(Sorry if this was all already discussed somewhere else, if so pointers in that direction would be nice...?)
How did this Ameliorating Strike thing go again?
Yes, AS is affected by positive spellpower, I get that. It's also at base 1d2 per character level, and affects nearby living allies, but...
Does it work on summons, pets, warforged? Do I need to avoid doing that near friendly palemasters?
Does it count as a spell/SLA...? As in, do any metamagics do anything to it (Do they count as spellpower here or not? Maximize different from Empower Heal here?)? What of the Radiant Servant Intense Healing, or Warpriest's own Sacred Touch?
(Actually, do Maximize/Empower work on Divine Vessel as well...?)
And, I get it that it works for both swings if TWF, right. But for THF, can you get AS to proc on a glancing blow? As in, is it a "normal swing" that can get glancing blows at all, and if yes, does AS proc 1) on any damage 2) only when "effects" go off 3) not at all?
What of doublestrikes?