Last edited by Darthsarlacc; 12-20-2013 at 10:32 PM.
Does it have Ghostbane?
I never understand why the interest in newly released ghostbane consoles, they never have enough ghostbanes and you can never tell how their success with future ghostbanes will be. Its better to buy a matured ghostbane console that's had time to release a nice large ghostbane catalog. Then again, I applaud you for being an early ghostbane adopter, someone has to give them the support they need for future ghostbane success.
The newest computer can merely compound, at speed, the oldest problem in the relations between human beings, and in the end the communicator will be confronted with the old problem, of what to say and how to say it. - Edward R. Murrow (1964)
I never buy anything when it's just released. Ill wait a year or so to wait and see what the problems are.
My 360 still works **** fine.
The Fockers of Argo
LOOON (Rogue); Reaperbait (Warlock); Eatuhdiq (Sorc); Fuglymofo (Barbarian)
Buttscracher (Arty), Hobaggin (Druid)