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  1. #1
    Community Member Pilgrim1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Paying 8 mil for a otto's box

    I'm looking for both a heroic and epic version of the new otto's box. I am willing to pay 8mil for each box.

    If your looking for other stuff then plat I also have:

    Flawless Green dragon scales (100k/each)
    Flawless Red dragon scales (100k/each)
    Large shroud mats (100k/each)
    Major manna pots (25k/each)
    Raid bypass timers (250k/each)

    I have lots of scrolls, and a few EE items if there is something specific your looking for.

    You can contact Duplicant or Starshadows in game, or leave a post here.

    Note: The plat cap is ~4.29mil and the trade window only accepts something like 2mil per trade, so this will take several toon swaps to pass all the plat.

    Edit: I'm also interested in just the exp stones if you want to sell just thoes - ill pay 4mil for them. I also will buy TP codes.
    Last edited by Pilgrim1; 11-13-2013 at 02:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I have 5 Raid bypass timers. Lizalotte is the name.

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