Eventually, there will be more and more iconics
Iconics cost tp, so its a money maker.
Currently four iconics
There are plans for three more
Eventually probably eventually iconic numbers = 13+ class numbers.
That said, here is the important point.
Each time you gain an iconic past life, you gain a class past life.
Therefore, eventually, Fawngate will have Double Uber Completionist with only the first Uber Completionist counting.
Hence, would it be better to bring out a brand new toon to be my new One Toon Wonder?
I would love to hear YOUR thoughts on the matter, as its a HUGE decision.
{Yes I know this probably belongs only on my completionist thread, but I am not the only one who might need to consider this}
Fawnglow is a third life level one elf Wizard (past life cleric x2).
She has 3 greensteel cleansers and a SoS.
Fawngale is a fouth life level one elf Wizard (past life Favored Soul x2, Wizard x1)
She has little gear and could be converted into a Pure Favored Soul healer someday.
Fawngold is a second life bard (past life rogue)
She has little gear and could be a haggle bard eventually.
Or do I keep plugging away with Fawngate who has 41 lives?
She has more stuff than I can name, which is good but takes some of the fun away from finding new stuff.