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  1. #1
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    Default THF Monk... Caster? ideas

    Hello Readers, Advisers, and all those much wiser than me at building toons,

    I have not played regularly since U12, but the new enhancement system has piqued my interest and seems to allow much more multi-classing. I build my toons mostly for flavor, but I like them to be able to fulfill their role in the party throughout Giant Hold and beyond. Also I cannot stand not being able to heal myself when needed, so pretending its going to be a solo build tends to help alot. I am VIP and have FvS unlocked.

    In effect I only have three rules for this build:

    1. Must fulfill the melee DPS party role by level 12 for GH and continue the role until TR.
    2. Must be self-healing and have enough survivability to TR solo w/ non-healing hireling (not including raids and heroics etc)
    3. Must be more flavorful than a rainbow lollipop by level 12, in this case, that means THF, no armor, slight casting ability (for ranged/aoe).

    Now to the lollipop; the flavor for this build comes from the following story, ideas, and picture:

    (Abridged) Studying martial arts since he was young, he learned how to center himself and 'evade' arrows. As he got older he discovered he could cast spells (either innate sorceror, divine blessing, or clickies), it never interested him that much but he kept practicing every once in a while and it became useful on occasion. One day a giant attacked his family, neither his magic nor his fists were useful enough beyond brief periods of being able to stun. He stunned the giant again and retreated to the village temple where a sacred greatsword said to have slain a dragon in years past resided. He grabbed the weapon and with all the might he has acquired throughout the years doing labor in the village brought the hefty blade down onto the giants knee cleaving it asunder from the rest of his body. Saving his family from the giant's plight, the large bladed weapon has never left his reach since. (pic)

    Now to the real meat and potatoes, the part I'm having trouble with, thank you for reading this far:

    By level 12 he should have 8 fighter levels and 2-3 monk levels already and by the time he leaves GH he should have 9 levels of monk. the third class for spellcasting I can't figure out, since its going to be at least 9monk/8fighter that leaves 3 levels for something else. I'm not sure if I should take 12 levels of monk for abundant step or not. and if I do then his casting must come from clickies.

    other things:

    Full THF feat line
    All feats required for Kensei - one with the blade
    Either max dodge or AC as much as possible, I'm not familiar with how to do this without armor lol
    Grandmaster of forms likely
    figuring out how to max the DC on stunning blow to make it effective
    Where are my self heals coming from???

    Thank you for reading and thanks in advance for your advice/help in making this build a reality. I will update OP as I get responses that apply

    EDIT: Has been edited for corrections
    Last edited by Forlorn_Faithful; 11-05-2013 at 06:05 AM.

  2. #2
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    Also I looked pretty thoroughly through the forums for a similar build, the Centered Cleaver coming the closest to what I wanted.

    This is what I have so far:
    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.19.03
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 20 Lawful Neutral Human Male
    (8 Fighter \ 9 Monk \ 3 Druid) 
    Hit Points: 253
    Spell Points: 272 
    BAB: 16\16\21\26\26
    Fortitude: 16
    Reflex: 10
    Will: 12
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (28 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             16                    21
    Dexterity            14                    14
    Constitution         14                    14
    Intelligence          8                     8
    Wisdom               14                    14
    Charisma              8                     8
    Level 1 (Monk)
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Cleave
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Dodge
    Feat: (Selected) Power Attack
    Level 2 (Druid)
    Level 3 (Monk)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Two Handed Fighting
    Level 4 (Druid)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Feat: (Druid Wild Shape) Wild Shape: Wolf
    Level 5 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Path) Path of Inevitable Dominion: Fists of Darkness
    Level 6 (Druid)
    Feat: (Selected) Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Level 7 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Great Cleave
    Level 8 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Stunning Blow
    Level 9 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Two Handed Fighting
    Level 10 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Weapon Specialization: Slashing Weapons
    Level 11 (Fighter)
    Level 12 (Fighter)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Feat: (Selected) Adept of Forms
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Improved Critical: Slashing Weapons
    Level 13 (Fighter)
    Level 14 (Fighter)
    Feat: (Fighter Bonus) Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing Weapons
    Level 15 (Monk)
    Feat: (Selected) Master of Forms
    Level 16 (Monk)
    Level 17 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Toughness
    Level 18 (Monk)
    Feat: (Selected) Grandmaster of Forms
    Level 19 (Monk)
    Level 20 (Monk)
    Ability Raise: STR
    Thanks again in advance!

    EDITed (a few times):
    Currently considering 9monk/8fighter/3druid Thoughts?
    Also looking at Human and Horc races, please advise
    Last edited by Forlorn_Faithful; 11-05-2013 at 08:05 AM.

  3. #3
    Community Member korsat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forlorn_Faithful View Post
    Hello Readers, Advisers, and all those much wiser than me at building toons,

    I have not played regularly since U12, but the new enhancement system has piqued my interest and seems to allow much more multi-classing. I build my toons mostly for flavor, but I like them to be able to fulfill their role in the party throughout Giant Hold and beyond. Also I cannot stand not being able to heal myself when needed, so pretending its going to be a solo build tends to help alot. I am VIP and have FvS unlocked.

    In effect I only have three rules for this build:

    1. Must fulfill the melee party role of melee DPS by level 12 for GH and continue the role until TR.
    2. Must be self-healing and have enough survivability to TR solo w/ non-healing hireling (not including raids and heroics etc)
    3. Must be more flavorful than a rainbow lollipop by level 12, in this case, that means THF, no armor, slight casting ability (for ranged/aoe).

    Now to the lollipop; the flavor for this build comes from the following story, ideas, and picture:

    (Abridged) Studying martial arts since he was young, he learned how to center himself and 'evade' arrows. As he got older he discovered he could cast spells (either innate sorceror or divine blessing), it never interested him that much but he kept practicing every once in a while and it became useful on occasion. One day a giant attacked his family, neither his magic nor his fists were useful enough beyond brief periods of being able to stun. He stunned the giant again and retreated to the village temple where a sacred greatsword said to have slain a dragon in years past resided. He grabbed the weapon and with all the might he has acquired throughout the years doing labor in the village brought the hefty blade down onto the giants knee cleaving it asunder from the rest of his body. Saving his family from the giant's plight, the large bladed weapon has never left his reach since. (pic)

    Now to the real meat and potatoes, the part I'm having trouble with, thank you for reading this far:

    By level 12 he should have 6 fighter levels and 2-3 monk levels already and by the time he leaves GH he should have 9 levels of monk. the third class for spellcasting I can't figure out, since its going to be at least 9monk/6fighter that leaves 5 levels for something else. I'm not sure if I should take 12 levels of monk for abundant step or not. and if I do that leaves only 2 levels for the spell caster class which just probably isn't enough unless his casting comes from clickies.

    other things:

    Full THF feat line
    All feats required for Kensei - one with the blade
    Either max dodge or AC as much as possible, I'm not familiar with how to do this without armor lol
    Grandmaster of forms likely
    figuring out how to max the DC on stunning blow to make it effective
    Where are my self heals coming from???

    Thank you for reading and thanks in advance for your advice/help in making this build a reality. I will update OP as I get responses that apply
    welcome back!
    ok this can be a really solid build.
    you need 8 levels of fighter for greater weapon focus (prereq of one with the blade) so you want to get the 8 fighter early if you want to stay centered.

    8fighter/9monk for improved evasion is a good platform, now you can choose different 3rd class split. 3 fvs or cleric looks very solid for warpriest divine might and dr 5/-, enough sp to cast cocoon all the times you want with empower healing feat (this is more epic levels oriented I think). 3 ranger gives you ranged power, you just need to find space for manyshot and point blank (maybe precision if have enough feats).

    I would go 1monk--> 1monk/3fvs for some healing ability and dr 5/- (great on low levels)--> 3monk/3 fvs for evasion and movement speed--> 3monk/8fighter/3fvs to stay centered with a two handed weapon --> 9monk/8f/3fvs for improved evasion.

    In this way you won't have improved evasion before 20 but fvs+monk levels give you very good saves and evasion may suffice till you hit cap.

    Think this can be a very solid build even and especially for epic levels. feats are quite obvious: all the prereq for the kensei tree, empower healing, cleaves, master of forms and grandmaster after you get lvl 6 monk. thf line can be dropped if you don't have space imo.

    I hope this can help
    have fun!

    EDIT: use a staff to stay centered while waiting for 8th fighter level, races can be human for extra feat and healing amplification, dwarf if you plan to play with cleaver (you have -2 starting cha but can still hit good score for divine might) or helf for paladin dilly.
    Stats if human: 16 (lvl ups) 14 16 8 12 14, human should have enough skill points to max heal, balance, umd, 10 points into jump and 1 into tumble even with 8 starting int. need +2 to +4 tome thou, or drop dex to 12 and raise int to 10.
    Last edited by korsat; 11-05-2013 at 05:26 AM.
    Avenlight - Human - 12Fvs/6Monk/2Pal/8Epic
    Avenlight - Human - 17Cleric/2Monk/1Fighter/8Epic
    Korsat - Dwarf - 18Wizard/2Monk/8Epic
    Zendark - Halfelf - 12Monk/6Ranger/2Fighter/8Epic

    Korsat's Build Index

    ROS, Argonessen.

  4. #4
    Community Member Kawai's Avatar
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    Default lost at Melee party role.
    what are this?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by korsat View Post
    1. welcome back!

    2. 8fighter/9monk for improved evasion is a good platform, now you can choose different 3rd class split. 3 fvs or cleric looks very solid for warpriest divine might and dr 5/-, enough sp to cast cocoon all the times you want with empower healing feat (this is more epic levels oriented I think). 3 ranger gives you ranged power, you just need to find space for manyshot and point blank (maybe precision if have enough feats).

    3. I would go 1monk--> 1monk/3fvs for some healing ability and dr 5/- (great on low levels)--> 3monk/3 fvs for evasion and movement speed--> 3monk/8fighter/3fvs to stay centered with a two handed weapon --> 9monk/8f/3fvs for improved evasion.

    4. I hope this can help
    have fun!

    5. EDIT: use a staff to stay centered while waiting for 8th fighter level, races can be human for extra feat and healing amplification, dwarf if you plan to play with cleaver (you have -2 starting cha but can still hit good score for divine might) or helf for paladin dilly.
    Stats if human: 16 (lvl ups) 14 16 8 12 14, human should have enough skill points to max heal, balance, umd, 10 points into jump and 1 into tumble even with 8 starting int. need +2 to +4 tome thou, or drop dex to 12 and raise int to 10.
    1. Thank you!

    2. Lol you're right, i was just figuring that out with the ddochargen tool and was about to edit my posts, I was hoping to stay with Cleric or Druid to keep out of the CHA sink, my stats (28 points for now) are stretched alot good advice for the DR and divine might!

    3. This was really good for helping me pick my level progression, I really want to have one with the blade by 12 or 13, so maybe 1monk->1monk/2cleric(druid)->2(3)monk/(2/3cleric(druid)/8fighter->9monk/8fighter/2(3)cleric(druid)? what do you think?

    4. You helped a lot! thanks!

    5. Yeah figured using staff was the only way, So far human for the feat and skill points is very attractive, Helf for the dilly and wand/scrolls, or Horc for the 18str at start without much sacrifice and the THF enhancements which are pretty enticing. so far for human and Helf looking at 16 14 14 8 14 8, Horc is 18 14 14 6 14 6 What do you think about this point spread for 28point build? I haven't played in a while so some stats may be worth more than others now and there is probably more items I can get later etc etc.

    Thanks so much for the advice!

  6. #6
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    Last edited by Forlorn_Faithful; 11-05-2013 at 07:17 AM.

  7. #7
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    Posted generic build in OP#2

    advice would be helpful, the druid/cleric question is hard for me to solve since the last time I played there were no druids that i remember, but the enhancements and spells seem to work better, probably put a bit in umd so i can use wands/scrolls as suggested. Even though I really want to use a Horc it seems that I need the feat unless i can do without dodge, but every build with monk in it seems to have dodge so i trust their judgement. also couldn't manage to fit GTHF in the ddochargen as apparently it nor Master of Forms/GMoF are monk class feats, meh, had to take adept of forms at level 12 otherwise I would not be able to get GMoF

    Edit the only difference between the Human and Horcs featwise would be no ITHF feat and a rearranging of the rest, in trade for more str and enhancements, still undecided. Ehancements get tight with Horc as well. THank you for helping me
    Last edited by Forlorn_Faithful; 11-05-2013 at 07:57 AM.

  8. #8
    Community Member korsat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forlorn_Faithful View Post
    Posted generic build in OP#2

    advice would be helpful, the druid/cleric question is hard for me to solve since the last time I played there were no druids that i remember, but the enhancements and spells seem to work better, probably put a bit in umd so i can use wands/scrolls as suggested. Even though I really want to use a Horc it seems that I need the feat unless i can do without dodge, but every build with monk in it seems to have dodge so i trust their judgement. also couldn't manage to fit GTHF in the ddochargen as apparently it nor Master of Forms/GMoF are monk class feats, meh, had to take adept of forms at level 12 otherwise I would not be able to get GMoF

    Edit the only difference between the Human and Horcs featwise would be no ITHF feat and a rearranging of the rest, in trade for more str and enhancements, still undecided. Ehancements get tight with Horc as well. THank you for helping me
    I took a look at OP #2, I don't see reasons of going druid if not just for rams might, but on a thf build it's not as good as on twf.

    fvs is better than cleric for +3 reflex over cleric and more sp. You will use the warpriest tree only probably and wisdom (and dex too in case) can be totally dropped if you don't have enough stat points, can raise cha for dm and saves (love the helf paladin dilly for this) instead. If you want I can help with progression and feat choice on the 8f/9m/3fvs since I'm interested too in this kind of split. I think you will need a champion (32 pb) at least, so you would better use one of your old toons and farm favors... I think it will be fast, a couple of days to unlock it. Then you can start with a good build and enjoy the new epic content.

    Let me know

    EDIT: atm best races in my opinion are human or helf, horc is behind since you don't necessary need 18 starting strenght and penalities on cha and wis are heavy.

    If you want to play a more caster oriented toon (more cleric levels) and be able to be primary healer when needed but at the same time stay centered with max dps with wraps, take a look at avenlight build in my sign. you will find a video with dps/healing power test and tell me what do you think it's doable also in this case with a 32 pb.
    Last edited by korsat; 11-05-2013 at 08:23 AM.
    Avenlight - Human - 12Fvs/6Monk/2Pal/8Epic
    Avenlight - Human - 17Cleric/2Monk/1Fighter/8Epic
    Korsat - Dwarf - 18Wizard/2Monk/8Epic
    Zendark - Halfelf - 12Monk/6Ranger/2Fighter/8Epic

    Korsat's Build Index

    ROS, Argonessen.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by korsat View Post
    1. I took a look at OP #2, I don't see reasons of going druid if not just for rams might, but on a thf build it's not as good as on twf.

    2. fvs is better than cleric for +3 reflex over cleric and more sp. You will use the warpriest tree only probably and wisdom (and dex too in case) can be totally dropped if you don't have enough stat points, can raise cha for dm and saves (love the helf paladin dilly for this) instead. If you want I can help with progression and feat choice on the 8f/9m/3fvs since I'm interested too in this kind of split. I think you will need a champion (32 pb) at least, so you would better use one of your old toons and farm favors... I think it will be fast, a couple of days to unlock it. Then you can start with a good build and enjoy the new epic content.

    3. EDIT: atm best races in my opinion are human or helf, horc is behind since you don't necessary need 18 starting strenght and penalities on cha and wis are heavy.
    1. I found the enhancements to be better, the heals a little weaker earlier but later I wont be using the class for heals anyways. Rams might was a point along with the flame blade spell for THF sword before level 12 (flavory). I think without the CHA and divine might the warpriest line isn't very useful especially since I wont be using the favored weapon.

    2. Yeah a lot of anything else that I could do to improve the build requires 32pt and up unfortunately, I've been farming favor most of the night on thelanis but maybe I'll TR first and skip the 32pt until a different toon.

    3.Horc doesn't have a wis penalty, but I decided that horc wouldn't be good anyways, too feat starved and such.

    I'm starting to get tired now, thanks for helping me, anything specific you would fix on the build posted?

    EDIT: Man do I have a headache, definitely shouldn't stay up playing and build testing that long again O.o Thanks for all the advice so far, just ran catacombs last night elite at level 4, seemed pretty squishy but able to hit and kill effectively. HOpefully I'll be able to get some more survivability by level 6.
    Last edited by Forlorn_Faithful; 11-05-2013 at 07:07 PM.

  10. #10
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    Level 6, 3monk/3druid as described in the second OP.

    Notes: High DPS, really only getting out DPS'd by people on their 3+life lol, but I got a bunch of awesome drops early on, so I'll see once everyone else starts having gear too.

    Was pretty squishy for a while until I started maxing up dodge chance, probably need to raise PRR or DR or something pretty soon too.

    3 Druid levels might have been the wrong way to do, the spell flame blade led me to believe 2 handed version existed but really its a TWF version of the spell, nothing in the 2nd level of druids spells I saw can't be replicated with clickies/pots, however level was pretty helpful with rams might and shillagh at lower levels increasing my DPS, I think cleric for self healing might be better for a 28pt build, but after I tr will probably try building a FvS version.

    Hold person and Traps are the bane of my existence, will definitely have to find a way to increase my saves, another reason FvS would probably be great... Although three levels of Paladin might be better, remains to be seen.

    I'll update again when I get towards GH or if I notice any crippling weaknesses. Any more advice is still appreciated, thanks for the help so far guys

  11. #11
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    Hey guys,

    Running Gianthold quests on elite at level 11-12, pretty squishy even with a pretty high dodge which I can max for tough fights, I suppose I have to increase my PRR or DR for when I get hit. DPS is starting to fall back now below the regular DPSers.

    Any suggestions how to increase my PRR, DR or other ways to increase my survivability?

  12. #12
    Community Member Arkadios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forlorn_Faithful View Post
    Hey guys,

    Running Gianthold quests on elite at level 11-12, pretty squishy even with a pretty high dodge which I can max for tough fights, I suppose I have to increase my PRR or DR for when I get hit. DPS is starting to fall back now below the regular DPSers.

    Any suggestions how to increase my PRR, DR or other ways to increase my survivability?
    Without meaning to it seems I'm playing a similar build on my main for his monk life (same level split, but dwarf and couldn't fit the THF line in). I tR'd 2 days ago so currently level 5 :P.

    Now a few things, why fists of darkness? Fists of light would give you some better healing + 1min blur, -25%sp cost and other ele/light/ele finishers. You can still pick up shadow veil from ninja spy too. Fists of darkness is currently inferior in every way (tod has been heavily nerfed and when you're T5'ing kensai won't be able to reach it anyway). Also You get adept of forms for free at monk 6 so I'd swap that out for something else (deflect arrows or imp sunder). Pick up master of forms at 18 (earth gives +1crit multipler so grandmaster isn't so important if you can't fit it in).

    Now a few things on survivability first off, you're running gianthold at 11-12 personally I'd still be running von/sc at those levels and wouldn't be running gianthold elites until 14-16 (so waiting a bit longer would help your survivability) however, make sure you have a +30hp item, +20vitality, 100%fort, Speed (VI is 30% I believe) and +6's on all stats (Or +5's/+4's if you can't afford it/would give an uneven number) And the best dps weapon you can find, looks like you don't get centred with axes/whatever you've chosen until 14 so make sure you've got the best Qstaff you can find in the AH until you can start swinging your Axe.
    Quote Originally Posted by katz View Post
    wow. i actually made it to someone's sig! O.o


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