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  1. #1
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    Default raiders box for clonk, what to chose?

    What should my twf clonk chose from her raiders box on tuesday?


    -antipode: not really better than grave wrappings? not convinced.
    -celestia: centered with ninja spy, nice twf damage with dance of flowers... boss dps in FoTW (since FoTW doesnt crit on handwraps)... need a good offhand shortsword for this.
    -sireth: also centered, no twf but still interesting

    tending towards celestia right now, what do you think? Any suggestions for an easy to acquire offhand weapon? Star of day from Aumanator turnins?

    Another problem is getting around the good requirement on both celestia or sireth, I dont have much UMD and no good alignment. Planning for 2 more TRs, though, so could still go good in final life.
    Zeugen der Dreizehn, Thelanis:
    Makkuroi, chain TR: currently drow pure caster warlock
    PLs: Completionist; 3xWiz, Sor; 2x Pal, Brd, Monk EPLs: 3x CotQ,Brc,DS,EW,EC 1xFH,PLD ; IPLs: 2x BF; 3x PDK, SDK

  2. #2
    Community Member Arkadios's Avatar
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    I already have the antipode on my clonk, I plan on picking the comms so that's probably not very helpful. Depends on what kind of clonk it is. I heard somewhere celestias don't count as shortswords so don't become centred as a monk, no idea if this is true or not. (probably untrue kinda hope it is :P). and sireth is a nice Qstaff if you're not going twf...
    Quote Originally Posted by katz View Post
    wow. i actually made it to someone's sig! O.o


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arkadios View Post
    I already have the antipode on my clonk, I plan on picking the comms so that's probably not very helpful. Depends on what kind of clonk it is. I heard somewhere celestias don't count as shortswords so don't become centred as a monk, no idea if this is true or not. (probably untrue kinda hope it is :P). and sireth is a nice Qstaff if you're not going twf...

    Just to clarify on this, as of my understanding the issue with Celestia is that it doesn't count as a Piercing weapon to trigger Monk's Dex-to-damage enhancements.

  4. #4
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    Got 2 Celestias on a monk, the poison DoT and centered work fine but no idea about dex to damage as my str is higher.

    Star of day is alright, it's what I used for levels 20-23/24 and is really easy to get. All those turn in weapons will be great for TRing now. On a clonk though you'd want two of them I'd guess, use grave wraps for trash and celestias for bosses, Star of Day is a pretty bad boss beater. Could maybe go grab a Brush Hook I guess for off hand? But then you're using bludgeon, pierce and slash weapons regularly and that sounds bad, maybe just grabbing a Sireth is the way to go.

  5. #5
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    I dont have any improved critical feat, so weapon type mixing wouldnt hurt at all. My only melee feats are stunning fist and the full twf chain. Other feats are casting stuff and the monk stances up to grandmaster. Dex and Str are about equal so no problem here.
    Zeugen der Dreizehn, Thelanis:
    Makkuroi, chain TR: currently drow pure caster warlock
    PLs: Completionist; 3xWiz, Sor; 2x Pal, Brd, Monk EPLs: 3x CotQ,Brc,DS,EW,EC 1xFH,PLD ; IPLs: 2x BF; 3x PDK, SDK

  6. #6
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    I'm currently leveling up a clonk. I did 20 citw runs to get a celestia before TR'ing and upgraded it to T3/Banishing. I ended up with an Antipode as well. I'm probably going to take another celestia so i can dual wield them.

    I have to imagine that dual wielding 2 celestias, with the blinding capabilities, the sunburst SLA with blinding, then kiting through blade barriers would be good on trash as well. Does IC-Pierce work with celestia's since their light damage? The weapon says they're short swords so you'd imagine they count towards the monk-ninja shortsword enhancements.

    On my clonk I took
    - Maximize, Empower, Quicken, Empower Healing
    - stunning fist,
    - TWF, Improved TWF
    - Past Life : arcane (+1 spell dcs) (2 wizzie past lives)

    I have 2 more feats to get at L15 & 18. Not sure whether to go GTWF/IC ?? pierce/blungeon..? or try to go more spell casting. I'm not sure at this point which way to go.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGardes View Post
    I'm currently leveling up a clonk. I did 20 citw runs to get a celestia before TR'ing and upgraded it to T3/Banishing. I ended up with an Antipode as well. I'm probably going to take another celestia so i can dual wield them.

    I have to imagine that dual wielding 2 celestias, with the blinding capabilities, the sunburst SLA with blinding, then kiting through blade barriers would be good on trash as well. Does IC-Pierce work with celestia's since their light damage? The weapon says they're short swords so you'd imagine they count towards the monk-ninja shortsword enhancements.

    On my clonk I took
    - Maximize, Empower, Quicken, Empower Healing
    - stunning fist,
    - TWF, Improved TWF
    - Past Life : arcane (+1 spell dcs) (2 wizzie past lives)

    I have 2 more feats to get at L15 & 18. Not sure whether to go GTWF/IC ?? pierce/blungeon..? or try to go more spell casting. I'm not sure at this point which way to go.
    Yes IC Pierce works with Celestia. I dual weild them with IC and it's really good for EE content and for DR breaking if you're a TWF melee build.

    As for OP's original question, I'd go with a Celestia since you have Grave Wraps already.


  8. #8
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    Im favoring celestia at the moment, but i got one big problem: how can I wear it? If I go good, i get a neg lvl from grave wraps, which are my main weapon from lvl 20 upwards for stunning and level drains. My UMD potential isnt that high with moderate cha and int.

    Ill probably get a celestia now, stash it, and work out the UMD (32 i think) later.

    as for feats, I dumped empower, got the grandmaster stances (+4 wis in water, nice flexibility with other stances), and didnt take any improved crit. I can still get it at 27 but not sure if i really need it, wraps got a bad crit profile anyway and I dont have good shortswords yet.
    Last edited by Makkuroi; 11-11-2013 at 01:47 PM.
    Zeugen der Dreizehn, Thelanis:
    Makkuroi, chain TR: currently drow pure caster warlock
    PLs: Completionist; 3xWiz, Sor; 2x Pal, Brd, Monk EPLs: 3x CotQ,Brc,DS,EW,EC 1xFH,PLD ; IPLs: 2x BF; 3x PDK, SDK

  9. #9
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGardes View Post
    On my clonk I took
    - Maximize, Empower, Quicken, Empower Healing
    - stunning fist,
    - TWF, Improved TWF
    - Past Life : arcane (+1 spell dcs) (2 wizzie past lives)

    I have 2 more feats to get at L15 & 18. Not sure whether to go GTWF/IC ?? pierce/blungeon..? or try to go more spell casting. I'm not sure at this point which way to go.
    Unless the absolute ONLY DC-based spell you cast is Implosion, it seems silly to skip Heighten but spend a feat on the wizzy past life. I vote for fitting Heighten in.

  10. #10
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    the only dc-based spell i use IS implosion... evo dc is about 10 higher than all others and heightening bb isnt really worth it.

    compare heighten to wiz PL:

    -1 implosion
    -1 mass frog
    +1 destruction
    +2 bb
    +3 greater command

    and higher spellpoint costs for heightened spells...

    my full feat setup (human 18/2 clonk):
    stunning fist
    adept/master/grandmaster stances
    quicken/maximize/empower healing
    wiz PL, evo focus (for unlocking magister evo twist)
    one undecided at lvl 27
    Last edited by Makkuroi; 11-11-2013 at 02:33 PM.
    Zeugen der Dreizehn, Thelanis:
    Makkuroi, chain TR: currently drow pure caster warlock
    PLs: Completionist; 3xWiz, Sor; 2x Pal, Brd, Monk EPLs: 3x CotQ,Brc,DS,EW,EC 1xFH,PLD ; IPLs: 2x BF; 3x PDK, SDK

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makkuroi View Post
    the only dc-based spell i use IS implosion... evo dc is about 10 higher than all others and heightening bb isnt really worth it.

    compare heighten to wiz PL:

    -1 implosion
    -1 mass frog
    +1 destruction
    +2 bb
    +3 greater command

    and higher spellpoint costs for heightened spells...

    my full feat setup (human 18/2 clonk):
    stunning fist
    adept/master/grandmaster stances
    quicken/maximize/empower healing
    wiz PL, evo focus (for unlocking magister evo twist)
    one undecided at lvl 27
    Just curious why the 3 stance feats. Why not power attack, cleave, GC? Wouldn't the sunburst effect of the celestia be able to proc multiple times from a cleave, and thus hitting a mob more than once with sunburst damage & effects?

    If you're TWF does cleave have the % chance to proc an offhand "cleave" as well?

    I took empower for leveling (the SLA's are great), and will probably ditch it for something else at some point. I haven't taken the wizard past life feat yet, and the comments here make me consider whether I should, but I love implosion, it's my favorite spell in the game! I could do the stances, but I'm just not seeing the benefits.

  12. #12
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    the char is mostly dc-based, and GM water stance gives me inherent ki generation, +4 wis, +4% dodge, and +5 saves. If I need more melee dps, I can go air stance for 10% doublestrike and the proc from the villager set, which isnt bad either.

    I originally considered 2x epic wis but instead swapped empower to adept and took the other stances instead of great wis, basically dropping empower gave me +3 saves and +2% dodge, and a bigger bang if I switch to other stances,
    Zeugen der Dreizehn, Thelanis:
    Makkuroi, chain TR: currently drow pure caster warlock
    PLs: Completionist; 3xWiz, Sor; 2x Pal, Brd, Monk EPLs: 3x CotQ,Brc,DS,EW,EC 1xFH,PLD ; IPLs: 2x BF; 3x PDK, SDK

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