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  1. #1
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Default Confused on TR then picking Iconic, is the first level still restricted?

    When you create an Iconic, your first level is always a specific class?

    When you TR going back to new life after update 20, can you pick whatever you want for your first class.

    Pondering a Morninglord Pure Favored Soul life to get the Sunbolt capstone.

    Is this possible without a lesser +1 heart?

    Hmm...might try it tomorrow with Fawnglow just to find out?

  2. #2
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    On Lamannia the first class was still fixed when TRing into an iconic, I don't recall ever hearing any plans to change this so you would need a LR +1 to become a pure favored soul.

  3. #3
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Thank you for quick answer.

    It would be very sad if this is true and continues.
    Another blow to pure builds...

  4. #4
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    Not just pures, but people who don't want one of the 4 classes listed or would prefer them on a different race. Or heck, would just like a different build order like say rogue at level 1 for more skill points, full bab class for feat reqs, caster class for a metamagic feat, etc.

    A Bladeforged barb would be cool, but no way I'd spend two hearts of wood on it.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ayseifn View Post
    Not just pures, but people who don't want one of the 4 classes listed or would prefer them on a different race. Or heck, would just like a different build order like say rogue at level 1 for more skill points, full bab class for feat reqs, caster class for a metamagic feat, etc.

    A Bladeforged barb would be cool, but no way I'd spend two hearts of wood on it.
    It's a good thing you'd need two, otherwise you'd waste a heart and realize you can't use the reconstruct spell like ability when raged.
    Yet another way barbs suck.

  6. #6
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Krelar View Post
    On Lamannia the first class was still fixed when TRing into an iconic, I don't recall ever hearing any plans to change this so you would need a LR +1 to become a pure favored soul.
    i don't think it's doable even with a LR+20

    edit, nvm >_>
    Last edited by Jay203; 11-12-2013 at 01:18 AM.
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
    less buffing, more nerfing!!!
    to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"

  7. #7
    Community Member ArcherBarry's Avatar
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    Can anyone confirm that this works on Live?

    I have a bladeforged iconic that is now paladin 1/ranger 3/ wizard 13.
    id like to use the lesser heart of wood +20 that we were given to lr him
    and remove the paladin level, Possible?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArcherBarry View Post
    Can anyone confirm that this works on Live?

    I have a bladeforged iconic that is now paladin 1/ranger 3/ wizard 13.
    id like to use the lesser heart of wood +20 that we were given to lr him
    and remove the paladin level, Possible?
    Three class toons are tricky.

    You cannot have more than 3 classes total spanning your entire heroic classes at any time.

    So you must reduce your total classes to 2 before adding another class.

    Example for you.

    Using +1 to +20 heart.
    Lesser reincarnate.
    Swap Pally class at level one for either ranger OR wizard; nothing else will work.
    After that you effectively have two classes total heroic span presently.
    Optional: You could begin swapping either the ranger OR the wizard classes for one new class of your choice till your changes run out.

    You could not choose a class with an alignment restriction problem as you are still lawful good till you finish this heart.

    But yes a Dev confirmed awhile back you can remove that first level iconic class with a heart.

  9. #9
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Ok, I was not paying careful attention to this... but going off of memory...

    it seems that you have a screen to chose a race.

    Iconic is a race. Not one iconic.... all of them.

    Then the next screen is for which kind of Iconic.... BS/Pal, SE?Clr.... etc.

    No screen pops up that would let you choose a different class.....

    Again.... just based off of memory... could be wrong.

    But Iconic is you race screen choice.

    You class screen choice has four choice... BS/Pal, SE/Clr... etc.

    Next screen you start Choosing stats.

    No way to choose you first level I think.

    (now.. I wonder if a LR +1 will let you change your Sun Elf Cleric into a Blade Sworn Pal?)
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  10. #10
    Community Member Jay203's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Talon_Moonshadow View Post
    Ok, I was not paying careful attention to this... but going off of memory...

    it seems that you have a screen to chose a race.

    Iconic is a race. Not one iconic.... all of them.

    Then the next screen is for which kind of Iconic.... BS/Pal, SE?Clr.... etc.

    No screen pops up that would let you choose a different class.....

    Again.... just based off of memory... could be wrong.

    But Iconic is you race screen choice.

    You class screen choice has four choice... BS/Pal, SE/Clr... etc.

    Next screen you start Choosing stats.

    No way to choose you first level I think.

    (now.. I wonder if a LR +1 will let you change your Sun Elf Cleric into a Blade Sworn Pal?)
    that's what i thought at first too
    altho i found out that when you do LR +x on iconic, you can change your first lvl class by choosing the class directly upon the LR process instead of choosing Iconic
    PS: Greensteel RUINED the game! and you all know it!
    less buffing, more nerfing!!!
    to make it easier for those of you that wants to avoid me in game, all my characters are in "Bladesworn Mercenaries"

  11. #11
    Community Member Book_O_Dragons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    Three class toons are tricky.

    You cannot have more than 3 classes total spanning your entire heroic classes at any time.

    So you must reduce your total classes to 2 before adding another class.

    Example for you.

    Using +1 to +20 heart.
    Lesser reincarnate.
    Swap Pally class at level one for either ranger OR wizard; nothing else will work.
    After that you effectively have two classes total heroic span presently.
    Optional: You could begin swapping either the ranger OR the wizard classes for one new class of your choice till your changes run out.

    You could not choose a class with an alignment restriction problem as you are still lawful good till you finish this heart.

    But yes a Dev confirmed awhile back you can remove that first level iconic class with a heart.
    Red Answer
    You may actually change to any class besides barbarian, bard, and druid (if you have only one paladin level) which are only locked because of alignment restrictions but choosing ranger* or wizard will then allow you to add a third class at a later level.

    Green Answer
    This appears to be correct.
    Unless this has changed you can open the DDO Store while in the reincarnation area as well as use an alignment change item that you previously owned there as well. I have used an alignment change on the veteran lander but never while LRing.

    *better option for skill points
    Last edited by Book_O_Dragons; 11-15-2013 at 02:47 PM. Reason: Wrong Info
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  12. #12
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    Interesting and interesting.

    I looked it up, and the text on the alignment change is different now.
    Old text of "can only be used in a tavern is gone".

    Perhaps the character generator is helping get around the 4 class paradox?

  13. #13
    Community Member Powskier's Avatar
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    i triesd alignment change ,on the LR ship and it wont work....nice waste of ddo points

  14. #14
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay203 View Post
    that's what i thought at first too
    altho i found out that when you do LR +x on iconic, you can change your first lvl class by choosing the class directly upon the LR process instead of choosing Iconic
    Good to know... thx.

    I might try this out.
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  15. #15
    Community Member Munkenmo's Avatar
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    The first class Is still a fixed choice:

    I TR'ed my main (Munkenmo) into an Iconic Bladeforged, hoping to end up with a 16monk/2fighter/2wiz.

    Sadly I was forced to take paladin at level 1, so for now he's a 16monk/2fighter/2paladin.

  16. #16
    Community Member Book_O_Dragons's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Powskier View Post
    i triesd alignment change ,on the LR ship and it wont work....nice waste of ddo points
    Sorry I had thought it was the same ship as the Veteran Lander where I was able to change my alignment but it appears to be different. I'll edit my previous post.
    The worst problem on the DDO forums right now

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  17. #17
    Ultimate Completionist
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    TRed Fawngale into a Morninglord Iconic.

    She ended up 1 cleric / 14 favored soul.

    So I used a leftover +3 lesser heart.

    When in the initial character screen, she choose spellcaster instead of iconic.
    A pop up warning told me I was using one of my class changes.

    She became pure favored soul and leveled up to 20 in due time, gaining the favored soul capstone:

    Liking how Fawngale is set up, maybe because I have lots of experience with favored souls.
    Details on Sunbolt.
    It is a SLA.
    You can cast it for free.
    You can apply quicken, enlarge, empower, maximize too it for free.
    It has a cooldown of 9 seconds (compare to searing light from silver flame of 6 seconds).
    It has a wider area that it affects (unsure of exactness atm).
    Typical non crit hit with ee shamic trinket and stater gear ~ 1.25ish k damage.

    Some claimed that this was broken.
    But I compare 3 second cooldown with angel ed SLA and don't agree.

    The cooldown on the Amatars brilliance is 30 seconds, also a bit long, but I can live with that.
    Her light spellpower is 238, we can improve that over time.

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