I was reviewing the stuff I have and decided it's time to sell some. I am basically looking for TPs codes, Otto's boxes and astral shards (in this order). If you find something you like and have something to offer, send me a pm here or in game (Prcek).
Adamantine Knuckles ( elite )
Alchemical Handwraps
Alchemical Khopesh
Allegiance ( epic elite )
Aquatic Bracers ( epic )
Arkat's Cord ( epic hard )
Arkat's Cord ( epic elite )
Axe of Adaxus ( epic elite )
Backstabber's Gloves ( epic )
Bastion ( epic elite )
Belt of the Seven Ideals ( epic elite )
Belt of the Seven Ideals ( elite )
Belt of the Seven Ideals ( epic elite )
Bloody Shadow Staff
Bracers of the Twisting Shade ( epic elite )
Bronze Ingot Arcanum ( epic elite )
Bulwark of the Storm's Fist ( epic elite )
Charoush's Inferno ( epic elite )
Cloak of Ice
Cloak of Ice
Crystalline Scepter ( epic elite )
Daggertooth's Belt ( epic elite )
Dream Visor ( epic hard )
Dream Visor ( epic elite )
Eternal Rest
Fell Rapier of Ice
Fell Rapier of Ice
Firebreak ( epic hard )
Firebreak ( epic elite )
Giantcraft Siberys Compass ( epic elite )
Gloves of Forgotten Craft ( epic elite )
Gloves of Forgotten Craft ( epic hard )
Great Axe of the Chained Soldier ( epic elite )
Great Axe of the Chained Soldier ( epic elite )
Helm of the White Dragon ( epic elite ) str +8
Intricate Field Optics ( epic elite ) char+8
Ironwood Khopesh ( epic elite )
Jeweled Cloak ( elite )
Jeweled Cloak ( elite )
Jorgundal's Collar ( epic )
Jorgundal's Collar ( epic elite ) ASAH only
Kardin's Eye ( epic )
Lumric's Longbow
Madstone Skull ( epic elite )
Magistrate's Scepter ( epic elite )
Mantle of the Dragonfriend ( epic elite )
Mantle of the Dragonfriend ( epic elite )
Planar Focus of Prowess str +8
Ring of Spell Storing
Ring of the Stormreaver Prophecy ( epic hard )
Ring of the Stormreaver Prophecy ( epic elite )
Roadwatch Bow ( epic elite )
Royal Scimitar ( epic elite )
Ruby of Ghostbane few
Ruby of the Endless Night few
Seal of House Dun'Robar ins con+2, Stunning+10
Seal of House Szind char+7
Shield of Morning ( epic elite )
Silver Ingot Arcanum ( epic elite )
Silver Ingot Arcanum ( epic hard )
Skullsmasher ( epic elite )
Skullsmasher ( epic elite )
Skyvault Shield ( epic elite )
Skyvault Shield ( epic hard )
Spiked Boots ( epic elite )
Steady Handed Armbands ( epic hard )
Steady Handed Armbands ( epic hard )
Surefooted Boots ( epic elite )
The Blood Stone
The Mountain's Fist ( epic elite )
The Mountain's Fist ( epic elite )
Tome of Charisma +3 -> +4
Tome of Inteligence +3
Tome of Strenght +3 -> +4
Vampiric Stonedust Wraps
Weeping Handwraps
Wizard's Ward ( epic elite ) Corrosion