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  1. #1
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Default Help me pick my new One Toon Wonder ~ thank you!

    Eventually, there will be more and more iconics
    Iconics cost tp, so its a money maker.

    Currently four iconics
    There are plans for three more
    Eventually probably eventually iconic numbers = 13+ class numbers.

    That said, here is the important point.

    Each time you gain an iconic past life, you gain a class past life.
    Therefore, eventually, Fawngate will have Double Uber Completionist with only the first Uber Completionist counting.

    Hence, would it be better to bring out a brand new toon to be my new One Toon Wonder?
    I would love to hear YOUR thoughts on the matter, as its a HUGE decision.
    {Yes I know this probably belongs only on my completionist thread, but I am not the only one who might need to consider this}

    Fawnglow is a third life level one elf Wizard (past life cleric x2).
    She has 3 greensteel cleansers and a SoS.

    Fawngale is a fouth life level one elf Wizard (past life Favored Soul x2, Wizard x1)
    She has little gear and could be converted into a Pure Favored Soul healer someday.

    Fawngold is a second life bard (past life rogue)
    She has little gear and could be a haggle bard eventually.

    Or do I keep plugging away with Fawngate who has 41 lives?
    She has more stuff than I can name, which is good but takes some of the fun away from finding new stuff.

  2. #2
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Anyone with over 20 past lives might ponder this for themselves?

  3. #3
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Won't stop me from punching out more lives even if I get some Heroic lives that won't count.

    Currently on life 18 so not quite in the same boat yet.

    1x Completionist
    2x Druid
    2x Artificer
    3x Monk
    Currently doing a Ranger life.

    I began in the Melee lives TWF with twin Deathnips a lot of fun then into Caster and Divine lives

    I enjoy playing as a repeater focused Artificer and will likely use a very similar build to gain Epic Pastlives maybe even the Iconics.

    Simply because it will be more efficient gear wise to not have to plan ahead for different builds and make sure to have room in my TR Cashe.

    I can dump a lot the items I am hording that are specific to melee or casters and focus on gear for only one class (the one I enjoy the most)

  4. #4
    2014 DDO Players Council
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    Were I in your situation, I'd stick to the Epic levels, either parking at cap, or doing Epic TRs if/when the whim takes you, on Fawngate, and do your Iconic TRs on Fawnglow.

    I'm only single-Completionist, but I'm only 3 more PLs away from having every class PL I want x3 done x3. I'm not as worried about it, though, simply because none of the Iconic past lives look at all compelling for my character. If they come out with one useful to me, well, I'll finally put my +20 heart to use before TRing into it.

  5. #5
    Community Member Blackheartox's Avatar
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    Well you might find it bit difficult to decide what to do.

    Yes, triple or close to triple complet are kinda.. screwed.. As you will be forced to do repeated stacking of past lifes.

    But, let me ask you the following question.

    Did you go triple completionist just for the fun of it? Or for the sake of making 1 toon the bestest possible?

    Personaly i went triple on my main for the cause of having everything in one at one toon and to gather various experiences of many builds on 1 toon.

    True im only 5 lifes away from triple, but il still be forced to repeat 7 lifes, and tbh id rather have a triple epic triple iconic triple heroic completionist on my main even tho il be forced to repeat lifes. Call it being emotionaly connected to him or my attitude.

    But i started triple route, at least this is my reason, because i wanted to get a max max toon, no matter if i had a use of most past lifes or not.

    Think for yoursefl, what was the reason you went triple?

    Was it just to compete with others? Or was it because you wanted to learn many things, enjoy tr-ing and look forward to what your toon will be once completed?

    If the answer is the later one and you want to make the toon you went thro so many experiences with the same old path of mindblowing grind, then cya in triple epic, triple iconic triple regular on your main ni couple mon, ergh years.

  6. #6
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Very much appreciate the input!
    Am reading all the posts and pondering.

  7. #7
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    If you're really working on 2, I'd do your iconics on Fawnglow, and vanilla epic reincarnates on Fawngate when you feel like it.

    Old-school raid gear is going to be a pain to get, and 3 cleansers are not as easily obtained today unless you can strong arm a bunch of folks to run shroud like we did 2 years ago. It also sets you up to be able to have some GS kit vary for that one, and since it'll start at 15 each life you can go right from there.

    For me, it's all about gear and inventory management, as sad as that sounds. I've got a WF character who I will soon turn into a Bladeforged and hammer out the rest of his lives by focusing on late-teens and epic gear only. Essentially, I'll ditch most of the ML11 and lower gear on him. I can't imagine trying to keep lower-level kit and higher level kit on the same character.

    I think this transition is what many of us will do. We'll knock out a few more lives on heroic maybe, but once we swap to capping and TRing at 28, we'll switch to iconic TRs (which is sad, as I like the 1-20 game, but it really looks like it's way too painful).
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  8. #8
    Ultimate Completionist
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    I think this transition is what many of us will do. We'll knock out a few more lives on heroic maybe, but once we swap to capping and TRing at 28, we'll switch to iconic TRs (which is sad, as I like the 1-20 game, but it really looks like it's way too painful).
    Nods, wondering if anyone will run 1 thru 14 anymore....

    And thanks, perhaps I'll move Fawnglow off of Korthos beach.
    I wonder which item I should take from her Raider's Box ~ Pinion? Needle?
    Maybe I'll just leave it packed up till I need to open it.

    Hmm...Fawnglow has 1:18 left on her 50% xp pot, that means she finished up her last life in record time for me.
    Kind of complicates things, don't want to play her yet with that serious an xp pot running...
    Last edited by Silverleafeon; 11-07-2013 at 10:42 AM.

  9. #9
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    Nods, wondering if anyone will run 1 thru 14 anymore....

    And thanks, perhaps I'll move Fawnglow off of Korthos beach.
    I wonder which item I should take from her Raider's Box ~ Pinion? Needle?
    Maybe I'll just leave it packed up till I need to open it.
    I'm likely to focus on 3 characters. The lack of iconics of all races makes playing some of them more difficult - I'm generally a substance-over-style guy but running lives as a PDK will make me cry inside.

    For the Raider box, I'm picking something that will be multi-life friendly. For any of my secondary farming toons (will they even be relevant?) the choice is easier - Bow-Guy gets Pinion, etc. I have a level 16 sorc I use to farm heroic stuff (she's made most of her XP just on freaking challenges) and I suspect my arti-crafter will end up in the same position - parked/pinned and used to farm mats (and tuned appropriately). Everyone else is looking a lot like a mule.

    For the multi-lifers who may go through more than a handful of epic/iconic lives I'm thinking Sireth personally - but will probably wait a bit until I get my head around gear-plans. My one is already a WF who tends to have monk/pal in the mix each life so Sireth makes sense for him. For the more caster-focused, I will likely wait and maybe even take the freaking comms.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  10. #10
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Mind you, the fact I'll still need to do the Coin Lord and House K tax annoys the **** out of me. K I can hit with epics, but there are going to be lots of iconics running through trivial (to them) content because they need two farging inventory tabs.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    Mind you, the fact I'll still need to do the Coin Lord and House K tax annoys the **** out of me. K I can hit with epics, but there are going to be lots of iconics running through trivial (to them) content because they need two farging inventory tabs.
    Level 15 , aye? Lordsmarch chain 1 will have no penalty to xp, is coin lords, and the 2nd will be streakable even.

  12. #12
    Ultimate Completionist
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    IQ I + II also grants coin lord favor.

    Used that option one life where I really messed up favor.

  13. #13
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silverleafeon View Post
    IQ I + II also grants coin lord favor.

    Used that option one life where I really messed up favor.
    Wow, that beats running through the harbor.

    Though, I will miss it.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

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