about swapping stuff around when a ghost pops up, plus it's some more DPS (less than +2 overall, however).
  3. Epic Spell Power: Positive -- For use with Cocoon.
  4. Elusive Target -- this seems like it could be pretty good, but 5% is kinda low.
  5. Forced Escape -- breaking CC is nice, although I'd have to find out what exactly this breaks. Even with a decent Wis, the DC is going to be too low to be of real consequence.