The bigger ship models have more bacon. Our Stormglory Typhoon has 3 strips at a time.
I know working our way up through the ship classes we had 1, 2, then 3 strips. I don't recall which ships had which though.
Research time!
Windspyre Sparrow: 1 fresh bacon strip, 1 small dining table, and 1 hammock (and 1 cargo net usable as a hammock). And you cannot stand in the wok, so no custom meals (fried halfling, frog, etc)
Stormglory Bolt: ?
Windspyre Falcon: ?
Stormglory Tempest: 2 fresh bacon strips and 1 well-done and 2 long tables for eating. Custom meals available.
Windspyre Gryphon: ?
Stormglory Typhoon: 3 well-done bacon strips, 1 very long table and 5 small tables, and 1 spa. Custom meals available.
Last edited by Backley; 11-15-2013 at 09:06 AM.
Author of Info Blue UI Skin (Really wish Turbine would update the skinning interface and enable all the new UI parts.)
If you don't have an SSD, you should be using DDOPreload (fixes the slow first login issue)
Never thought I was a total noob at this game, but...does bacon actually do anything?
Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes
Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt
That's not lag, it's just DDO trying to become turn-based again.
Feature wishlist: colour-coded HP bars; red/blue teams in raids; rez-timer in party menu
Bug report form link
I remember this thread, I liked it a lot and although it is a necro I am glad to see it back.
I nominate this as a Hall of Fame thread so we never again forget the significance of bacon.
Start cross server trading and profit!Characters: Grandern Marn / Yazmirr Grezztl / Vexir Bristleblade / Zappinaizah Subatrumpf Server: Orien Guild: Faca na CaveiraNew to the Orien server? Type "/joinchannel Titan" into the chat window and join some lively DDO discussion! Happy to help out with any questions.
People fail to appreciate the little things that also take very little time to make/fix.
Not everything has to be 'overhall' or 'pass'.
Bought my first dungeon master's guide in 1992. My favourite part of ddo is coffee and slayers
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This weekend, walking around the yard I noticed our Chives were up, and thus Bacon was on my mind (see link below). I saw there was a dev post on a thread named Bacon!, and then I found it was mine.
Maybe in a couple weeks I'll be able to have: in celebration.
AHAHAHAHAH!!! What about an airship amenity that is a bacon cooking café that sells you various types of bacon which can be consumed for buffs? I'd call it the "bacon house!" Eheheheh.
There are not enough !!!!! at the end of this thread name to appropriately talk about Bacon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a post from a while ago that was done right (before I changed my name)
Knorgh (triple triple completionist) Currently 12 Wizard/6 Ranger/2 Monk