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  1. #1
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    Default Looking for a Dwarven Stalwart Defender build.

    Hello all, I've been gone from DDO for a while, and i noticed that the enhancements have changed to an Enhancement Tree, and that most of the enhancements have changed.

    Before I had quit, and before I even messed with my current character, I had done a character planner, but it's of no use to me now with the new enhancements. So, would anyone be able to provide any information regarding new builds?

    The character I was going to build before was a Dwarven Hate-Intim tank, with possible access to TWF to dual wield Dwarven Axes, for slightly extra dps, if I'm not needed as a main tank. Though, chances are i'd have ended up tanking mostly with the character regardless.

    18 Fighter, 2 Barbarian

    Currently only 6 Fighter, as I had chose to hold off on the Barbarian until later on, possibly one at 14 and 1 at 20 (Don't remember exactly...)

    If anyone knows of a new enhancment build that'd best suit what I'm after, or best fit the following enhancement + feat list... I'd be grateful.

    Previous Enhancement List: Improved Intimidate I, Fighter Armor Class Boost I, Fighter Toughness I, Dwarven Axe Damage I, Dwarven Armor Mastery I, Racial Toughness I, Dwarven Constitution I, Fighter Toughness II, Improved Intimidate II, Barbarian Constitution I, Dwarven Axe Attack I, Fighter Stalwart Defender I, Fighter Item Defense I, Fighter Armor Class Boost II, Racial Toughness II, Fighter Toughness III, Fighter Haste Boost I, Barbarian Sprint Boost I, Dwarven Axe Damage II, Racial Toughness III, Fighter Toughness IV, Dwarven Armor Mastery II, Dwarven Tactics I, Fighter Stalwart Defender II, Fighter Item Defense II, Fighter Armor Class Boost III, Dwarven Armor Mastery III, Fighter Tower Shield Mastery I, Fighter Tower Shield Mastery II, Fighter Stalwart Defender III, Dwarven Shield Mastery I, Dwarven Shield Mastery II, Fighter Armor Mastery I, Fighter Armor Mastery II, Barbarian Damage Reduction Boost I, Dwarven Spell Defense I

    Feat List: Toughness, Two-Handed Fighting, Power Attack, Cleave, Shield Mastery, Weapon Focus (Slashing), Weapon Specialization (Slashing), Improved Critical (Slashing), Improved Two-Handed Fighting, Greater Cleave, Greater Two-Handed Fighting, Stunning Blow, Improved Shield Mastery, Improved Shield Bash, Improved Sunder, Greater Weapon Specialization (Slashing), Combat Expertise.

  2. #2
    Community Member lyrecono's Avatar
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    Default some questions

    what does 2 barb realy bring for tanking?

    have you concidered paly/monk multiclassing? 12/6/2
    my current dwarven defender has 2100 hp/saves 64+/con to damage/never miss besides a rolling a 1
    i can switch to plate (140 ish ac, still working on gear, 55% dr due to prr, 18 max dex bonus etc) or switch to robes for evasion.
    i could reach 2300hp but fear for my hate gen.

    Why improved sunder, can you get it 80+% of the time?
    is it worth the effort? barbs/kensai/monks can do it better
    are you planning to switch to kensai? if not why the weapon foc? with the new system, its not needed for hitting stuff
    i'm at work now but try the new planner later on.
    Last edited by lyrecono; 11-08-2013 at 09:18 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by lyrecono View Post
    what does 2 barb realy bring for tanking?

    have you concidered paly/monk multiclassing? 12/6/2
    my current dwarven defender has 2100 hp/saves 64+/con to damage/never miss besides a rolling a 1
    i can switch to plate (140 ish ac, still working on gear, 55% dr due to prr, 18 max dex bonus etc) or switch to robes for evasion.
    i could reach 2300hp but fear for my hate gen.

    Why improved sunder, can you get it 80+% of the time?
    is it worth the effort? barbs/kensai/monks can do it better
    are you planning to switch to kensai? if not why the weapon foc? with the new system, its not needed for hitting stuff
    i'm at work now but try the new planner later on.
    The Barbarian was for the Sprint Boost, added Constitution, and Damage Reduction enhancements....

    And for your question of considering Pally/Monk multi - I've just come back from a long absence, so I don't know what'd be best. But the idea was to go with a pure, or near pure fighter, rather than a 3 way split. If I do a multi, it'd be only 2 preferably, unless there's really something that'd be a lot better than 18 fighter..

    For the Improved Sunder - I don't know, didn't see any other feats to select. And for switching to Kensai - no. I do not know the new system, and those WERE going to be my enhancements. I don't know what'd be a good build to get now after the update.

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicBlade View Post
    The Barbarian was for the Sprint Boost, added Constitution, and Damage Reduction enhancements....
    Pre-U19, I would've said the fighter capstone (+10% doublestrike) was more important than any of that, esp. since Rage & defensive stance don't mix. However, in the new PrE system, the doublestrike bonus is in the Kensei tree, while the SD capstone is much less impressive: +2 CON, +2 tactics DCs, another action boost called Last Stand ("Your gain +100% Maximum hit points, +50 Physical Resistance Rating, and On Attacked: You are healed for 1d10 positive energy healing."). It is possible to take the capstone from one tree and the tier-5 abilities from another, so you could have Kensei capstone with Block&Cut from SD tree; the drawback is that costs so many APs (41 in Kensei, 33+ in SD) that have very little left for your racial tree.
    But the idea was to go with a pure, or near pure fighter, rather than a 3 way split. If I do a multi, it'd be only 2 preferably, unless there's really something that'd be a lot better than 18 fighter..
    If you're not going for the Kensei capstone, a pally splash just for Divine Grace is a huge boost to saves; if you Twist in Bane of Undeath from Unyielding Sentinel, you can also use Divine Might. Unfortunately, if you were planning on a barb splash, that means you're non-lawful, so you can't take pally w/out paying for alignment change.

    I've been leveling a pure dwarven defender the last month or so in a static duo: an old-fashioned "fighter+cleric" combo. Figures I would try to make a S&B tank right after Turbine turned monk "tanks" back into the "I WIN!" button. Anyway, I'll try to post my build later.
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  5. #5
    Community Member DareDelvis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lyrecono View Post
    what does 2 barb realy bring for tanking?

    have you concidered paly/monk multiclassing? 12/6/2
    my current dwarven defender has 2100 hp/saves 64+/con to damage/never miss besides a rolling a 1
    i can switch to plate (140 ish ac, still working on gear, 55% dr due to prr, 18 max dex bonus etc) or switch to robes for evasion.
    i could reach 2300hp but fear for my hate gen.

    Why improved sunder, can you get it 80+% of the time?
    is it worth the effort? barbs/kensai/monks can do it better
    are you planning to switch to kensai? if not why the weapon foc? with the new system, its not needed for hitting stuff
    i'm at work now but try the new planner later on.
    Is that 12 fighter/6 paly/ 2 monk?
    I have an old dwarf 18 paly/2 fighter that I have been trying to decide what to do with. Used to use d-axe, shield and has the embrace of the demon queen, currently level 23. I dont care if he stays tanky, was considering going to some twf build but interested in yours.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    Pre-U19, I would've said the fighter capstone (+10% doublestrike) was more important than any of that, esp. since Rage & defensive stance don't mix. However, in the new PrE system, the doublestrike bonus is in the Kensei tree, while the SD capstone is much less impressive: +2 CON, +2 tactics DCs, another action boost called Last Stand ("Your gain +100% Maximum hit points, +50 Physical Resistance Rating, and On Attacked: You are healed for 1d10 positive energy healing."). It is possible to take the capstone from one tree and the tier-5 abilities from another, so you could have Kensei capstone with Block&Cut from SD tree; the drawback is that costs so many APs (41 in Kensei, 33+ in SD) that have very little left for your racial tree.

    If you're not going for the Kensei capstone, a pally splash just for Divine Grace is a huge boost to saves; if you Twist in Bane of Undeath from Unyielding Sentinel, you can also use Divine Might. Unfortunately, if you were planning on a barb splash, that means you're non-lawful, so you can't take pally w/out paying for alignment change.

    I've been leveling a pure dwarven defender the last month or so in a static duo: an old-fashioned "fighter+cleric" combo. Figures I would try to make a S&B tank right after Turbine turned monk "tanks" back into the "I WIN!" button. Anyway, I'll try to post my build later.
    Since my character is a dwarf, a lot of it's main abilities lie with the racial, such as the racial con, toughness, ac... and more... if they still have them all.
    For the Kensai and SD capstones, Idk much about them, I had originally gave up on the capstone before with planning on barb - but as I've no second class yet (pure 6 fighter) I could go any direction with my fighter...

    Also, since I was planning on barb, my char is Chaotic Good - so can't go with pally, not even a splash.

    While Fighter + Cleric might be nice for the self heals, after a long absence, I don't think I'd be particularly willing to try it though. I've a cleric, lvl 4, that was going to be a battle cleric while leveling, then around 15-16 reset feats + enhancements and go healer... and before the update, and before I quit, I was able to solo at lvl elites no problem (same build diff char) partly because I knew exactly when to heal and when to fight... and now, I don't remember all that.

    If you've got a build you could post, I'd be grateful, looking for a mostly pure tank build, with some dps capability for hate tanking, a preferred method rather than intimi tanking.. although would be using both. If I can't find any good fighter tank builds... eh, idk what I'll do... but where it sits right now, chances are about 80% that I'll just delete and scrap all my characters and start all over. ((Lv 6 TRed Fighter, Lvl 15 Wizard, Lv 6 Monk, lv 4 Cleric.. none high level except my wizard, but I don't play on it, didn't even before I quit. And... since I now have only 4 spaces, rather than 10... I need to delete if I wanted to try out anything new, or a character that might be more fun for me, such as a ranged rogue or something..

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagicBlade View Post
    Since my character is a dwarf, a lot of it's main abilities lie with the racial, such as the racial con, toughness, ac... and more... if they still have them all.
    For the Kensai and SD capstones, Idk much about them, I had originally gave up on the capstone before with planning on barb - but as I've no second class yet (pure 6 fighter) I could go any direction with my fighter...

    Also, since I was planning on barb, my char is Chaotic Good - so can't go with pally, not even a splash.

    While Fighter + Cleric might be nice for the self heals, after a long absence, I don't think I'd be particularly willing to try it though. I've a cleric, lvl 4, that was going to be a battle cleric while leveling, then around 15-16 reset feats + enhancements and go healer... and before the update, and before I quit, I was able to solo at lvl elites no problem (same build diff char) partly because I knew exactly when to heal and when to fight... and now, I don't remember all that.

    If you've got a build you could post, I'd be grateful, looking for a mostly pure tank build, with some dps capability for hate tanking, a preferred method rather than intimi tanking.. although would be using both. If I can't find any good fighter tank builds... eh, idk what I'll do... but where it sits right now, chances are about 80% that I'll just delete and scrap all my characters and start all over. ((Lv 6 TRed Fighter, Lvl 15 Wizard, Lv 6 Monk, lv 4 Cleric.. none high level except my wizard, but I don't play on it, didn't even before I quit. And... since I now have only 4 spaces, rather than 10... I need to delete if I wanted to try out anything new, or a character that might be more fun for me, such as a ranged rogue or something..
    each character should have a LR20 heart sitting in their backpack somewhere, you can use that to lesser reincarnate all 20 class levels out to something else! so don't go nuking just yet, you can LR to rework them. maybe (if the name works) LR the wiz into a lvl15 char you do want to play? A light RP guild that's moved from Keeper in Europe to Thelanis
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReaperAlexEU View Post
    each character should have a LR20 heart sitting in their backpack somewhere, you can use that to lesser reincarnate all 20 class levels out to something else! so don't go nuking just yet, you can LR to rework them. maybe (if the name works) LR the wiz into a lvl15 char you do want to play?
    I thought that the Lesser Reincarnation only allowed you to reset your current class's Feats and Enhancements? Not switch to a different class - correct me if I'm wrong, been a while. Anyways, the Cleric and Monk could be nuked and restarted, as only lvl 4-6, and can easily start back at 4 if I wanted.

    "Characters that undergo Lesser Reincarnation retain their race, gender, alignment and their Class Selections. They are permitted to re-spend their ability points, change their feats, reallocate skill points, redo their spell selection, etc., or are free to select a path."

    My apologies, I just found the heat and read it, and I saw that the +20 LR hearts allow for all any class selection at any level, so long as no more than 3 classes taken..

    That'll be great since I can LR20 my Wizard to a different class - although, I've no idea what I want to LR her to... and then there's also the issue of the gear.. she's got a little gear atm, but nothing for a different class.
    Last edited by MagicBlade; 11-08-2013 at 11:49 AM.

  9. #9
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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