The point of Reincarnation (Heroic/True or Epic), from Turbine's perspective is (or should be) to get players to continue playing DDO when the endgame holds no/little allure for them, there is no endgame, or the peak of the endgame is challenging enough and reincarnation benefits significant enough, that re-leveling is a worthwhile way to enhance your character.
Ways in which the Epic Reincarnation system has been designed poorly:
- Requiring players to select 'pieces of a reincarnation' as end rewards for 100+ quests places a barrier between capped players (and characters partway between lvl 20 and 28) and reincarnating, when the goal should be to get those characters on the treadmill.
- The barrier renders XP-efficient leveling plans (including the usage of XP pots and tomes) useless for those characters looking to reincarnate, because even if you level quickly, you'll still need to continue to run quests to get your Heart.
- Past life abilities are, by and large, too insignificant to serve as a real incentive to Epic Reincarnate.
- Commendations of Valor being BtC means that players cannot grind out an Epic Heart for one character, using multiple characters, which means...
- Players cannot Epic Reincarnate on a whim, thanks to the staggering number of completions necessary, the requirement of selection CoV in place of other rewards, and the BtC nature of the Comms. For True (Heroic) Reincarnation, some players have decided to reincarnate on a whim, hunt through their characters' bags to assemble all of their Tokens of the Twelve, and either be able to reincarnate in 5-20 minutes, or go blitz a bunch of quests in a few hours. This may be viewed as a way of encouraging store sales, but I'm fairly certain that players reincarnating often are spending more money in the store on XP potions and XP tomes (one-offs), than player are spending on Hearts of Wood.
- 4000+ required items meant to stack and go in ingredients bags causes problems, due to maximum stack size (and probably can't be properly recognized by the Barter UI from multiple bags at a time). And, really, there's no reason the number has to be so large. Just drop a 0, and reduce rewards accordingly: 400 required, 4 yielded as a reward for a quest, instead of 40.
- Epic Reincarnating does not reset quest bravery bonus and first time difficulty bonuses, removing a lot of the incentive you have for running those difficulties. This means the overwhelmingly fastest way to level will be running Epic normal + hard. If you take away bravery bonuses and yummy 80% first time elite completion bonuses, this will happen. Especially when you're running in an off destiny. While, yes, this does run contrary to #2, it also means that your final life is going to be more of a chore than it really should be.
Can you imagine what would happen if the DDO endgame was centered on running a raid, but in order to get into the raid, you had to run 100 separate quests? You want people playing the raid, because it's what keeps players invested in the game, but the arbitrarily high requirement would be a rather significant deterrent for many players.