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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default Exceptional Customer Service by Caergoth Tonight

    The in game help provided by Caergoth was fantastic tonight.

    I was in Skyros' Jewel on elite, soloing it, and the chest with the second key bugged out. Caergoth couldn't get the chest to spawn, so he removed the second door by the shrine. Yay. But the objective to open the door wasn't fulfilled. I was concerned about that preventing a completion, so Caergoth said he'd stick around while I did the rest of the quest and then do a manual completion if necessary.

    It was a long, rough ride--my ship buffs had long since run out, my heirling was out of mana and then dead. My dog died. I was out of mana, running around like a mad man wand whipping and potion chugging. I died once, and cursed as I ate a cake. I chugged a mana pot and buffed a little. I finally managed to kill every last thing in the place.

    I imagine Caergoth was probably watching, drinking a coffee, and getting a few laughs out of the show I was putting on... So, then there were still 2 kidnappers that had not been killed, and I know I had killed every last dark dwarf in that place. So, Caergoth kindly did a manual completion and bang I got my 15k experience.

    A huge thanks to Caergoth for his help tonight. This time of the year usually brings performance reviews, and I hope his bossman takes this into account.

    -a very pleased gamer

  2. #2
    Hero Noir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    +1 for giving credit where credit is due.....good form
    Originally Posted by grodon9999
    "I'm beginning to think a lot of people play this game because it's cheaper than paying for a Dominatrix."
    Disciplines Disciples - 54 Alts on Khyber and counting

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