AFTER you have worn them at the correct level once and TR’d
Bear with me
On the eve of U20 and the dawn of the Epic TR Era I find myself pondering and planning what Epic past life bonuses I want for each of my stable of Top Tier Toons and I just realised that after many posts on many TR subjects the biggest elephant in the room has not been addressed.
Folks have been talking about the pain of grinding Karma for off destiny EDs, the sheer level of Experience actually needed to grind out 9 PLs in each Karmic Sphere and the underwhelming bonuses you actually get after it all.
But what about equipment considerations? When max level 25 came in there was a gradual move and replacement of equipment as you went up through the levels. Then max level 28 came and once again your gear set up changed yet again.
Now we have the opportunity to go back to lvl 20 and go through the experience of levelling from 20 to 28 multiple times.
I for one will find it a pain to remember what gear I wore at 20, then 23, then 25, 26 , 28 etc. A lot of the random lower 20’s gear I have discarded or moved to another toon as I have gathered better and better stuff.
Think of all the augment slot twinking you have carried out!!!
When you TR to 20, if you remain in a good destiny sphere your EDs will be fine but your equipment will be a mess!
Ok some slots and items are just convenience but I for one will find this a nightmare.
Can we get some sort of concession about using ML20-28 items at level 20 after an Epic TR if you have worn them already prior to your TR?
I know its way past getting this for U20 but a patch at some point?
It is going to be such a nightmare the first time I TR each toon and I am thinking many players will be in the same boat