I'm new to archers but I figure a free Pinion is basically a sign from god that I should start one. Currently I'm making a BF 8wiz/6mnk/6rng the BAB is low enough that the Tensers toggle from EK feels like a requirement which really zaps my AP. I mainly solo EE and raids and from my testing on the Kobolds this build has plenty of DPS and the survivability is amazing. But its EXTREMELY short on CC . I see many builds go 3/3 into Paralyzing which brought up a few questions that I'd really appreciate a little insight on. I haven't had the time to test actual quests just kobolds b/c I've built about 20 different characters in the last few days trying to get ready.
1oes Paralyzing land with how high saves are in EE? i.e. is it mostly just for when mobs roll a 1?
2: Is a Monkchers DPS high enough to just forgo CC other than Pin/Otto's since a Sniper Shot volley often 1 shots entire packs.
If anyone has any other thoughts I'd love to hear them.